Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax12.Scn.Fnt MODULE GraphicElems; (** CAS **) (*mod NW 19.3.91/ HM 27.9.93*) IMPORT Input, Display, Files, Oberon, Viewers, MenuViewers, Texts, TextFrames, Graphics, GraphicFrames, TextPrinter; CONST Menu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow Draw.Delete GraphicElems.Update "; mm =; Scale = mm DIV 10; unit = TextFrames.Unit; Unit = TextPrinter.Unit; MinW = 3*mm; MinH = MinW; GripW = 15*Scale DIV unit; GripH = GripW; rightKey = 0; middleKey = 1; leftKey = 2; TYPE Elem* = POINTER TO ElemDesc; ElemDesc* = RECORD(Texts.ElemDesc) SW*, SH*, PW*, PH*: LONGINT; (**screen, printer box**) graph*: Graphics.Graph; Xg*, Yg*: INTEGER; empty*: BOOLEAN END; Frame = POINTER TO FrameDesc; FrameDesc = RECORD (GraphicFrames.FrameDesc) elem: Elem END; VAR x0, x1, y0, y1: INTEGER; W: Texts.Writer; PROCEDURE MarkMenu (F: Frame); VAR R: Texts.Reader; V: Viewers.Viewer; T: Texts.Text; ch: CHAR; BEGIN V := Viewers.This(F.X, F.Y); IF V IS MenuViewers.Viewer THEN T := V.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text; IF T.len > 0 THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, T, T.len - 1); Texts.Read(R, ch) ELSE ch := 0X END; IF ch # "!" THEN Texts.Write(W, "!"); Texts.Append(T, W.buf) END END END MarkMenu; PROCEDURE Changed (E: Elem); VAR T: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT; BEGIN T := Texts.ElemBase(E); pos := Texts.ElemPos(E); T.notify(T, Texts.replace, pos-1, pos) END Changed; PROCEDURE FlipGrip (x0, y0, w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN Display.ReplConst(Display.white, x0 + w - GripW, y0, GripW, GripH, Display.invert) END FlipGrip; (* operations on elements *) PROCEDURE SetSize* (E: Elem; w, h: LONGINT); BEGIN IF w < MinW THEN w := MinW END; IF h < MinH THEN h := MinH END; E.W := w; E.H := h; E.SW := w; E.SH := h; E.PW := 4 * (w DIV unit) * Unit; E.PH := 4 * (h DIV unit) * Unit END SetSize; PROCEDURE box(obj: Graphics.Object; VAR done: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF obj.x < x0 THEN x0 := obj.x END ; IF x1 < obj.x + obj.w THEN x1 := obj.x + obj.w END ; IF obj.y < y0 THEN y0 := obj.y END ; IF y1 < obj.y + obj.h THEN y1 := obj.y + obj.h END END box; PROCEDURE Open* (E: Elem; G: Graphics.Graph; Xg, Yg: INTEGER; adjust: BOOLEAN); BEGIN E.graph := G; x0 := MAX(INTEGER); x1 := MIN(INTEGER); y0 := MAX(INTEGER); y1 := MIN(INTEGER); Graphics.Enumerate(G, box); IF x0 = MAX(INTEGER) THEN E.empty := TRUE; E.Xg := 0; E.Yg := 0; SetSize(E, 0, 0) ELSE E.empty := FALSE; IF adjust THEN E.Xg := -x0; E.Yg := -y1; SetSize(E, LONG(x1-x0) * unit, LONG(y1-y0) * unit) ELSE E.Xg := Xg; E.Yg := Yg; SetSize(E, E.W, E.H) END END END Open; PROCEDURE CopyGraph (G: Graphics.Graph): Graphics.Graph; VAR g: Graphics.Graph; BEGIN Graphics.SelectArea(G, MIN(INTEGER), MIN(INTEGER), MAX(INTEGER), MAX(INTEGER)); NEW(g); Graphics.Copy(G, g, 0, 0); Graphics.Deselect(g); RETURN g END CopyGraph; PROCEDURE Copy* (SE, DE: Elem); BEGIN SE.W := SE.SW; SE.H := SE.SH; Texts.CopyElem(SE, DE); Open(DE, CopyGraph(SE.graph), SE.Xg, SE.Yg, FALSE) END Copy; PROCEDURE HandleFrame (f: Display.Frame; VAR msg: Display.FrameMsg); VAR F: Frame; F1: Frame; BEGIN F := f(Frame); (*IF msg IS GraphicFrames.UpdateMsg THEN use when UpdateMsg gets exported*) IF msg IS Oberon.InputMsg THEN GraphicFrames.Handle(F, msg); WITH msg: Oberon.InputMsg DO IF ( = Oberon.consume) OR ( = Oberon.track) & (msg.keys # {}) THEN MarkMenu(F) END END ELSIF msg IS Oberon.CopyMsg THEN NEW(F1); GraphicFrames.Open(F1, F.graph, F.Xg, F.Yg, F.col, F.ticked); F1.handle := F.handle; F1.elem := F.elem; msg(Oberon.CopyMsg).F := F1 ELSE GraphicFrames.Handle(F, msg) END END HandleFrame; PROCEDURE OpenViewer* (E: Elem); VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; f: Frame; x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(f); GraphicFrames.Open(f, CopyGraph(E.graph), 0, 0,, TRUE); f.elem := E; f.handle := HandleFrame; Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); v := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("GraphicElems.Graph", Menu), f, TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END OpenViewer; PROCEDURE Track (E: Elem; keys: SET; x, y, x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR keysum: SET; x1, y1, w, h: INTEGER; hit: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF middleKey IN keys THEN x1 := x - x0; y1 := y - y0; keysum := keys; w := SHORT(E.W DIV unit); h := SHORT(E.H DIV unit); hit := ~E.empty & (x1 >= w-GripW) & (0 <= y1) & (y1 < GripH); IF hit THEN FlipGrip(x0, y0, w, h) END; REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, x, y); Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x, y); keysum := keysum + keys UNTIL keys = {}; IF hit THEN FlipGrip(x0, y0, w, h) END; IF keysum = {middleKey} THEN IF hit THEN INC(w, (x - x0) - x1); DEC(h, (y - y0) - y1); SetSize(E, LONG(w) * unit, LONG(h) * unit); Changed(E) ELSE OpenViewer(E) END END END END Track; (* handle elements *) PROCEDURE Handle* (e: Texts.Elem; VAR msg: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR E, E1: Elem; x, y, w, h: INTEGER; f: GraphicFrames.Frame; g: Graphics.Graph; version: CHAR; BEGIN E := e(Elem); IF msg IS TextFrames.DisplayMsg THEN WITH msg: TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF msg.prepare THEN E.W := E.SW; E.H := E.SH ELSE x := msg.X0; y := msg.Y0; w := SHORT(E.W DIV unit); h := SHORT(E.H DIV unit); IF E.empty THEN Display.ReplPattern(Display.white, Display.grey1, x, y, w, h, Display.replace) ELSE NEW(f); GraphicFrames.Open(f, E.graph, E.Xg, E.Yg,, FALSE); f.X := x; f.Y := y; f.W := w; f.H := h; GraphicFrames.Restore(f); FlipGrip(x, y, w, h); msg.elemFrame := f END END END ELSIF msg IS TextPrinter.PrintMsg THEN WITH msg: TextPrinter.PrintMsg DO IF msg.prepare THEN E.W := E.PW; E.H := E.PH ELSE Graphics.Print(E.graph, E.Xg*4 + msg.X0, E.Yg*4 + msg.Y0 + SHORT(E.PH DIV Unit)); E.W := E.SW; E.H := E.SH END END ELSIF msg IS Texts.IdentifyMsg THEN WITH msg: Texts.IdentifyMsg DO msg.mod := "GraphicElems"; msg.proc := "Alloc" END ELSIF msg IS Texts.FileMsg THEN WITH msg: Texts.FileMsg DO IF = Texts.load THEN Files.Read(msg.r, version); NEW(g); Graphics.Load(g, msg.r); IF version = 1X THEN Open(E, g, 0, 0, TRUE) ELSE Files.ReadInt(msg.r, E.Xg); Files.ReadInt(msg.r, E.Yg); Open(E, g, E.Xg, E.Yg, FALSE) END ELSIF = THEN E.W := E.SW; E.H := E.SH; Files.Write(msg.r, 2X); Graphics.Store(E.graph, msg.r); Files.WriteInt(msg.r, E.Xg); Files.WriteInt(msg.r, E.Yg) END END ELSIF msg IS Texts.CopyMsg THEN NEW(E1); Copy(E, E1); msg(Texts.CopyMsg).e := E1 ELSIF msg IS TextFrames.TrackMsg THEN WITH msg: TextFrames.TrackMsg DO Track(E, msg.keys, msg.X, msg.Y, msg.X0, msg.Y0) END ELSIF msg IS TextFrames.FocusMsg THEN WITH msg: TextFrames.FocusMsg DO f := msg.elemFrame(GraphicFrames.Frame); f.ticked := msg.focus; GraphicFrames.Restore(f); IF ~msg.focus THEN FlipGrip(f.X, f.Y, f.W, f.H) END END END END Handle; PROCEDURE Alloc*; VAR e: Elem; BEGIN NEW(e); e.handle := Handle; := e END Alloc; (* commands *) PROCEDURE Insert*; (** ["^" | "*" | name] **) VAR S: Texts.Scanner; text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; V: Viewers.Viewer; G, g: Graphics.Graph; e: Elem; msg: TextFrames.InsertElemMsg; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "^") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) END END; NEW(g); IF (S.class = Texts.Char) & (S.c = "*") THEN V := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (V.dsc # NIL) & ( # NIL) & ( IS GraphicFrames.Frame) THEN G :=; IF G.sel = NIL THEN g := CopyGraph(G) ELSE Graphics.Copy(G, g, 0, 0) END END ELSIF S.class = Texts.Name THEN Graphics.Open(g, S.s) END; NEW(e); e.handle := Handle; Open(e, g, 0, 0, TRUE); msg.e := e; Oberon.FocusViewer.handle(Oberon.FocusViewer, msg) END Insert; PROCEDURE Update*; VAR V: Viewers.Viewer; F: Frame; R: Texts.Reader; T: Texts.Text; ch: CHAR; BEGIN V := Oberon.Par.vwr; F :=; T := V.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text; GraphicFrames.Deselect(F); Open(F.elem, CopyGraph(F.graph), 0, 0, TRUE); Changed(F.elem); Texts.OpenReader(R, T, T.len - 1); Texts.Read(R, ch); IF ch = "!" THEN Texts.Delete(T, T.len - 1, T.len) END END Update; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(W) END GraphicElems.