## version $VER: scion.catalog 3.0 (9 June 1995) ## codeset 0 ## language ??????? ; This file contains the translated values for all the texts ; used in Scion Genealogist. ; TRANSLATION BY: ENTER YOUR OWN NAME HERE! ; NOTES FOR TRANSLATORS: ; This file assumes that you understand the Amiga "localization" ; process. If you have any problems, read the documentation that comes ; with the Commodore "catcomp" programme. (Sorry, it is not distributable ; at this time.) Otherwise, just do the best you can. ; (0) Rename this file "language.ct" where "language" is the language ; of this translation. For example, "deutsch.ct" for German. ; (1) Enter the name of the language in place of the ??????? above. ; (2) Change the date in the first line to reflect the date of translation. ; (3) Lines that begin with ; are comment lines. Note that blank ; lines are NOT permitted! ; (4) The format of the entries in this file is - ; Column 1 ; of line---v ; MSG_PERSON_SEARCH ; Persoon Zoeken ; ;Personal Search ; ; No more than 16 characters ; This four line entry is interpreted as follows - ; MSG_PERSON_SEARCH = index to string. DO NOT CHANGE ; Persoon Zoeken = translation (this example is Dutch) ; ;Personal Search = comment with English (original) text ; ; No more than 16 characters = special instructions (a comment) ; (5) Replace the word with the translation for the new ; language. Note: Omit the < and > characters! ; (6) Please obey any restrictions on length of translations, otherwise ; words will overflow gadgets, window titles, etc. Thanks! ; (7) Some lines contain entries that look something like - ; "Error number %ld detected" ; or ; "Unable to open %s" ; Leave the %ld and the %s as they are. They will have numbers or words ; substituted for them automatically. For example, "Error number %ld ; detected" may be displayed as "Error number 102 detected" (or some ; other number). ; ; Therefore, in German, "Unable to open %s" may get translated as ; "Die %s kann nicht ge ffnet werden". ; (8) Where a \n occurs, that gets replaced by a "new-line" character, so ; leave the \n as it is, or insert them where you feel lines should be ; split. ; ; For example, "Unable to open %s\nversion %ld (or greater)" may end ; up being displayed as - ; ; Unable to open graphics.library ; version 37 (or greater) ; where the %s is substituted (in this example) with "graphics.library", ; the \n becomes a new-line, and the %ld is substituted with "37". ; (9) Please try and keep all translations as short and concise as ; possible. ; (10) The programme was very carefully designed to be non-sexist and ; secular in nature. Therefore, when you translate things like ; "principal" (meaning "Head of the Family") and "spouse", please use ; non-sexist terms. Do NOT use translations that are equivalent to ; "husband" and "wife" (for example). The programme just wouldn't ; function right if you did so. The ONLY "sexist" items are the ; "Father" and "Mother" gadgets. ; ; Similarly, do NOT use "priest" or "minister" (or similar) instead of ; "Celebrant" (the person who officiates at a marriage ceremony). The ; user of the programme may not be a Christian, or may not conform ; with ANY religion. ; (11) Leave "IRN" and "FGRN" as they are. They are too entrenched to ; change. Sorry! ; (12) Do not define keyboard short-cut keys. These will be incorporated ; when the file is compiled. ; (13) If you need to use the quote " character, enter it as \" ;---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| <- Character "ruler" ; 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 if you need one! ;************* BOOLEAN GADGET TEXTS MSG_PERSON_SEARCH ; Personal Search ; No more than 16 characters MSG_ADD_NEW_PERSON ; Add New Person ; No more than 16 characters MSG_DELETE_PERSON ; Delete Person ; No more than 16 characters MSG_SET_FIRST_MARRY ; Set 1st Marriage ; No more than 16 characters MSG_PARENTS_SIBLINGS ; Parents/Siblings ; No more than 16 characters MSG_SPOUSE_CHILDREN ; Spouse/Children ; No more than 16 characters MSG_FAMILY_LIST ; Family List... ; No more than 16 characters MSG_GOTO_FAMILY ; Go to Family... ; No more than 16 characters MSG_LAST_NAME ; Last Name ; No more than 12 characters MSG_FIRST_NAMES ; First Name(s) ; No more than 12 characters MSG_SEX ; Sex ; No more than 10 characters MSG_BIRTH_DATE ; Birth Date ; No more than 12 characters MSG_DEATH_DATE ; Death Date ; No more than 11 characters MSG_PRINCIPAL ; Note: "P" is the abbreviation for "Principal" ; Preferably no more than 1 character (2 possible) MSG_SPOUSE ; Note: "S" is the abbreviation for "Spouse" ; Preferably no more than 1 character (2 possible) MSG_CHILD ; Note: "C" is the abbreviation for "Child" ; Preferably no more than 1 character (2 possible) MSG_EDIT_NOTES ; Edit Notes ; No more than 16 characters MSG_VIEW_PICTURE ; View Picture ; No more than 16 characters MSG_FAMILY_SEARCH ; Family Search ; No more than 16 characters MSG_SET_SPOUSE ; Set Spouse ; No more than 16 characters MSG_ADD_CHILD ; Add Child ; No more than 16 characters MSG_REMOVE_CHILD ; Remove Child ; No more than 16 characters MSG_DISSOLVE_FAMILY ; Dissolve Family ; No more than 16 characters MSG_NEW_MARRY ; New Marriage ; No more than 16 characters MSG_PEOPLE_LIST ; People List... ; No more than 16 characters MSG_GOTO_PERSON ; Go to Person... ; No more than 16 characters MSG_RIGHT_LIST ; LIST ; No more than 4 characters MSG_LEFT_LIST ; LIST ; No more than 4 characters MSG_EXCHANGE ; "Ex" is an abbreviation for "Exchange" ; No more than 2 characters MSG_CANCEL ; Cancel ; No more than 10 characters MSG_CANCEL_BUTTON ; Cancel ; No more than 10 characters MSG_EDIT ; Edit ; No more than 8 characters MSG_VIEW ; View ; No more than 6 characters MSG_OKAY ; No more than 6 characters MSG_OKAY_BUTTON ; No more than 6 characters MSG_OPEN_BUTTON ; Open ; No more than 6 characters MSG_SAVE_BUTTON ; Save ; No more than 6 characters MSG_ACCEPT_BUTTON ; Accept ; No more than 10 characters MSG_STOP_BUTTON ; Stop ; No more than 6 characters MSG_USE_IT ; Use It ; No more than 6 characters MSG_FIND_PREV ; Find Prev ; "Find Prev" is an abbreviation for "Find Previous" ; No more than 10 characters MSG_FIND_NEXT ; Find Next ; No more than 10 characters MSG_FIND_FIRST ; Find First ; No more than 10 characters ;************* OTHER GADGET TEXTS MSG_OCCUPATION ; Occupation ; No more than 12 characters MSG_COMMENTS ; Comments ; No more than 12 characters MSG_REFERENCES ; References ; No more than 12 characters MSG_CELEBRANT ; Celebrant ; No more than 12 characters MSG_CONFIRM_ADD ; Confirm \"Add Person\" ; No more than 28 characters MSG_CAP_FIRST_NAMES ; Capitalize first names ; No more than 28 characters MSG_CAP_PLACE_NAMES ; Capitalize event place names ; No more than 28 characters MSG_CARRY_OVER_NAMES ; Carry-over last names ; No more than 28 characters MSG_FIRST_IRN ; First IRN: ; No more than 13 characters MSG_FIRST_FGRN ; First FGRN: ; No more than 13 characters MSG_LAST_IRN ; Last IRN: ; No more than 13 characters MSG_LAST_FGRN ; Last FGRN: ; No more than 13 characters ;************* WINDOW AND REQUESTER TITLES MSG_FAM_WIN_TITLE ; Family Details MSG_PERS_WIN_TITLE ; Personal Details MSG_GOTO_PERSON_TITLE ; Go to Person... ; No more than 18 characters MSG_GOTO_FAMILY_TITLE ; Go to Family... ; No more than 16 characters MSG_PERSON_SEARCH_TITLE ; Search For Person... MSG_MARRIAGE_SEARCH ; Search For Marriage Partner... MSG_DBASE_TO_OPEN ; Select Database to Open MSG_FILE_TO_VIEW ; Select File To View MSG_FILE_TO_EDIT ; Select File To Edit MSG_SAVE_DBASE ; Save Database MSG_SELECT_EDITOR ; Select Editor to Use MSG_SELECT_VIEWER ; Select Viewer to Use MSG_SELECT_PERSON ; Select A Person MSG_SELECT_FAMILY ; Select A Family Group MSG_SELECT_MARRY ; Select A Marriage MSG_PRINTING_REPORT ; Printing report... ; No more than 18 characters MSG_ABOUT_SCION ; About Scion Genealogist MSG_PRINT_RANGE ; Enter Range to Print MSG_PROG_MESSAGE ; Programme Message MSG_SELECT_ANCESTOR ; Select An Ancestor MSG_SELECT_DESCENDANT ; Select Descendant of ; NOTE: has 1 trailing space MSG_PICK_LAST_NAME ; Pick a Last Name... ;************* MENU TEXTS MSG_PROJECT ; Project MSG_NEW ; New MSG_OPEN ; Open... MSG_SAVE ; Save MSG_SAVE_AS ; Save As... MSG_INFO ; Info... MSG_ABOUT ; About... MSG_QUIT ; Quit MSG_PRINT ; Print MSG_LIST_OF_PEOPLE ; List of People MSG_LIST_OF_FAMILIES ; List of Families MSG_PERSONAL_SUMMARY ; Personal Summary MSG_CURRENT ; Current MSG_RANGE ; Range... MSG_ALL ; All MSG_FGS ; Family Group Sheet MSG_DESCEND_CHART ; Descendant Chart MSG_WITH_IRN ; With IRNs MSG_WITHOUT_IRN ; Without IRNs MSG_PEDIGREE_CHART ; Pedigree Chart MSG_PREFS ; Prefs MSG_CHOOSE_EDITOR ; Choose Editor... MSG_CHOOSE_VIEWER ; Choose Viewer... MSG_SET_BEHAVIOUR ; Set Behaviour... MSG_EXTRAS ; Extras MSG_BULK_ADD_PEOPLE ; Add People MSG_SPACE_FOR_10 ; Make space for 10 MSG_SPACE_FOR_20 ; Make space for 20 MSG_COLOURS ; Colours ; Choose your own names for "grey", "pink", "green", "brown and "blue"! MSG_STONE ; Stone MSG_BLUSH ; Blush MSG_MINT ; Mint MSG_MOCHA ; Mocha MSG_AZURE ; Azure ;************* GENERAL MESSAGE TEXTS MSG_DOS_204_REQD ; AmigaDOS 2.04 (or greater) required! MSG_NO_HELP ; On-line help will\nnot be available MSG_NO_CURRENT_HELP ; On-line help is not\ncurrently available MSG_NO_OPEN_HELP ; Unable to open help file MSG_NO_AREXX ; Unique ARexx port could not be created.\nARexx functions will not be available. MSG_NO_VISUALINFO ; Unable to get VisualInfo\nfrom the screen MSG_EDITOR_UNDEFINED ; Editor not defined MSG_NO_PERSON_NOTES ; No personal notes file specified MSG_VIEWER_UNDEFINED ; Viewer not defined MSG_NO_PERSON_PIX ; No personal picture file specified MSG_ADD_NEW_PERSON_QRY ; Add a new person? MSG_MAX_NUM_REACHED ; Maximum number reached MSG_DELETE_PERSON_QRY ; Delete this person? MSG_CREATE_FIRST_GROUP ; Create the first family group\n(marriage) for this person? MSG_NO_FAMILY_NOTES ; No family notes file specified MSG_NO_FAMILY_PIX ; No family picture file specified MSG_REMOVE_SPOUSE ; Remove existing spouse\nand (optionally) replace\nwith a new spouse? MSG_DELETED_PERSON ; The person selected has been\ndeleted from the database MSG_MARRY_THEMSELVES ; You are trying to marry the Principal\nof this family to themselves! MSG_MAX_NUM_KIDS ; Maximum number of children reached MSG_REMOVE_KID ; Remove the selected child? MSG_DISSOLVE_FAMILY_QRY ; Dissolve this family group? MSG_CREATE_NEW_FAMILY ; Create a new family group\n(marriage) for the principal\nof this family? MSG_SAVE_BEFORE_PROCEED ; Make sure you have saved the current\ndatabase before proceeding.\n\nDo you want to continue? MSG_SAVE_BEFORE_LOADING ; Make sure you have saved the current\ndatabase before loading another one.\n\nDo you want to continue? MSG_USE_SAVE_AS ; No database name specified.\nSave using \"Save As\" option. MSG_NAME_TOO_LONG ; Editor or viewer\nfilename too long MSG_INCOMPLETE_DELETED ; Incomplete file\nhas been deleted MSG_WRITE_PROTECTED ; File is write protected MSG_SAVING_ERROR ; Error saving file MSG_NO_DBASE_NAME ; No database name specified MSG_SAVE_BEFORE_QUIT ; Make sure you have saved the current\ndatabase before quitting the programme\n\nDo you want to quit the programme? MSG_INVALID_RANGE ; Invalid range specified MSG_MAX_EXCEEDED ; Maximum number would be exceeded MSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; Out of memory MSG_MEMORY_LOW ; WARNING: Memory is almost exhausted!\nRecommend saving your database NOW! MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; Not enough memory\nfor that operation MSG_FILE_EXISTS ; File already exists.\nOverwrite old file? MSG_NO_VALID_DBASE ; Not a valid Scion database MSG_MORE_MODERN_DBASE ; Database was saved using a more\nmodern version of the programme.\nYou will need to update Scion! MSG_ERROR_DETECTED ; Error number %ld detected MSG_YES_NO ; Yes|No MSG_RETRY_CANCEL ; Retry|Cancel MSG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN ; Unable to open %s MSG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_VERSION ; Unable to open %s\nversion %ld (or greater) MSG_NO_INIT_GADGS ; Couldn't initialize the %s gadgets MSG_NO_ALLOC_GADGS ; Couldn't allocate the %s gadgets MSG_NO_ATTACH_MENUS ; Couldn't attach the %s menus MSG_PROGRAM_INFO ; Project name: %s\nEditor name: %s\nViewer name: %s\nProgramme Version: %s\nARexx port name: %s\nCurrent number of people: %ld\nCurrent number of families: %ld\n(Space for about %ld more people) ;************* MISCELLANEOUS TEXTS MSG_BIRTH_ABREV ; b: ;Abbreviation for (when) 'born' ; Note 1 leading space MSG_DEATH_ABREV ; d: ; Abbreviation for (when) 'died' ; Note 1 leading space MSG_UNASSIGNED_REC ; ... unassigned record MSG_UNDEFINED ; MSG_MARRY_ABREV ; Abbreviation for (when) 'married' MSG_LIST_SPOUSE ; Spouse: ; No more than 9 characters MSG_UNNAMED ; Unnamed MSG_MALE ; First letter of MALE sex MSG_FEMALE ; First letter of FEMALE sex MSG_NONE ; ; For "info" requester MSG_AREA_1 ; SELECT MARRIAGE ; No more than 16 characters MSG_AREA_2 ; SELECT FAMILY ; No more than 16 characters MSG_AREA_3 ; SELECT PERSON ; No more than 16 characters MSG_AREA_4 ; SELECT OTHER ; No more than 16 characters MSG_AREA_5 ; EDIT DATABASE ; No more than 16 characters MSG_AREA_6 ; TOOLS ; No more than 16 characters ;************* DATE TEXTS ; Abbreviations for months - exactly 3 characters MSG_MNTH_JAN ; Jan MSG_MNTH_FEB ; Feb MSG_MNTH_MAR ; Mar MSG_MNTH_APR ; Apr MSG_MNTH_MAY ; May MSG_MNTH_JUN ; Jun MSG_MNTH_JUL ; Jul MSG_MNTH_AUG ; Aug MSG_MNTH_SEP ; Sep MSG_MNTH_OCT ; Oct MSG_MNTH_NOV ; Nov MSG_MNTH_DEC ; Dec MSG_ABOUT_DATE ; About (approximately) MSG_ABOUT_ABREV ; Abt ; 3 letter abbreviation for 'about' (circa) MSG_BEFORE ; Before MSG_BEFORE_ABREV ; Bef ; 3 letter abbreviation for 'before' MSG_AFTER ; After MSG_AFTER_ABREV ; Aft ; 3 letter abbreviation for 'after' ;************* ABOUT REQUESTER TEXTS ; Something along the line of - ; Scion Genealogist Version %s 1993..95 by Robbie J Akins ; Language translation by ; ; This programme is free. ; Share it, use it, enjoy ; it, but don't sell it! ; or some near equivalent! MSG_ABOUT_CONTENT1 MSG_ABOUT_CONTENT2 MSG_ABOUT_CONTENT3 MSG_ABOUT_CONTENT4 MSG_ABOUT_CONTENT5 MSG_ABOUT_CONTENT6 MSG_ABOUT_CONTENT7 ;************* PRINTED REPORTS TEXTS MSG_PRT_OFFLINE ; Printer is not online MSG_PRT_NO_PAPER ; Printer is out of paper MSG_PRT_IN_USE ; Unable to gain access to the\nprinter. Maybe it is in use? MSG_PRT_PAGE_NUM ; Page: ; NOTE: Includes 1 trailing space MSG_PRT_REPORT_DATE ; Report Printed On: ; As in "on a particular date" ; NOTE: Includes 1 trailing space MSG_PRT_PERSON_NAME ; Name of Person MSG_PRT_FAMILY_LIST ; List of Families in Database MSG_PRT_PRINCIPAL_NAME ; Name of Principal ; No more than 24 characters MSG_PRT_SPOUSE_NAME ; Name of Spouse MSG_PRT_WHEN_MARRIED ; Married ; As in "when married" ; No more than 11 characters MSG_PRT_WHEN_BORN ; Born: ; As in "when born". ; No more than 11 characters MSG_PRT_PLACE ; Place: ; No more than 6 characters MSG_PRT_WHEN_DIED ; Died: ; As in "when died" ; No more than 11 characters MSG_PRT_WHEN_BURIED ; Buried: ; As in "when buried" ; No more than 11 characters MSG_PRT_PERSON_SUMMARY ; Personal Summary MSG_PRT_NO_MARRIAGE ; No record of any marriages\n MSG_PRT_OTHER_MARRIAGE ; Other Marriages: MSG_PRT_FGS ; Family Group Sheet MSG_PRT_PRINCIPAL ; PRINCIPAL: MSG_PRT_SPOUSE ; SPOUSE: MSG_PRT_PARENTS ; Parents ; No more than 8 characters MSG_PRT_ONLY_1_MARRIAGE ; Only one marriage recorded.\n MSG_PRT_KID_DETAILS ; DETAILS OF CHILDREN MSG_PRT_ABR_WHEN_MARRY ; Marr: ; Abbreviation for "Married" as in "when married" ; Must be 4 characters (excluding :) MSG_PRT_ABR_SPOUSE ; Spse: ; 4 character abbreviation for "Spouse". Must be 4 characters (excluding :) MSG_PRT_ABR_SEX ; Sex ; Exactly 3 character abbreviation for "Sex" + 1 trailing space MSG_PRT_ABR_NAME ; Name: ; 4 character abbreviation for "Name". Must be 4 characters (excluding ":") MSG_PRT_ABR_BORN ; Born: ; As in "when born". ; 4 character abbreviation for "Born". Must be 4 characters (excluding ":") MSG_PRT_ABR_DIED ; Died: ; As in "when died". ; 4 character abbreviation for "Died". Must be 4 characters (excluding ":") MSG_PRT_SPOUSE_TAG ; Single character "tag" for "spouse" (for descendant chart) ; The following items are pedigree chart proformas (crude, but it works!). ; Edit the single character abbreviations for born (b:), ; married (m:), and died (d:) and replace with the new language equivalents. ; DO NOT CHANGE SPACING! MSG_PRT_PROF0 MSG_PRT_PROF1 _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF2 |\n MSG_PRT_PROF3 _______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF4 |b: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF5 |m:\n MSG_PRT_PROF6 _______________________________|d: _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF7 |b: | |\n MSG_PRT_PROF8 |m: |_______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF9 |d: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF10 | b:\n MSG_PRT_PROF11 _______________________________| d: _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF12 |b: | |\n MSG_PRT_PROF13 |m: | _______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF14 |d: | |b: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF15 | | |m:\n MSG_PRT_PROF16 | |_______________________________|d: _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF17 | | |\n MSG_PRT_PROF18 |\x08_______________________________ b: |_______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF19 | | d: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF20 | | b:\n MSG_PRT_PROF21 |b: | d: _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF22 |m: | |\n MSG_PRT_PROF23 |d: | _______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF24 |_______________________________| |b: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF25 | |m:\n MSG_PRT_PROF26 | _______________________________|d: _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF27 | |b: | |\n MSG_PRT_PROF28 | |m: |_______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF29 | |d: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF30 | | b:\n MSG_PRT_PROF31 |_______________________________| d: _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF32 | |\n MSG_PRT_PROF33 b: | _______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF34 d: | |b: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF35 | |m:\n MSG_PRT_PROF36 |_______________________________|d: _______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF37 | |\n MSG_PRT_PROF38 b: |_______________________________|\n MSG_PRT_PROF39 d: |_______________________________\n MSG_PRT_PROF40 b:\n MSG_PRT_PROF41 d:\n ;************* ADDITIONAL ITEMS SINCE 3.08 MSG_SHOW_ALL ; Show all ; No more than 13 characters MSG_SHOW_ONLY ; Show only -> ; No more than 13 characters ;************* ADDITIONAL ITEMS SINCE 4.00 ; *** General strings *** MSG_AREA_7 ;STATISTICS ; No more than 16 characters MSG_DEAD ;DEAD ; No more than 12 characters MSG_STATS_DEAD ;DEAD ; No more than 4 characters (abbreviate if necessary) ; Used in "Age" statistics display MSG_ALIVE ;ALIVE? ; No more than 10 characters ; *** Menu texts *** MSG_HELP ;Help MSG_SET_SCREEN ;Set Screen Mode... MSG_FUNKEYS ;Set Function Keys... MSG_ALPHABETIC ;Alphabetical MSG_NUMERIC ;Numerical MSG_SORTING ;Sort Order MSG_CHRONOLOGY ;Chronology Chart MSG_EXACT_DATES ;Exact dates only MSG_ALL_DATES ;All dates MSG_SAME_DATE ;Same-Date-Events List MSG_TAFEL_CHART ;Ahnentafel Chart ;Do NOT attempt to translate the word "Ahnentafel"! MSG_KNOWN_NAMES ;Known only MSG_UNKNOWN_NAMES ;Include unknown MSG_OFFSPRING ;Progeny Chart ; Note the naming distinction from "Descendant Chart" MSG_LIST_OF_ANNIVERSARIES ;List of Anniversaries MSG_NAME_EXCEPT ;Set Name Exceptions... ; *** Gadget labels and contents *** MSG_PRINT_TO_FILE ;Print to file ;No more than 28 characters MSG_PUB_DEFAULT ;Make default public screen ;No more than 28 characters MSG_SHANGHAI ;\"Shanghai\" windows ;No more than 28 characters MSG_POP2FRONT ;Pop screen to front ;No more than 28 characters MSG_BORN ;Birth ;As in "birth date" and "birth place" ;No more than 12 characters MSG_BAPTISM ;Baptism ;As in "baptism date" and "baptism place" ;No more than 12 characters MSG_DIED ;Death ;As in "death date" and "death place" ;No more than 12 characters MSG_BURIED ;Burial ;As in "burial date" and "burial place" ;No more than 12 characters MSG_DATE ;Date ;As in "burial DATE" and "death DATE" ;No more than 11 characters MSG_PLACE ;Place ;As in "burial PLACE" and "death PLACE" ;No more than 15 characters MSG_EDUCATION ;Education ;As in "educational achievements" ;No more than 12 characters MSG_RELIGION ;Religion ;As in "what religious group the person belonged to" ;No more than 12 characters MSG_DIED_OF ;Died of ;As in "cause of death" ;No more than 12 characters MSG_AGE ;As in "age at death" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_MARRIAGES ;Marriages ;As in "total number of marriages" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_CHILDREN ;Children ;As in total number of children" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_SIBLINGS ;Siblings ;As in "total number of siblings" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_FATHER ;Father ;No more than 8 characters MSG_MOTHER ;Mother ;No more than 8 characters MSG_FIRST_SPOUSE ;Spouse ;No more than 8 characters MSG_ENGAGED ;Engagement ;No more than 12 characters MSG_WEDDING ;Wedding ;No more than 12 characters MSG_ENDED ;Ended ;No more than 12 characters MSG_END_REASON ;End Reason ;No more than 12 characters MSG_UNCERTAIN ;Unknown ;No more than 10 characters MSG_NO_REASON ;None ;No more than 10 characters MSG_DIVORCE ;Divorce ;No more than 10 characters MSG_SEPARATION ;Separation ;No more than 10 characters MSG_ANNULMENT ;Annulment ;No more than 10 characters MSG_DESENDANT ;Desc ;"Desc" is an abbreviation for "Descendants" ;No more than 4 characters MSG_ANCESTOR ;"Anc" is an abbreviation for "Ancestors" ;No more than 4 characters MSG_YEARS_MARRIED ;Years Wed ;Should ideally be "Years married" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_AGE_PRINCIPAL ;Princ. Age ; Abbreviation of "Principal's Age" - ideally "Principal's Age at Marriage" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_AGE_SPOUSE ;Spouse Age ; Abbreviation of "Spouse's Age" - ideally "Spouse's Age at Marriage" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_NUM_KIDS ;Children ;Should ideally be "No. of children" ;No more than 10 characters MSG_GOTO_SIBLING ;Three character abbreviation for "sibling" ;Note: This abbreviation will have a right arrow attached to the end ; or a left arrow attached to the start ; Something like "B/S" (for [B]rother/[S]ister) seems to work quite well. MSG_STICKY_LISTS ;\"Sticky\" lists ;No more than 28 characters ;NOTE: \" is required to get a " character into the string. ; This is used in the "behaviour" requester to indicate that the user wants ; lists to be "sticky". That is, remember their last position. MSG_PRINT_BUTTON ;Print ;No more than 9 characters MSG_ADD_BUTTON ;No more than 10 characters MSG_DELETE_BUTTON ;Delete ;No more than 10 characters ; *** Window titles *** MSG_SELECT_CHILDREN ;Select Children ; Title of children selection list window ;NOTE: The following four entries are displayed in the title bar to ; indicate sorting order. Each of the four MUST be different! MSG_SORT_ALPHA ; for "alphabetical" ; Must be a single character MSG_SORT_NUMERIC ; for "numerical" ; Must be a single character MSG_SORT_BIRTH ; for "birth date" ; Must be a single character MSG_SORT_DEATH ; for "death date" ; Must be a single character MSG_PRINT_2_FILE ;Select File to Print MSG_OPEN_PREFS ;Open Preferences File MSG_SAVE_PREFS ;Save Preferences File ; *** Message texts *** MSG_CLOSE_VISITORS ;Please close all open windows MSG_PARENTS_ALREADY ;%s\nalready has parents defined ; Allocate the %s a line of its own MSG_PARENT_OWN_KID ;You are trying to make\n%s\ntheir own child ; Allocate the %s a line of its own MSG_KID_PRINCIPAL_PARENT ;%s\nis a parent of the Principal ; Allocate the %s a line of its own MSG_KID_SPOUSE_PARENT ;%s\nis a parent of the Spouse ; Allocate the %s a line of its own MSG_SPOUSE_MAX_MARRY %s\nhas already been married\nfor the maximum number of times ; Allocate the %s a line of its own MSG_SPOUSE_IS_KID %s\nis already one of the children\nof the family ; Allocate the %s a line of its own MSG_SPOUSE_IS_KID_OF_KID %s\nis a child of one of the\nchildren of the family ; Allocate the %s a line of its own MSG_NO_PRINTFILE ;No \"print\" filename specified ; *** Printout strings *** MSG_PRT_BAPTISED ;Baptised: ; No more than 12 characters MSG_PRT_PEOPLE_LIST ;List of People in Database MSG_PRT_ORDER ;Order ;As in "alphabetical order", "numerical order", etc MSG_PRT_ENGAGED ;Engaged: ;As in "when engaged", "where engaged" ; No more than 12 characters MSG_PRT_CHRONO ;Chronological List of Events MSG_PRT_PROJECT_NAME ;Project Name: MSG_PRT_SAME_DATE ;List of Events Occurring on the Same Date MSG_WITNESS ; Witness ; As in "a person who is a witness at a marriage ceremony" ; No more than 12 characters