Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE AmigaMFM; (* Marc Pilloud, 19. Apr 94 *) IMPORT SYSTEM, e := AmigaExec; *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Physical drive constants *-------------------------------------------------------------------- (* OBSOLETE -- use the TD_GETNUMTRACKS command! *) (*#define NUMCYLS 80*) (* normal # of cylinders *) (*#define MAXCYLS (NUMCYLS+20)*) (* max # cyls to look for during cal *) (*#define NUMHEADS 2*) (*#define NUMTRACKS (NUMCYLS*NUMHEADS)*) CONST numSecs * = 9; (* PI: 11 -> 9 *) numUnits * = 4; *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Useful constants *-------------------------------------------------------------------- (*-- sizes before mfm encoding *) sector * = 512; secShift * = 9; (* log TD_SECTOR *) *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Driver Specific Commands *-------------------------------------------------------------------- *-- TD_NAME is a generic macro to get the name of the driver. This *-- way if the name is ever changed you will pick up the change *-- automatically. *-- Normal usage would be: *-- char internalName[] = TD_NAME; name * = "mfm.device"; (* PI : trackdisk.device -> mfm.device *) extCom * = MIN(INTEGER); (* 8000U for internal use only! *) motor * = e.nonstd+0; (* control the disk's motor *) seek * = e.nonstd+1; (* explicit seek (for testing) *) format * = e.nonstd+2; (* format disk *) remove * = e.nonstd+3; (* notify when disk changes *) changeNum * = e.nonstd+4; (* number of disk changes *) changeState * = e.nonstd+5; (* is there a disk in the drive? *) protStatus * = e.nonstd+6; (* is the disk write protected? *) rawRead * = e.nonstd+7; (* read raw bits from the disk *) rawWrite * = e.nonstd+8; (* write raw bits to the disk *) getDriveType * = e.nonstd+9; (* get the type of the disk drive *) getNumTracks * = e.nonstd+10; (* # of tracks for this type drive *) addChangeInt * = e.nonstd+11; (* TD_REMOVE done right *) remChangeInt * = e.nonstd+12; (* remove softint set by ADDCHANGEINT *) getGeometry * = e.nonstd+13; (* gets the disk geometry table *) eject * = e.nonstd+14; (* for those drives that support it *) lastcomm * = e.nonstd+15; * The disk driver has an "extended command" facility. These commands * take a superset of the normal IO Request block. extWrite * = extCom+e.write; extRead * =; extMotor * = extCom+motor; extSeek * = extCom+seek; extFormat * = extCom+format; extUpdate * = extCom+e.update; extClear * = extCom+e.clear; extRawRead * = extCom+rawRead; extRawWrite * = extCom+rawWrite; * extended IO has a larger than normal io request block. IOExtMFMPtr * = LONGINT; (* PI: TD -> MFM *) IOExtMFM * = RECORD req * : e.IOStdReq; count * : LONGINT; secLabel * : LONGINT; END; * This is the structure returned by TD_DRIVEGEOMETRY * Note that the layout can be defined three ways: * 1. TotalSectors * 2. Cylinders and CylSectors * 3. Cylinders, Heads, and TrackSectors. * #1 is most accurate, #2 is less so, and #3 is least accurate. All * are usable, though #2 and #3 may waste some portion of the available * space on some drives. DriveGeometryPtr * = LONGINT; DriveGeometry * = RECORD sectorSize * : LONGINT; (* in bytes *) totalSectors * : LONGINT; (* total # of sectors on drive *) cylinders * : LONGINT; (* number of cylinders *) cylSectors * : LONGINT; (* number of sectors/cylinder *) heads * : LONGINT; (* number of surfaces *) trackSectors * : LONGINT; (* number of sectors/track *) bufMemType * : LONGINT; (* preferred buffer memory type *) (* (usually MEMF_PUBLIC) *) deviceType * : SHORTINT; (* codes as defined in the SCSI-2 spec*) flags * : SHORTINT; (* flags, including removable *) reserved * : INTEGER; END; CONST (* device types *) directAccess * = 0; sequentialAccess * = 1; printer * = 2; processor * = 3; worm * = 4; cdRom * = 5; scanner * = 6; opticalDisk * = 7; mediumChanger * = 8; communication * = 9; unknown * = 31; (* flags *) removable * = 0; ** raw read and write can be synced with the index pulse. This flag ** in io request's IO_FLAGS field tells the driver that you want this. indexSync * = 4; ** raw read and write can be synced with a 04489H sync pattern. This flag ** in io request's IO_FLAGS field tells the driver that you want this. wordSync * = 5; (* labels are TD_LABELSIZE bytes per sector *) labelSize * = 16; ** This is a bit in the FLAGS field of OpenDevice. If it is set, then ** the driver will allow you to open all the disks that the trackdisk ** driver understands. Otherwise only 3.5" disks will succeed. allowNon35 * = 0; ** If you set the TDB_ALLOW_NON_3_5 bit in OpenDevice, then you don't ** know what type of disk you really got. These defines are for the ** TD_GETDRIVETYPE command. In addition, you can find out how many ** tracks are supported via the TD_GETNUMTRACKS command. drive35 * = 1; drive525 * = 2; drvie35150rpm * = 3; *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Driver error defines *-------------------------------------------------------------------- notSpecified * = 20; (* general catchall *) noSecHdr * = 21; (* couldn't even find a sector *) badSecPreamble * = 22; (* sector looked wrong *) badSecID * = 23; (* ditto *) badHdrSum * = 24; (* header had incorrect checksum *) badSecSum * = 25; (* data had incorrect checksum *) tooFewSecs * = 26; (* couldn't find enough sectors *) badSecHdr * = 27; (* another "sector looked wrong" *) writeProt * = 28; (* can't write to a protected disk *) diskChanged * = 29; (* no disk in the drive *) seekError * = 30; (* couldn't find track 0 *) noMem * = 31; (* ran out of memory *) badUnitNum * = 32; (* asked for a unit > NUMUNITS *) badDriveType * = 33; (* not a drive that trackdisk groks *) driveInUse * = 34; (* someone else allocated the drive *) postReset * = 35; (* user hit reset; awaiting doom *) *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * public portion of the unit structure *-------------------------------------------------------------------- PublicUnitPtr * = LONGINT; PublicUnit * = RECORD unit * : e.Unit; (* base message port *) comp01Track * : INTEGER; (* track for first precomp *) comp10Track * : INTEGER; (* track for second precomp *) comp11Track * : INTEGER; (* track for third precomp *) stepDelay * : LONGINT; (* time to wait after stepping *) settleDelay * : LONGINT; (* time to wait after seeking *) retryCnt * : SHORTINT; (* # of times to retry *) pubFlags * : SHORTINT; (* public flags, see below *) currTrk * : INTEGER; (* track the heads are over... *) (* ONLY ACCESS WHILE UNIT IS STOPPED! *) calibrateDelay * : LONGINT; (* time to wait after stepping *) (* during a recalibrate *) counter * : LONGINT; (* counter for disk changes... *) (* ONLY ACCESS WHILE UNIT IS STOPPED! *) END; CONST (* flags for tdu_PubFlags *) noClick * = 0; END AmigaMFM.