## version ## language ## codeset 0 ; This is a CATALOG TRANSLATION file for KingFisher 2 ; If you are able to translate the English strings in this file (as ; described below) into a language that is not yet supplied with ; KingFisher, then please contact the author via electronic mail: ; ; to obtain the latest version of this file. Send the translation back ; to me and I will send you a compiled .catalog file for this language. ; Checking with me also assures that you don't spend time on creating a ; catalog that someone else has JUST done for me. ; FORMAT DESCRIPTION: ; Lines beginning with a ; (semicolon) are comments. ALL other lines, ; including blank ones, are are considered information as follows: ; Each entry consists of two non-comment lines. The first line is ; NEVER modified by you; it holds a unique identifier that is used by ; KingFisher as a common identification of all language strings. ; The second line is the actual text that you need to translate. The ; English text is filled in there, so that you have something to go by, ; as well as some explanations to help you resolve ambiguities. ; If the translation is to span MORE THAN 1 LINE then you MUST end one ; line with a \ symbol to signify that the text is to be continued on ; the next line. You may insert \n symbols to cause actual line breaks ; in the translation. Example: ; This is a single line,\ ; although it appears on two lines. ; This produces the following text: ; This is a single line,although it appears on two lines. ; Notice the missing space after the comma. This is because we didn't ; specify a space there. Let's fix that and break up this text onto ; three lines by using the \n symbol: ; These are three\nlines \ ; of text, \ ; typed\n\ ; on four lines. ; Notice the extra space after comma, and how the \n symbols can be ; used anywhere. This is just to show you what is possible and how ; the parsing of text functions. You'd best not get too fancy with ; this and break lines only with a \n\ sequence. ; The result of the above is the following: ; These are three ; lines of text, typed ; on four lines. ; Thank you for your assistance! ; HERE IS THE SERIOUS STUFF. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Distribution Information; the notice ; KingFisher 2 ; Copyright 1992-1997 Udo Schuermann ; is omitted from this because it needs no translation. msgDistribFD ;All rights reserved\n\n\ ;This program is freely distributable. A shareware fee of $20(US) is\n\ ;requested in order to promote continued development on this program.\n\ ;Support your shareware authors! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgDistribREG ;All rights reserved\n\n\ ;This program is a licensed copy and may not be redistributed.\n\ ;Thank you for supporting your shareware authors! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; About Text; this is shown in the About window. Please maintain ; the same number of line-breaks and try not to make the text ; any wider than about 65 characters. ; If you are covering a language that is exclusively European, ; such as Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, etc. (as opposed to ; French/Canadian, Spanish/Mexican/SouthAmerican) then please ; us the following for the registration fee: DM30 ; and the following address: ; KingFisher Registrierung ; c/o Uwe Sch rkamp ; J llenbecker Weg 4 ; 32051 Herford ; Germany ; Technical assistance will always be walrus@wam.umd.edu msgAboutText ;KingFisher Release 2\n\ ;Copyright 1992-1997 by Udo Schuermann\n\ ;All rights reserved\n ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAboutText2 ;KingFisher Release 2 requires the\n\ ;KingFisher Release 2 Database Server.\n ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAboutText3 ;A $20(US) registration fee is requested to promote the continued\n\ ;development of KingFisher. Send registrations to the following\n\ ;address (technical assistance: walrus@wam.umd.edu):\n ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAboutText3r ;For upgrades, suggestions, and inquiries, please write to\n\ ;the address below. Technical assistance is also available\n\ ;by electronic mail to: walrus@wam.umd.edu\n ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAboutText4 ; Udo Schuermann\n\ ; 7022 Hanover Parkway, Apt. C2\n\ ; Greenbelt, MD 20770-2049\n ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAboutText5 ;Support your shareware authors! ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAboutText5r ;Thank you for your support! ;=========================================================================== ; "PROJECT" menu title msgMenuProject ;Project ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Index here refers to the Help system's Table of Contents msgMenuHelpIndex ;Help (Index)... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuAbout ;About KingFisher... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Information from the KingFisher Database Server (KFServer) ; which is responsible for actually maintaining and accessing ; the database; KingFisher itself talks to this server and ; presents the information. msgMenuStatus ;Server status... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Selects a different database; the server maintains multiple ; databases from which the user can choose (such as Fred's ; FishDisks, FrozenFish, GoldFish, FreshFish, or perhaps your ; club's collection, etc.) msgMenuOpenDatabase ;Open database... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Adds an existing database, possibly from a CD-ROM or other external ; disk volume. Basically, the .kfdb file is copied to the KFServer's ; home directory so that it may be accessed. msgMenuAddDatabase ;Install database... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The user can setup the parameters for a new database with ; this command. This will be all the KFServer needs to ; know about how to access the new database. msgMenuDefineDatabase ;Define database... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Prints the current fish (record) from the database. msgMenuPrint ;Print ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Once something has been printed, KingFisher continues to ; "hold onto" the printer; this prevents other programs ; from printing in the middle of a KingFisher printout. ; This command "lets go" of the printer, making it again ; available to the system. msgMenuPrintRelease ;Release printer ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Writes the current fish (record) to a file. msgMenuExport ;Export ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Closes the export file. msgMenuExportClose ;Close export file ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuQuit ;Quit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; "EDIT" menu title msgMenuEdit ;Edit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Scans a single file and extracts one or more new records ; to be added to the database. msgMenuAppendFile ;Append fish from file... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Scans a directory tree for a specific set of files and ; adds all records from those files to the database. msgMenuAppendTree ;Append fish from tree... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Truncates the database by deleting the current record ; (fish) and all following ones. msgMenuDelete ;Delete fish... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Rebuilds a damaged or deleted database index by ; scanning the database files and looking for certain ; delimiters. msgMenuReindex ;Reconstruct database index... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Scans database to update version links. msgMenuBuildLinks ;Build VersionLinks... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Explains to the user what is about to happen (the database ; is about to be reindexed, thereby losing any flags that ; have been set previously. msgReindexDatabase ;KingFisher is about to rebuild the database index,\n\ ;which will drop all existing selections of markers\n\ ;that you may have set. Proceed only if the database\n\ ;index is lost or damaged! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copies the entire database EXCEPT for those records ; that are marked "deleted." The result becomes the ; new database, meaning that records no longer needed ; have been removed, and the database has been "packed" ; AVOID translating this command in a way reminiscent ; to data compression (such as XPK or .lha compression) ; because that is not what is happening here! msgMenuPack ;Pack database ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Invokes an external editor to edit a custom layout description ; file. These files are used to specify what KingFisher includes in ; the display, on the printer, or writes to export files, and how ; this information is formatted. msgMenuEditFormatFile ;Edit format file... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Activates the expression gadget (sure, not very useful, but ; it does make the Edit menu a bit more "complete") msgMenuEditExpression ;Edit expression ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Alters the masks used during a search operation msgMenuEditMasks ;Edit search masks... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Alters the current fish's version link msgMenuEditLinks ;Edit version links... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuCopyToClipboard ;Copy to clipboard ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuAppendFromClipboard ;Append from clipboard ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuChooseClipboard ;Choose clipboard... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuClearClipboard ;Clear clipboard ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; "SEARCH" menu title msgMenuSearch ;Search ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Select an expression from the list of expressions the ; program maintains (a history of expressions used) msgMenuSelectExpression ;Select expression... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuSearchBackward ;Search backward ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuSearchForward ;Search forward ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Retrieves a set of matched records (Search Set) from disk ; Will switch to the appropriate database if necessary. msgMenuLoadSearchSet ;Load search set... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Saves a set of matched records (Search Set) to disk msgMenuSaveSearchSet ;Save search set... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; "PREFERENCES" menu title msgMenuPreferences ;Preferences ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Global Preferences; stuff that affects KingFisher's ; behavior. msgMenuPrefsGlobal ;Global ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, saves all settings to the .prefs file when the ; program exits, automatically. The user does not have to ; remember to save settings. msgMenuPrefsAutoSave ;Auto-save on exit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, requires the user to confirm the Quit command ; before KingFisher actually exits. msgMenuPrefsConfirmQuit ;Confirm quit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, the window is centered on the display when it is ; first opened. msgMenuPrefsCenterWindow ;Center main window ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsGroupFrames ;Frame groups ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsStickyResult ;Sticky result window ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsTitleGadget ;Show database title ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsExternalImages ;Use external gadget images ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsSmartRefresh ;Smart Refresh ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Display preferences; stuff that affects the presentation of ; information, the font, screen, etc. All the visual stuff. msgMenuPrefsDisplay ;Display ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsDisplayLoad ;Load custom display format... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsAutoFormat ;Show all fields in record ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Reverts to the default display format msgMenuPrefsDisplayReset ;Use default display format ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The font used by KingFisher's window, menus, gadgets, etc. msgMenuPrefsDisplayFont ;Display font... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The (custom) screen on which KingFisher is supposed to open its ; window. msgMenuPrefsDisplayScreen ;Screen ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Printing Preferences; everything to do with printing msgMenuPrefsPrint ;Printing ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsPrintLoad ;Load custom print format... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Revert to the default print format msgMenuPrefsPrintReset ;Use default print format ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Prints every fish (record) at the top of a new page. msgMenuPrefsPrintOnePerPage ;One fish per page ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; If a fish (record) does not fit at the end of a page without going ; over the page break, then start the fish on a new page instead. msgMenuPrefsPrintAvoidBreaks ;Avoid page breaks ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Adds index information about each fish (record), such as position ; in the database, flags in effect, the disk it's on. msgMenuPrefsPrintAddInfo ;Include index info ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Exporting Preferences msgMenuPrefsExport ;Exporting ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsExportLoad ;Load custom export format... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsExportReset ;Use default export format ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Select a new file to export to msgMenuPrefsExportFilename ;Choose export file... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Ignores the custom format and uses the internal database format ; which can be imported again. This is what should be used when ; shipping data to other people so they can just add the records to ; their own database with the "Append from file..." command msgMenuPrefsExportMarkers ;Use importable raw format ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Adds some index information to the exported records. msgMenuPrefsExportAddInfo ;Include index info ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Searching preferences msgMenuPrefsSearch ;Searching ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, KingFisher will stop at every record that matches; ; when not selected, a Search Set will be built with all the records ; that match. msgMenuPrefsSearchStopOnEach ;Stop on each match ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, upper and lower characters are considered distinctly ; different. msgMenuPrefsSearchCaseSensitive ;Case sensitive ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, blank spaces are removed from the end of key strings ; in the search expression. It is possible to accidentally place ; extra characters in the text gadget; this is not always obvious and ; searches can mysteriously fail to find even the most common words. msgMenuPrefsSearchTrimBlanks ;Trim blanks ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, reduces the complexity of the expression syntax by ; eliminating the need to enter field names for each string. Instead ; all substrings are assumed to operate on all fields, thereby saving ; the user the requirement of placing a "*$" sequence before all ; strings in an expression. msgMenuPrefsSearchSimpleSubstr ;Simple substrings ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, the search masks will be used to eliminate records ; before applying the expression to see if they should match. This ; can be used to avoid finding records marked for deletion or those ; already owned, hidden to never show again, etc. msgMenuPrefsSearchUseMasks ;Use search masks ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, KingFisher opens on a custom screen of the user's own ; choosing. msgMenuPrefsCustomScreen ;Custom screen ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; When selected, KingFisher opens on the default public screen. msgMenuPrefsDefaultPublic ;Default public screen ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Saves all settings to a file. msgMenuPrefsSave ;Save preferences... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; "HELP" menu title msgMenuHelp ;Help ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Brings up information on the basic concepts of KingFisher; ; basically "what is this thing," and "how do I use it?" msgMenuHelpUsingKF ;Using KingFisher... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Help on how to search for information" msgMenuHelpSearching ;Searching... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Help on how to print msgMenuHelpPrinting ;Printing... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Help on how to export data msgMenuHelpExporting ;Exporting... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Help on what a KingFisher database is, how to build new ones, etc. msgMenuHelpDatabases ;Databases... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuClose ;Close window ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stores the currently selected mask to all entries in the Search Set. msgMenuApplyMask ;Apply mask... ;================================================================ ; Gadget Text "Disk" ; Used for both the Cycle gadget and the [<] and [>] disk browsing ; gadgets. msgGadgetDisk ;Disk ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Gadget Text "Version" ; Used for the [<] and [>] version link browsing gadgets. msgGadgetVersion ;Version ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Gadget Text "Fish" ; Used for both the Cycle gadget and the [<] and [>] fish (record) ; browsing gadgets. msgGadgetFish ;Fish ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot open a library ; Must contain one %2 (library name) and one %d (version number) ; and be TERMINATED WITH A NEWLINE (\n) msgErrLib ;WARNING: Cannot open %s V%d+\n ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot open its window msgErrNoWin ;ERROR: Cannot open window ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot layout GadTools menu msgErrMenuLayout ;ERROR: Cannot layout menu strip ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot create the menu msgErrMenuCreate ;ERROR: Cannot create menu strip ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot create gadget list msgErrGListCreate ;ERROR: Cannot create gadget list ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot create GadTools context msgErrNoGTContext ;ERROR: Cannot create GadTools context ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot obtain VisualInfo msgErrNoVisualInfo ;ERROR: Cannot obtain VisualInfo ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot lock a public screen msgErrNoPubScreen ;ERROR: Cannot lock public screen ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot open custom screen msgErrNoScreen ;ERROR: Cannot open screen ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher cannot allocate a list for ListView msgErrNoList ;ERROR: Cannot build text list ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher is run under a Kickstart earlier than 37 msgNeedKS37 ;KingFisher requires V37+ (KS2.04+) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message added to msgNeedKS37 when user is running under KS36 (pre 2.0 - 2.03) msgKS36NoGood ;Kickstart V36 is a non-finalized version of the 2.0 software!\n\ ;KingFisher cannot support software earlier than the final 2.0 release. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when unable to connect to the server msgNoConnect ;A database is not available because KingFisher\n\ ;is unable to connect to the KingFisher Server! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when unable to load a format file msgNoFormat ;Cannot load the format file! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The following are used in window/requester titles, buttons, etc. msgError ;Error ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgWarning ;Warning ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNotice ;Notice ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgContinue ;Continue ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgStop ;Stop ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAbort ;Abort ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgRetry ;Retry ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgOk ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgCancel ;Cancel ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgYes ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNo ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAll ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHelp ;Help ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgDone ;Done ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgReallyQuit ;Really quit\n\ ;KingFisher? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A requester title frequently used when KingFisher needs to know if ; proceeding is really what the user wants: "I need to know if this ; is OK with you before doing what you seem to be telling me." msgConfirm ;Need Confirmation ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KingFisher cannot open the ASL requester msgNoASLRequester ;Cannot open ASL requester! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ASL requester title asking the user to specify a directory/path ; which KingFisher should scan for files msgTreeToScan ;Select path to scan ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ASL requester title asking the user to specify a file from which to ; add fish (records) to the database. msgFileToScan ;Select file to scan ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notice the use of a %s symbol: this will be filled in with the name ; of the file that KingFisher cannot find. msgNoSuchFile ;No such file:\n\ ;"%s" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notice the use of a %d symbol, which will be replaced with a number msgAddedSome ;Added %d new fish ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAddedNone ;No fish found to add ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notice the trailing blank space; msgAddedSome or msgAddedNone will ; be appended to this string to produce a complete message. msgScanAborted ;Directory tree scan aborted; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notice the trailing blank space; msgAddedSome or msgAddedNone will ; be appended to this string to produce a complete message. msgScanDone ;Directory tree scan completed; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KingFisher thinks the user is trying to interrupt the scanning of a ; directory tree and wants confirmation. msgStopScan ;Stop scanning? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgAddThisFish ;Add the displayed fish? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Something happened to the KingFisher server; KingFisher is no ; longer able to communicate with it. This is something rather ; unexpected! msgServerGone ;Connection to server is gone! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; While scanning a directory tree for files from which to add new ; records (fish) to the database, the status window will display ; this label to inform the user what directory is currently being ; scanned. msgScanning ;Scanning ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; While scanning a directory tree for files from which to add new ; records (fish) to the database, the status window will display ; this label to inform the user what file is being processed. msgProcessing ;Processing ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; While scanning a directory tree for files from which to add new ; records (fish) to the database, the status window will display ; this label to inform the user how many files were encountered. msgProcessed ;Processed ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; While scanning a directory tree for files from which to add new ; records (fish) to the database, the status window will display ; this label to inform the user how many fish (records) have been ; actually added to the database. msgFound ;Fish found ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error message shown when KingFisher finds that there are too many ; sub directories, nested too deeply for processing to continue. msgTreeTooDeep ;Tree too deep ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Error messages produced by the expression parser msgEXPR_INVALIDCMP ;Invalid comparison ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_INVALIDCMP ;Only the following comparisons are\n\ ;valid: < <= > >= = == != <> $ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgEXPR_CMPEXPECTED ;Expected comparison: < <= > >= = != $ ; "Invalid operator" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_CMPEXPECTED ;You must provide one of these comparison\n\ ;operators: < <= > >= = == != <> $ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgEXPR_OPEXPECTED ;Operator expected: & | ^ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_OPEXPECTED ;A boolean operator must separate one\n\ ;sub-expression from another. Please\n\ ;use: & (AND), | (OR), or ^ (XOR) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgEXPR_MISMATCH ;Mismatched parentheses ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_MISMATCH ;You have used more ('s than )'s\n\ ;or the other way around. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgEXPR_FLDEXPECTED ;Field identifier expected ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_FLDEXPECTED ;Expressions must follow this format:\n\ ; field operator string\n\ ;such as in this example:\n\ ; name $ "kingfisher" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgEXPR_UNSUP ;Unsupported feature ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_UNSUP ;You have hit upon a feature\n\ ;that is not yet supported! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgEXPR_INTERNALERR ;Internal error!\n\ ;Please report this in detail! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_INTERNALERR ;Report this bug to:\n\ ; Udo Schuermann\n\ ; 7022 Hanover Parkway, Apt. C2\n\ ; Greenbelt, MD 20770-2094\n\ ; USA\n\ ;or by email:\n\ ; walrus@wam.umd.edu ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgEXPR_INCOMPLETE ;Incomplete expression ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgHELPEXPR_INCOMPLETE ;Expressions must follow this format:\n\ ; field operator string\n\ ;such as in this example:\n\ ; name $ "kingfisher" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Title for window showing search progress msgSearching ;Searching ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shown during searching to inform the user what record in the ; database is being examined at the moment. Notice that instead ; of %d we use %5d which fixes the width of the number shown to ; 5 characters. If the number is the last one, please add a ; blank space at the end, too. msgSearchStatus ;Examining Fish #%5d ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shown during searching when also the Use Search Masks option is on. ; Requires two %04x values, the first representing the MATCH flag, the ; second representing the AVOID flag. msgFlagInfoStatus ;Match=%04x, Avoid=%04x ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Search status: how many fish have been located so far msgSearchFoundInfo ;%d fish located ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Title of the window (and its menu) opened to show the Search Set. msgSearchResult ;Caught fish ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNoDatabase ;The requested database is unavailable:\n\ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgTruncate ;Truncate database by removing %ld fish? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A file cannot be opened (for reading) msgCannotOpenFile ;Cannot open file:\n%s ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The PRT: device cannot be opened (another task probably has access ; to it) msgCannotOpenPrinter ;Printer is not available ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A possibly lengthy operation has been completed. msgOperationCompleted ;Operation completed ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNoAmigaGuide ;Help is unavailable because AmigaGuide ;is either not installed on your system,\n\ ;or you do not have the KingFisher.guide\n\ ;file available.\n\ ;The .guide must be either stored in the\n\ ;default directory, or its exact name\n\ ;specified by the "help-file" entry in\n\ ;the KingFisher.prefs file. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Label for an editable bitmask used during searching for MATCHing msgMatchMask ;Match ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Label for an editable bitmask used during searching for AVOIDing msgAvoidMask ;Avoid ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Label for an editable bitmask used for APPLYing msgApplyMask ;Apply ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNoIFFParse ;Could not open IFFParse.library! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgClipboardError ;Clipboard error (%d) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgOptClear ;Clear existing links? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgOptRoman ;Ignore (roman) numerals? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgOptCheck ;Check by author, too? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgOptSorts ;Sort links by version? ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgBuildLinkStatus ;%ld%% done; %ld links established ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgStatusClearing ;Clearing existing links ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgStatusSummary ;Created %ld links in %ld records\n\ ;using %ld total comparisions in\n\ ;%ld sec (%ld/sec) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgReindexInfo_Disk ;Disk: %6ld ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgReindexInfo_Fish ;Fish: %6ld ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgReindexInfo_Done ;Bytes: %3ld ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgDatabaseExists ;Warning: The database file\n\ ;%s\n\ ;is already installed!\n\ ;If you install a database descriptor\n\ ;(.kfdb) file whose information does\n\ ;not match the actual referenced data,\n\ ;you may not be able to access all of\n\ ;your data afterwards. Proceed with\n\ ;caution! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgStatusCollecting ;Collecting records ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgStatusSorting ;Sorting records ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgStatusLinking ;Linking Records ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuView ;View ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuViewDatabase ;Database ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuViewPIFile ;Product-Info file ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuViewClipboard ;Product-Info clipboard ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNoDBselected ;No database selected ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgDBuntitled ;Untitled database ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNoFile ;Cannot find file\n\ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgLoadPIFile ;Load Product-Info File ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgSearchInterrupted ;Search interrupted; reason:\n\ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgTruncateFailed ;Truncation failed!\n\ ;%s\n\ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgDataTooLarge ;Too much data (%ld+) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgNoMemory ;Not enough memory (%ld) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgClipMayNotWork ;This clip contains no ".name" field and\n\ ;might not display properly (or at all.) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsSearch0AlertExtern ;External command on failure ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsSearch1AlertExtern ;External command on success ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsSearchAlertFlash ;Flash/beep screen when done ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsEndViewingAlertExtern ;External command on forced View Exit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgMenuPrefsEndViewingAlertFlash ;Flash/beep screen on forced View Exit ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgKS30ExternBug ;A dangerous problem relating to Datatypes\n\ ;and Kickstart 3.0 has so far eluded me. If\n\ ;you proceed you may crash your computer!!\n\ ;Please refer to the documentation for some\n\ ;important information on this topic. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;END OF CATALOG DEFINITION FILE ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------