Syntax10.Scn.Fnt MODULE Kepler1; (* J. Templ, 5.11.90/27.09.93 *) IMPORT KeplerGraphs, KeplerFrames, KeplerPorts, Math, Oberon, Texts, Files, Fonts, Display, In; CONST ArrLen = 44; ArrAngle = Math.pi / 6; (*30 DEG*) fg = Display.white; TYPE Rectangle* = POINTER TO RectangleDesc; RectangleDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) END ; Texture* = POINTER TO TextureDesc; TextureDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) pat*: INTEGER; END ; Line* = POINTER TO LineDesc; LineDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) END ; Circle* = POINTER TO CircleDesc; CircleDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) END ; Ellipse* = POINTER TO EllipseDesc; EllipseDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) END ; String* = POINTER TO StringDesc; (*for backward compatibility only*) StringDesc* = RECORD (KeplerFrames.CaptionDesc) END ; HShape* = POINTER TO HShapeDesc; HShapeDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) END ; H90Shape* = POINTER TO H90ShapeDesc; H90ShapeDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) END ; AttrLine* = POINTER TO AttrDesc; AttrDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) width*, a1*, a2*: INTEGER; (* line width, arrow kind, 0= no arrow, 1 = norm arrow *) END ; Triangle* = POINTER TO TriangleDesc; TriangleDesc* = RECORD (KeplerGraphs.ConsDesc) pat*: INTEGER END ; (* ------------------------------- Rectangle ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE MinMax(x, y: INTEGER; VAR min, max: INTEGER); BEGIN IF x < y THEN min := x; max := y ELSE min := y; max := x END END MinMax; PROCEDURE (R: Rectangle) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); VAR minx, maxx, miny, maxy: INTEGER; BEGIN MinMax(R.p[0].x, R.p[1].x, minx, maxx); MinMax(R.p[0].y, R.p[1].y, miny, maxy); F.DrawRect(minx, miny, maxx-minx, maxy-miny, Display.white, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE NewRectangle*; VAR o: Rectangle; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 2 THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 2; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[1]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o); END END NewRectangle; (* ------------------------------- Texture ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (T: Texture) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); VAR minx, maxx, miny, maxy: INTEGER; BEGIN MinMax(T.p[0].x, T.p[1].x, minx, maxx); MinMax(T.p[0].y, T.p[1].y, miny, maxy); F.FillRect(minx, miny, maxx-minx, maxy-miny, Display.white, T.pat, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE (T: Texture) Write* (VAR R: Files.Rider); BEGIN Files.WriteNum(R, T.pat); T.Write^(R) END Write; PROCEDURE (T: Texture) Read* (VAR R: Files.Rider); VAR i: LONGINT; BEGIN Files.ReadNum(R, i); T.pat := SHORT (i); T.Read^(R) END Read; PROCEDURE NewTexture*; VAR o: Texture; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 2 THEN In.Open; In.Int(i); IF In.Done THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 2; o.pat := i; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[1]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o) END END END NewTexture; (* ------------------------------- Line ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (L: Line) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); BEGIN F.DrawLine(L.p[0].x, L.p[0].y, L.p[1].x, L.p[1].y, Display.white, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE NewLine*; VAR o: Line; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 2 THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 2; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[1]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o); END END NewLine; (* ------------------------------- Circle ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (C: Circle) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); VAR a, b: LONGINT; r: INTEGER; BEGIN a := C.p[0].x - C.p[1].x; b := C.p[0].y - C.p[1].y; r := SHORT(ENTIER(Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b))); F.DrawCircle(C.p[0].x, C.p[0].y, r, Display.white, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE NewCircle*; VAR o: Circle; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 2 THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 2; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[1]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o); END END NewCircle; (* ------------------------------- Ellipse ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (E: Ellipse) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); VAR a, b, tmpx, tmpy, temp : INTEGER; BEGIN tmpx := E.p[1].x - E.p[0].x; tmpy := E.p[2].y - E.p[0].y; MinMax( tmpx, -tmpx, temp, a ); MinMax( tmpy, -tmpy, temp, b ); E.p[2].x := E.p[0].x; E.p[1].y := E.p[0].y; F.DrawEllipse(E.p[0].x, E.p[0].y, a, b, Display.white, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE NewEllipse*; VAR o: Ellipse; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 3 THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 3; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[1]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[2]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o); END END NewEllipse; (* ------------------------------- Captions ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE NewString*; (*for backward compatibility only*) VAR o: KeplerFrames.Caption; beg, end, time: LONGINT; R: Texts.Reader; T: Texts.Text; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 1 THEN Oberon.GetSelection(T, beg, end, time); IF time > 0 THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 1; In.Open; In.Int(i); IF ~In.Done THEN o.align := 0 ELSE o.align := SHORT(i) END ; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, beg); Texts.Read(R, ch); o.fnt := R.fnt; i := 0; WHILE (ch >= " ") & (i < 128) & (Texts.Pos(R) <= end) DO o.s[i] := ch; INC(i); Texts.Read(R, ch) END ; o.s[i] := 0X; KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o) END END END NewString; PROCEDURE ChangeFont*; VAR G: KeplerGraphs.Graph; c: KeplerGraphs.Constellation; fntname: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font; F: KeplerPorts.BalloonPort; BEGIN In.Open; In.Name(fntname); KeplerFrames.GetSelection(G); IF (G # NIL) & In.Done THEN fnt := Fonts.This(fntname); IF fntname = THEN NEW(F); KeplerPorts.InitBalloon(F); c := G.cons; WHILE c # NIL DO WITH c: KeplerFrames.Caption DO IF c.State() = 2 THEN c.Draw(F); c.fnt := fnt; c.Draw(F) END ELSE END ; c := END ; G.notify(KeplerGraphs.restore, G, NIL, F) END END END ChangeFont; PROCEDURE ChangeAlign*; VAR G: KeplerGraphs.Graph; c: KeplerGraphs.Constellation; align: INTEGER; F: KeplerPorts.BalloonPort; BEGIN In.Open; In.Int(align); KeplerFrames.GetSelection(G); IF (G # NIL) & In.Done THEN IF (0 <= align) & (align <= 6) THEN NEW(F); KeplerPorts.InitBalloon(F); c := G.cons; WHILE c # NIL DO WITH c: KeplerFrames.Caption DO IF c.State() = 2 THEN c.Draw(F); c.align := SHORT(align); c.Draw(F) END ELSE END ; c := END ; G.notify(KeplerGraphs.restore, G, NIL, F) END END END ChangeAlign; (* ------------------------------- HShape ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (self: HShape) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); BEGIN F.DrawLine(self.p[0].x, self.p[1].y, self.p[2].x, self.p[1].y, Display.white, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE NewHShape*; VAR h: HShape; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 3 THEN NEW(h); h.nofpts := 3; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(h.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(h.p[1]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(h.p[2]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(h) END END NewHShape; (* ------------------------------- H90Shape ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (self: H90Shape) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); BEGIN F.DrawLine(self.p[1].x, self.p[0].y, self.p[1].x, self.p[2].y, Display.white, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE NewH90Shape*; VAR h: H90Shape; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 3 THEN NEW(h); h.nofpts := 3; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(h.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(h.p[1]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(h.p[2]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(h) END END NewH90Shape; (* ------------------------------- AttrLine ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE Sign ( x : LONGINT ) : INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < 0 THEN RETURN - 1 ELSE RETURN 1 END END Sign; PROCEDURE GetPoint2 ( x, y, dx, dy : LONGINT; angle : REAL; VAR aX, aY : INTEGER; ArrLen: INTEGER ); VAR h, s : LONGINT; cos, t: REAL; BEGIN aX := SHORT(x - ENTIER (Math.cos ( angle ) * ArrLen + 0.5) * Sign ( dx )); aY := SHORT(y - ENTIER ( Math.sin ( angle ) * ArrLen + 0.5 ) * Sign ( dx )); END GetPoint2; PROCEDURE DrawArrow (F: KeplerPorts.Port; x1, y1, x2, y2 : LONGINT; ArrLen: INTEGER; ArrAngle: REAL); CONST MinLen = 40; VAR angle : REAL; dx, dy : LONGINT; ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ArrLen < MinLen THEN ArrLen := MinLen END ; dx := x2 - x1; dy := y2 - y1; IF dx # 0 THEN angle := Math.arctan ( dy / dx ) ELSE angle := Sign ( dy ) * ( Math.pi / 2 ) END; GetPoint2 ( x2, y2, dx, dy, angle - ArrAngle / 2, ax1, ay1, ArrLen ); GetPoint2 ( x2, y2, dx, dy, angle + ArrAngle / 2, ax2, ay2, ArrLen ); F.FillQuad(ax1, ay1, SHORT(x2), SHORT(y2), ax2, ay2, ax2, ay2, fg, 5, Display.replace); END DrawArrow; PROCEDURE Round(x: REAL): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(x + 0.5)) END Round; PROCEDURE (A: AttrLine) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); CONST ArrLen = 44; VAR a, b, h, v1, v2: REAL; x1, y1, x2, y2, ar, br: INTEGER; BEGIN x1 := A.p[0].x; y1 := A.p[0].y; x2 := A.p[1].x; y2 := A.p[1].y; a := x2 - x1; b := y2 - y1; h := Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b); IF h # 0 THEN v1 := ArrLen * A.width / (4*3*h); IF A.a1 = 1 THEN DrawArrow(F, A.p[0].x, A.p[0].y, A.p[1].x, A.p[1].y, ArrLen * A.width DIV 4, Math.pi / 6); x2 := x2 - Round(a * v1); y2 := y2 - Round(b * v1) ELSIF A.a1 = 2 THEN DrawArrow(F, A.p[0].x, A.p[0].y, A.p[1].x, A.p[1].y, ArrLen * A.width DIV 6, Math.pi / 4); x2 := x2 - Round(a * v1); y2 := y2 - Round(b * v1) END ; IF A.a2 = 1 THEN DrawArrow(F, A.p[1].x, A.p[1].y, A.p[0].x, A.p[0].y, ArrLen * A.width DIV 4, Math.pi / 6); x1 := x1 + Round(a * v1); y1 := y1 + Round(b * v1) END ; IF A.width <= F.scale THEN (* draw as hair line *) F.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, Display.white, Display.replace) ELSIF x1 = x2 THEN (* optimized drawing of vertical line *) IF y1 > y2 THEN F.FillRect(x1 - A.width DIV 2, y2, A.width, y1 - y2, fg, 5, Display.replace) ELSE F.FillRect(x1 - A.width DIV 2, y1, A.width, y2 - y1, fg, 5, Display.replace) END ELSIF y1 = y2 THEN (* optimized drawing of horizontal line *) IF x1 > x2 THEN F.FillRect(x2, y2 - A.width DIV 2, x1 - x2, A.width, fg, 5, Display.replace) ELSE F.FillRect(x1, y1 - A.width DIV 2, x2 - x1, A.width, fg, 5, Display.replace) END ELSE v2 := A.width / (2*h); ar := Round(a * v2); br := Round(b * v2); x1 := x1 DIV F.scale * F.scale; y1 := y1 DIV F.scale * F.scale; x2 := x2 DIV F.scale * F.scale; y2 := y2 DIV F.scale * F.scale; F.FillQuad(x1 - br, y1 + ar, x1 + br, y1 - ar, x2 - br, y2 + ar, x2 + br, y2 - ar, fg, 5, Display.replace) END END END Draw; PROCEDURE (A: AttrLine) Write* (VAR R: Files.Rider); BEGIN Files.WriteNum(R, A.width); Files.WriteNum(R, A.a1); Files.WriteNum(R, A.a2); A.Write^(R) END Write; PROCEDURE (A: AttrLine) Read* (VAR R: Files.Rider); VAR i: LONGINT; BEGIN Files.ReadNum(R, i); A.width := SHORT(i); Files.ReadNum(R, i); A.a1 := SHORT(i); Files.ReadNum(R, i); A.a2 := SHORT(i); A.Read^(R) END Read; PROCEDURE NewAttrLine*; VAR a: AttrLine; w, a1, a2: INTEGER; BEGIN IF KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 2 THEN NEW(a); a.nofpts := 2; In.Open; In.Int(w); In.Int(a1); In.Int(a2); IF In.Done THEN a.width := w; a.a1 := a1; a.a2 := a2; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(a.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(a.p[1]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(a) END END END NewAttrLine; PROCEDURE ChangeAttrLine*; VAR G: KeplerGraphs.Graph; c: KeplerGraphs.Constellation; w, a1, a2: INTEGER; F: KeplerPorts.BalloonPort; BEGIN In.Open; In.Int(w); In.Int(a1); In.Int(a2); KeplerFrames.GetSelection(G); IF (G # NIL ) & In.Done THEN NEW(F); KeplerPorts.InitBalloon(F); c := G.cons; WHILE c # NIL DO WITH c: AttrLine DO IF c.State() = 2 THEN c.Draw(F); c.width := w; c.a1 := a1; c.a2 := a2 ; c.Draw(F) END ELSE END ; c := END ; G.notify(KeplerGraphs.restore, G, NIL, F) END END ChangeAttrLine; (* ------------------------------- Triangle ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (T: Triangle) Draw* (F: KeplerPorts.Port); VAR p0, p1, p2: KeplerGraphs.Star; BEGIN p0 := T.p[0]; p1 := T.p[1]; p2 := T.p[2]; F.FillQuad(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p2.x, p2.y, fg, T.pat, Display.replace) END Draw; PROCEDURE (T: Triangle) Write* (VAR R: Files.Rider); BEGIN Files.WriteNum(R, T.pat); T.Write^(R) END Write; PROCEDURE (T: Triangle) Read* (VAR R: Files.Rider); VAR i: LONGINT; BEGIN Files.ReadNum(R, i); T.pat := SHORT (i); T.Read^(R) END Read; PROCEDURE NewTriangle*; VAR o: Triangle; pat: INTEGER; BEGIN In.Open; In.Int(pat); IF In.Done & (KeplerFrames.nofpts >= 3) THEN NEW(o); o.nofpts := 3; o.pat := pat; KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[0]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[1]); KeplerFrames.ConsumePoint(o.p[2]); KeplerFrames.Focus.Append(o); END END NewTriangle; END Kepler1.