Syntax20b.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc Syntax24b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax20i.Scn.Fnt FoldElems (* AMIGA *) MODULE Clipboard; (* Ralf Degner 8.08.1995 *) IMPORT SYSTEM, i:=AmigaIFFParse, a:=AmigaIFF, Texts, TextFrames, PictureFrames, Oberon, Display, MenuViewers, Viewers, Fonts, Pictures, Amiga, Kernel; Unit: LONGINT; (* global Clipboard-Unit *) Handler: i.IFFHandlePtr; ClipHan: i.ClipboardHandlePtr; ClipOpen: BOOLEAN; W: Texts.Writer; (* NEVER leave an open Clipboard *) (* If a PROCEDURE opens the Clipboard, it MUST close the Clipboard before it ends *) (* Close Clipboard *) PROCEDURE CloseClip(); BEGIN IF ClipOpen THEN i.CloseIFF(Handler); Handler:=NIL; END; IF ClipHan#NIL THEN i.CloseClipboard(ClipHan); ClipHan:=NIL; END; IF Handler#NIL THEN i.FreeIFF(Handler); Handler:=NIL END; ClipOpen:=FALSE; END CloseClip; (* Open CLipboard *) PROCEDURE OpenClip(mode: SET; Unit: LONGINT); BEGIN Handler:=NIL;ClipHan:=NIL;ClipOpen:=FALSE; Handler:=i.AllocIFF(); IF Handler#NIL THEN ClipHan:=i.OpenClipboard(Unit); IF ClipHan#NIL THEN, ClipHan); i.InitIFFasClip(Handler); IF i.OpenIFF(Handler, mode)=0 THEN ClipOpen:=TRUE END END END; IF ~ClipOpen THEN CloseClip()END END OpenClip; (* Insert Writer to Caret *) PROCEDURE WriterToCaret(); f: Display.Frame; v: Viewers.Viewer; newPos: LONGINT; BEGIN v:=Oberon.FocusViewer; IF (v.dsc # NIL) & ( # NIL) THEN; WITH f: TextFrames.Frame DO IF f.hasCar THEN newPos:=f.carloc.pos+W.buf.len; Texts.Insert(f.text, f.carloc.pos, W.buf); TextFrames.SetCaret(f, newPos) END ELSE END END WriterToCaret; (* Open new Text-Frame *) PROCEDURE OpenViewer(text: Texts.Text); VAR x, y: INTEGER; v: Viewers.Viewer; cf: TextFrames.Frame; BEGIN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); cf := TextFrames.NewText(text, 0); v := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("Clipboard.Show", "^Edit.Menu.Text"), cf, TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END OpenViewer; (* Get selected Frame *) PROCEDURE GetFrame(VAR f: Display.Frame): BOOLEAN; VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN IF Oberon.Par.frame=Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc THEN IF (Oberon.Par.frame # NIL) THEN; RETURN TRUE END ELSE v:=Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (v.dsc # NIL) & ( # NIL) THEN; RETURN TRUE END END; RETURN FALSE; END GetFrame; (* Get Integer only direct after Command *) PROCEDURE GetUnitDirect(): LONGINT; S: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF (S.class=Texts.Int) & (S.i>=0) & (S.i<256) THEN RETURN S.i ELSE RETURN -1 END GetUnitDirect; (* Get Integer *) PROCEDURE GetUnit(): LONGINT; S: Texts.Scanner; text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class=Texts.Char THEN IF S.c="^" THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time=-1 THEN RETURN -1; END; Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); Texts.Scan(S) ELSE RETURN -1 END END; IF (S.class=Texts.Int) & (S.i>=0) & (S.i<256) THEN RETURN S.i ELSE RETURN -1 END GetUnit; (* Do copy to Clipboard, called by Cut and Copy *) PROCEDURE CopyToClip(VAR t: Texts.Text; beg, end: LONGINT); ClipUnit, error, Count, bufcount: LONGINT; r: Texts.Reader; buffer: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; ch: CHAR; col, offset: SHORTINT; font: Fonts.Font; Pusched: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE PushBuffer(Close: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF bufcount#0 THEN IF ~Pusched THEN error:=i.PushChunk(Handler, 0, a.CHRS, i.sizeUnknown); Pusched:=TRUE; END; error:=i.WriteChunkBytes(Handler, SYSTEM.ADR(buffer), bufcount); bufcount:=0; END; IF Close & Pusched THEN error:=i.PopChunk(Handler); Pusched:=FALSE END END PushBuffer; PROCEDURE PushStyle(); BEGIN IF i.PushChunk(Handler, 0, a.OBRO, i.sizeUnknown)=0 THEN COPY(, buffer); (* FOR n:=0 TO 31 DO buffer[n][n] END; *) buffer[32]:=SYSTEM.VAL(CHAR, col); buffer[33]:=SYSTEM.VAL(CHAR, offset); error:=i.WriteChunkBytes(Handler, SYSTEM.ADR(buffer), 34); error:=i.PopChunk(Handler) END END PushStyle; BEGIN ClipUnit:=GetUnitDirect(); IF ClipUnit<0 THEN ClipUnit:=Unit END; font:=NIL; col:=-1; offset:=0; Pusched:=FALSE; OpenClip(i.write, ClipUnit); IF ClipOpen THEN IF i.PushChunk(Handler, a.FTXT, a.FORM, i.sizeUnknown)=0 THEN Texts.OpenReader(r, t, beg);bufcount:=0; FOR Count:=0 TO end-beg-1 DO Texts.Read(r, ch); ch:=Amiga.ConvOtoA(ch); IF ch#CHR(0) THEN IF (r.fnt#font) OR (r.col#col) OR (r.voff#offset) THEN PushBuffer(TRUE); font:=r.fnt; col:=r.col; offset:=r.voff; PushStyle(); END; buffer[bufcount]:=ch; INC(bufcount); IF bufcount=256 THEN PushBuffer(FALSE) END END END; PushBuffer(TRUE); error:=i.PopChunk(Handler); END; CloseClip() END CopyToClip; (* Do copy to Clipboard, called by Cut and Copy *) PROCEDURE CopyToClipNoStyle(VAR t: Texts.Text; beg, end: LONGINT); ClipUnit, error, Count, bufcount: LONGINT; r: Texts.Reader; buffer: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ClipUnit:=GetUnitDirect(); IF ClipUnit<0 THEN ClipUnit:=Unit END; OpenClip(i.write, ClipUnit); IF ClipOpen THEN IF i.PushChunk(Handler, a.FTXT, a.FORM, i.sizeUnknown)=0 THEN Texts.OpenReader(r, t, beg);bufcount:=0; IF i.PushChunk(Handler, 0, a.CHRS, i.sizeUnknown)=0 THEN bufcount:=0; FOR Count:=0 TO end-beg-1 DO Texts.Read(r, ch); ch:=Amiga.ConvOtoA(ch); IF ch#CHR(0) THEN buffer[bufcount]:=ch; INC(bufcount); IF bufcount=256 THEN error:=i.WriteChunkBytes(Handler, SYSTEM.ADR(buffer), 256); bufcount:=0 END END END; IF bufcount#0 THEN error:=i.WriteChunkBytes(Handler, SYSTEM.ADR(buffer), bufcount); END; error:=i.PopChunk(Handler); error:=i.PopChunk(Handler) END END; CloseClip() END CopyToClipNoStyle; (* Copy Picture to Clipboard *) PROCEDURE CopyPictToClip(f: PictureFrames.Frame); VAR ClipUnit: LONGINT; BEGIN ClipUnit:=GetUnitDirect(); IF ClipUnit<0 THEN ClipUnit:=Unit END; OpenClip(i.write, ClipUnit); IF ClipOpen THEN a.StorePictAsILBM(Handler, f.pict); CloseClip() END CopyPictToClip; (* Copy Clip FTXT to Writer *) PROCEDURE ClipToWriter(); ch: CHAR; len, Count, n: LONGINT; cn: i.ContextNodePtr; buffer: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN WHILE i.ParseIFF(Handler, i.parseScan)=0 DO (* read Text from Clip to Writer *) cn:=i.CurrentChunk(Handler); IF THEN FOR n:=0 TO (cn.size DIV 256) DO len:=i.ReadChunkBytes(Handler, SYSTEM.ADR(buffer), 256); FOR Count:=0 TO len-1 DO ch:=Amiga.ConvAtoO(buffer[Count]); IF ch#CHR(0) THEN Texts.Write(W, ch) END END END ELSIF THEN len:=i.ReadChunkBytes(Handler, SYSTEM.ADR(buffer), 34); Texts.SetFont(W, Fonts.This(buffer)); Texts.SetColor(W, SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, buffer[32])); Texts.SetOffset(W, SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTINT, buffer[32])) END END; END ClipToWriter; (* Copy Selection to Clipboard *) PROCEDURE Copy*; t: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF (time>=0) & (end>beg) THEN CopyToClip(t, beg, end) END Copy; (* Copy Selection to Clipboard without Font and Color Info *) PROCEDURE CopyNoStyle*; t: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF (time>=0) & (end>beg) THEN CopyToClipNoStyle(t, beg, end) END CopyNoStyle; (* Copy Contents of Frame to Clipboard, if Frame is TextFrame*) PROCEDURE CopyFrame*; f, g: Display.Frame; BEGIN IF GetFrame(g) THEN f:=g; WITH f: TextFrames.Frame DO IF f.text.len>0 THEN CopyToClip(f.text, 0, f.text.len) END | f: PictureFrames.Frame DO CopyPictToClip(f); ELSE END END CopyFrame; (* Copy Contents of Frame to Clipboard, if Frame is TextFrame (without Font and Color Info) *) PROCEDURE CopyFrameNoStyle*; f, g: Display.Frame; BEGIN IF GetFrame(g) THEN f:=g; WITH f: TextFrames.Frame DO IF f.text.len>0 THEN CopyToClipNoStyle(f.text, 0, f.text.len) END | f: PictureFrames.Frame DO CopyPictToClip(f); ELSE END END CopyFrameNoStyle; (* Copy Selection to Clipboard and delete it *) PROCEDURE Cut*; t: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF (time>=0) & (end>beg) THEN CopyToClip(t, beg, end); Texts.Delete(t, beg, end) END Cut; (* Copy Selection to Clipboard without Font and Color Info and delete it *) PROCEDURE CutNoStyle*; t: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF (time>=0) & (end>beg) THEN CopyToClipNoStyle(t, beg, end); Texts.Delete(t, beg, end) END CutNoStyle; (* Paste Clipboard at Caret *) PROCEDURE Paste*; VAR ClipUnit: LONGINT; BEGIN ClipUnit:=GetUnitDirect(); IF ClipUnit<0 THEN ClipUnit:=Unit END; OpenClip(, ClipUnit); IF ClipOpen THEN IF (i.StopChunk(Handler, a.FTXT, a.CHRS)=0) & (i.StopChunk(Handler, a.FTXT, a.OBRO)=0) THEN ClipToWriter(); CloseClip(); WriterToCaret() ELSE CloseClip() END END Paste; (* Make Screen-SnapShot *) PROCEDURE SnapShot*; VAR ClipUnit: LONGINT; BEGIN ClipUnit:=GetUnitDirect(); IF ClipUnit<0 THEN ClipUnit:=Unit END; OpenClip(i.write, ClipUnit); IF ClipOpen THEN a.StoreDisplayAsILBM(Handler); CloseClip() END SnapShot; (* Select global Clipboard-Unit *) PROCEDURE Select*; VAR ClipUnit: LONGINT; BEGIN ClipUnit:=GetUnit(); IF ClipUnit>=0 THEN Unit:=ClipUnit END END Select; (* Show Contents Clipboard in new Frame *) PROCEDURE Show*; id, ClipUnit: LONGINT; cn: i.ContextNodePtr; text: Texts.Text; F: PictureFrames.Frame; P: Pictures.Picture; V: Viewers.Viewer; X, Y : INTEGER; BEGIN ClipUnit:=GetUnitDirect(); IF ClipUnit<0 THEN ClipUnit:=Unit END; OpenClip(, ClipUnit); IF ClipOpen THEN IF (i.StopChunk(Handler, a.FTXT, a.CHRS)=0) & (i.StopChunk(Handler, a.ILBM, a.BODY)=0) THEN IF i.ParseIFF(Handler, i.parseScan)=0 THEN cn:=i.CurrentChunk(Handler);; CloseClip(); OpenClip(, ClipUnit); IF ClipOpen THEN IF id=a.CHRS THEN IF (i.StopChunk(Handler, a.FTXT, a.CHRS)=0) & (i.StopChunk(Handler, a.FTXT, a.OBRO)=0) THEN ClipToWriter(); CloseClip(); text:=TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Append(text, W.buf); OpenViewer(text); ELSE CloseClip(); END ELSIF id=a.BODY THEN P:=a.LoadILBMToPict(Handler); CloseClip(); IF P#NIL THEN F:=PictureFrames.NewPicture(P); Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X,X,Y); V := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("Clipboard.Show", "^Paint.Menu.Text"), F, TextFrames.menuH, X, Y); END; ELSE CloseClip(); END; END; ELSE CloseClip(); text:=TextFrames.Text(""); OpenViewer(text); END; ELSE CloseClip() END END Show; BEGIN Unit:=0;Handler:=NIL;ClipHan:=NIL;ClipOpen:=FALSE; Texts.OpenWriter(W); Kernel.FKey[12]:=Cut; Kernel.FKey[13]:=Copy; Kernel.FKey[14]:=Paste END Clipboard. System.Free Clipboard ~