Tutorial for making Winamp Skins By Andrew Ek Materials needed: 1.Winamp v.2.5 2.A picture editor with which you can make and edit .bmp (bitmap) files of desirable size 3.This tutorial 4.A zip program for compressing all this stuff when you're finished Optional 1.A cursor editing program 2.A preselected picture of your dog, car, girl/boy friend, favorite celeb, whatever you care to make. Procedure for Main Window NOTE*If you don't make a certain file, Winamp with use the default. All bitmaps should be set at 72 pixels (If you use an editor that doesn't provide this option, then don't worry abou this) 1.Create a folder for your skin so that it's easier to find later. It's best to name it what you plan to name your skin. This is where you will save all your files. 2.Unzip and install EZ Buttons 3.Make a bitmap named main.bmp that's sized 275X116 pixels (if you use photoshop or a more advanced editor you need to set it at 72 pixels per inch) Now draw or import your picture. Save. Now open up EZ Buttons, and when it asks for main.bmp, point it to the folder you save your skin data in. 4.Now for the Slider Bar-Make a bitmap named posbar.bmp It should be sized at 307X10. If you use EZ Buttons (included), then click on the slider bar button in the main window AFTER loading your main.bmp. Copy to the clipboard (right click on the button, and select copy to clipboard) Now paste it into your posbar.bmp. If you've sized your picture right, it will be an exact copy of what you pasted into it, plus some white space on the right. This space on the right will be for your two sliders. Just wait and let me explain. The first slider will be what it looks like normally. The second one will be what it looks like when you're sliding it. You can do whatever you want for these, just so long as you divide it right. The first cursor starts where your position bar stopped, and ends at the coordinates 277X0 and down. Draw a line here. You can draw on this line later if you want, but if you cross it then you'll be drawing on the other cursor's space. Erase the line later if you want, but remember where it is. Draw your first slider. Remember to use all the available space, because these are pretty small. Now for the second one. You probably want this one to be slightly different from the first, just for the sake of aesthetics. The area winamp uses for the second cursor starts at 278X0, and ends where the picture ends(provided you've sized it right. having the correct size is crucial in this) Draw something. Now erase that divider line, unless you want to keep it. Save to your skin data folder. 5.It's time to see what this all looks like. Load up your zip maker, and zip the two files you've created so far. Move this into your winamp\skins directory. It must be in a zip file. Call it (skinname).zip just so that you can further identify it. If you feel like it, create a shortcut to the zip on your desktop. Now load up winamp and take a look. Is the position bar lined up right? Do the sliders look good. If they do, then you're good to move onto the next step: The Titlebar. 6.The titlebar is one of the most complex things that you'll have to edit for the front end. It contains all the information about the titlebar, the clutter bar (the little letters descending vertically next to the spectrum analyzer. I recommend that you look at someone else's (winamp) skin for how to do this. Try using the coordinates on the base skin for reference.