Syntax10.Scn.Fnt MODULE Kepler4; (* J. Templ, 18.3.91 *) IMPORT Viewers, KeplerGraphs, KeplerFrames, Oberon, Texts, TextFrames, KeplerPorts, Display, Files, Fonts, Kepler2; CONST ML = 2; MM = 1; MR = 0; TYPE Icon* = POINTER TO IconDesc; IconDesc* = RECORD (KeplerFrames.ButtonDesc) fnt*: Fonts.Font; V: Viewers.Viewer; END ; Galaxy* = POINTER TO GalaxyDesc; GalaxyDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) G*: KeplerGraphs.Graph END ; (* ---------------------------------- Icon ---------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (I: Icon) Execute* (keys: SET); VAR X, Y: INTEGER; V, V1: Viewers.Viewer; N: Oberon.ControlMsg; msg: Viewers.ViewerMsg; BEGIN IF keys = {MM} THEN IF I.V = NIL THEN IF ~Oberon.Pointer.on THEN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, X, Y); := Oberon.mark; N.X := X; N.Y := Y; V := Viewers.This(X, Y-1); V.handle(V, N) ELSE V := Viewers.This(Oberon.Pointer.X, Oberon.Pointer.Y-1) END ; I.Execute^({MM}); V1 := Viewers.This(Oberon.Pointer.X, Oberon.Pointer.Y-1); IF V1 # V THEN I.V := V1 END; (* heuristic *) ELSIF I.V.state = 0 THEN Viewers.Open(I.V, I.V.X, I.V.Y+I.V.H); := Viewers.restore; I.V.handle(I.V, msg) END ELSIF (keys = {ML, MM}) & (I.cmd #"") THEN IF ~Oberon.Pointer.on THEN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, X, Y); := Oberon.mark; N.X := X; N.Y := Y; V := Viewers.This(X, Y-1); V.handle(V, N) ELSE V := Viewers.This(Oberon.Pointer.X, Oberon.Pointer.Y-1) END ; I.Execute^({MM}); V1 := Viewers.This(Oberon.Pointer.X, Oberon.Pointer.Y-1); IF V1 # V THEN I.V := V1 END; (* heuristic *) ELSE I.Execute^(keys) END END Execute; PROCEDURE (I: Icon) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); BEGIN F.DrawRect(I.p[0].x, I.p[0].y, I.p[1].x - I.p[0].x, I.p[1].y - I.p[0].y, Display.white, Display.replace); F.DrawString(I.p[0].x + 12, I.p[0].y - I.fnt.minY * 4 + 4, I.par, I.fnt, Display.white, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE (I: Icon) Read* (VAR R: Files.Rider); VAR fnt: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN I.Read^(R); Files.ReadString(R, fnt); I.fnt := Fonts.This(fnt); I.V := NIL END Read; PROCEDURE (I: Icon) Write* (VAR R: Files.Rider); BEGIN I.Write^(R); Files.WriteString(R, END Write; PROCEDURE NewIcon*; VAR i: Icon; o: Kepler2.Offset; c: KeplerGraphs.Constellation; ch: CHAR; k, dx, d0, d1, d2, d3: INTEGER; d4, beg, end, time: LONGINT; R: Texts.Reader; S: Texts.Scanner; T: Texts.Text; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 1 THEN NEW(i); i.nofpts := 2; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(i.p[0]); NEW(o); i.p[1] := o; o.refcnt := 1; NEW(c); o.c := c; c.p[0] := i.p[0]; c.nofpts := 1; INC(c.p[0].refcnt); i.V := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); Texts.OpenReader(R, i.V.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0); Texts.Read(R, ch); i.fnt := R.fnt; k := 0; o.dx := 20; WHILE ch = " " DO Texts.Read(R, ch) END ; WHILE ch > " " DO i.par[k] := ch; INC(k); Display.GetChar(i.fnt.raster, ch, dx, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4); INC(o.dx, dx*4); Texts.Read(R, ch) END ; i.par[k] := 0X; o.dy := (i.fnt.height + 4)*4; o.Calc; Oberon.GetSelection(T, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, T, beg); Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class = Texts.Name THEN COPY(S.s, i.cmd) END END ; KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(i); END END NewIcon; (* ---------------------------------- Galaxy ---------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (self: Galaxy) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); BEGIN INC(F.x0, self.p[0].x); INC(F.y0, self.p[0].y); self.G.Draw(F); DEC(F.x0, self.p[0].x); DEC(F.y0, self.p[0].y) END Draw; PROCEDURE *Dummy(op: INTEGER; g: KeplerGraphs.Graph; c: KeplerGraphs.Object); END Dummy; PROCEDURE (self: Galaxy) Read* (VAR R: Files.Rider); VAR o: KeplerGraphs.Object; BEGIN self.Read^(R); KeplerGraphs.ReadObj(R, o); self.G := o(KeplerGraphs.Graph) END Read; PROCEDURE (self: Galaxy) Write* (VAR R: Files.Rider); BEGIN self.Write^(R); KeplerGraphs.WriteObj(R, self.G) END Write; PROCEDURE NewGalaxy*; VAR G: KeplerGraphs.Graph; Gx: Galaxy; M: KeplerFrames.SelMsg; offset: Kepler2.Offset; p0: KeplerGraphs.Star; B: KeplerPorts.BalloonPort; BEGIN M.time := 0; Viewers.Broadcast(M); IF (M.time > 0) & (KeplerFrames.nofpts > 0) THEN KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(p0); NEW(G); G.notify := KeplerFrames.NotifyDisplay; G.CopySelection(M.G, 0, 0); G.All(0); NEW(B); KeplerPorts.InitBalloon(B); G.Draw(B); G.All(1); G.MoveSelection(-B.X, -B.Y); G.All(0); NEW(offset); NEW(offset.c); offset.dx := B.W; offset.dy := B.H; offset.c.p[0] := p0; INC(p0.refcnt); offset.refcnt := 1; offset.c.nofpts := 1; offset.Calc; NEW(Gx); Gx.G := G; G := KeplerFrames.Focus; Gx.p[0] := p0; Gx.p[1] := offset; Gx.nofpts := 2; G.Append(p0); G.Append(offset); G.Append(Gx) END END NewGalaxy; (* ---------------------------------- Button ---------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE NewButton*; VAR o: KeplerFrames.Button; beg, end, time, i: LONGINT; S: Texts.Scanner; T: Texts.Text; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 2 THEN Oberon.GetSelection(T, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, T, beg); Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class = Texts.Name THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 2; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[1]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o); COPY(S.s, o.cmd); i := 0; WHILE Texts.Pos(S) < end DO Texts.Read(S, o.par[i]); INC(i) END END END END END NewButton; PROCEDURE UpdateButton*; VAR o: KeplerFrames.Button; beg, end, time, i: LONGINT; S: Texts.Scanner; T: Texts.Text; BEGIN o := KeplerFrames.MarkedButton(); IF o # NIL THEN Oberon.GetSelection(T, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, T, beg); Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class = Texts.Name THEN COPY(S.s, o.cmd); i := 0; WHILE Texts.Pos(S) < end DO Texts.Read(S, o.par[i]); INC(i) END END END END END UpdateButton; END Kepler4.