Genetic Species Transfer Sequence ***************** When the BioShifter needs to change enemy body, it launches a guided probe on a thin wire. The player will take limited control, turning the probe around corners while inertia carries it forward. (should the probe bounce off walls, or should it simply be destroyed? Perpaps depending on angle to the wall when hitting. Range? 4-5 secs flight time max sounds reasonable) If the BioShifter doesn't control a body while firing the probe, no player energy will be drained. If the Bioshifter does control a body, control ability (life force, energy) will decrease, so that at launch a 'first shot' amount is deducted, and then more energy drains away while the probe is being controlled. If the probe hits a body, which is not stunned (and thus unprepared for takeover) the probe will act as a weapon. The target body will lose some life energy and maybe twice the stun energy. So if the probe is being used as a weapon, the result will eventually be a stunned enemy, which has lost a good amount of life energy as well. To the player it will be better to use a dedicated stun weapon, as they don't drain away life energy. If the probe hits a stunned body, takeover will be almost immediate. The BioShifter will disconnect from the previous body and move along the probe wire to take over the new body.