Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2
Enter one of the following codes to activate 
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect                Code 
Enable boxes1         [Alt] + [Ctrl] + B 
Toggle rain           [Alt] + [Ctrl] + R  
Toggle wind           [Alt] + [Ctrl] + W  
Toggle snow           [Alt] + [Ctrl] + S  
Restore Health        [Alt] + [Ctrl] + H  
Auto camera           [Alt] + [Ctrl] + C 
Display frame rate    [Alt] + [Ctrl] + F 
Toggle lightning      [Alt] + [Ctrl] + L 
Magnify on/off        [Alt] + [Ctrl] + V 
Red boxes indicate non-moving dead fields; 
yellow boxes are possible animal locations; 
green boxes are animals. Green boxes on the 
video will indicate the kill zone. 
Extra Cash
While buying inventory type in [ALT+CTRL+m] 
to earn money. You can only get up to $20,000, 
and when you spend the money simply type that 
over and over.
Extra Hunting Hours
Go back to your hunting camp at about 7:55 PM. 
Then go to the lodge, and back to camp. Keep 
doing this until the time reads any time past 
12:00 AM and you can start hunting! This can 
be useful if you don't have a lot of time left
to fill up your tags.
Weapon sighting coordinates
Press [Alt] + [Ctrl] + T while at the target range and 
ready to shoot. Fire to display targeting coordinates 
in X-Y format. 
Use the cursor keys to adjust the coordinates until they 
are set to 0-0. The weapon is now sighted in.

CAESAR III - Cheat\Hint - 
Cheat Codes 
Press the Right Mouse Button on a well while having less than 
5,000 denari. Press [Alt] + K, then enter one of the following 
codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
More money      -   [Alt] + C 
Instant victory -   [Alt] + V 
 Cheat 2
In the Caesar 3 folder, there is a file named "c3_model.txt". 
When you open it up, you will find all the values for the 
items in the game. There is some instructions included within 
that file, but not all the instructions are there. The first 
section named "All Buildings" is where you can change the price, 
desirability, desirability steps in tiles, desirability steps 
in size, max desirability range, number of people a buildings 
employs, and future expansion.
Here is an example:
Note: Pay attention only to the values within the { and }
12 den is the price, 3 is the desirability, and so on in order 
Here is where it gets good. :)
According to this, you will have to pay 12 denari in order to 
build a garden. Change that number to a negative and when you 
build a garden, they will pay you!
for instance:
Now with that setting, when you build a garden, the computer 
will pay you 1000 denari and adds it to the city funds. You 
can do this with any setting.
Another thing you can do is change the second number to high 
number and nothing will have detrimental effects on property.
The first is pretty self explanatory since the instructions 
are on the .txt file itself.
The second part of this file is named, "All Houses"
This took a bit of trial and error since the names of the values 
were not given. Here is what I came up with with trial and error. 
 Here is a sample from the file:
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
 q r s t ... to Z
 House 1 - 
 House 2 - 
 House 3 - 
 House 4 - 
 House 5 - 
 House 6 - 
Only pay attention to the numbers after the {       
going accross, I will assign each number a letter in the alphabet 
for easier understanding. :)
(In most cases, the lower the number, the less the demand for that 
item the houses need to evolve. Also, unless where specified, the 
lowest number should be a zero.)
A. Desirability level at which the house will devolve. (-99 is the 
   lowest I have tryed, when at that level, you can build the house 
   next to anything and it will evolve. Raising the number to say, 12, 
   will make the house want a more desirable location in order to keep 
   it from devolving.) 
B. Desirability level at which the house will evolve (same concept, 
   the lowest I have tryed is -99. This makes it require a number above 
   -99 in order to evolve.)
C. The higher the number, the more likely the house will devolve. 
D. Water Supply
E. Religion, lower number = less religion required.
F. Education
G. Evolve back to. When this value is set to a 1, that house can 
   devolve. When it is set to 0, the house can not devolve.
H. Barbar
I. Bath
J. Demands for health building (e.g. Doctor, Hospital) 
K. Food Access.
L. Pottery
M. Oil
N. Furniture
O. Wine
S. Number of people to occupy that building.
Also beware, if you set out to make a rich neighborhood, I found out 
the hard way that they do not like to work, so expect things to go 
really bad. Fires, building falling down, no food, riots and 
barbarians all at the same time kinda deal... So try to make each 
building only one square each so they can't expand into the great 
big Luxuary Villas. 

Enter the following codes during play
WOTATWATAMI            Get Flame Thrower
LEMMINGIZE             Disable pedestrian AI
FASTBAST               Fast pedestrians
WETWET                 Credit bonus
SMARTBASTARD           Finish race
TINGTING               Free repairs
CINTONCO               Hot rod
MOONINGMINNIE          lunar gravity
BIGDANGLE              Mutant tail
MRMAINWARING           Panicked pedestrians
TILTY                  Pinball mode
STIFFSPASMS            Timer reversed
STOPSNATCH             Toggle timer
WATERSPORT             Underwater capability
ZAZAZ                  Pedestrian annihilator
POWPOW                 Opponent repulsificator
STICKYTYRES            Climb walls 
TIMMYTITTY             Time bonus
GOODHEAD               Peds With Stupid Heads
EVENINGOCCIFER         Drunk Driving
FRYFRY                 Gives Pedestrian Flamethrower
Clangclang             Bodywork Trashed
Bloodyhippy            Drugs
Xrayspeks              Ethereal Pedestrians
Twatoff                Explosive Pedestrians
Didedodi               Mine ShittingAbility
Dotaction              Pedestrians on Map
Oypowerupno            Powerup Cancellificationisizer
Bigtwat                Solid Granite Car
Takemetakeme           Suicidal Pedestrians
Tip 1
Always keep your finger poised over the repair key so you can 
save yourself from disaster should you fall off a building or 
wind up on the receiving end of an opponent's vicious attack. 
If you're not quick enough you could end up getting wasted.
Tip 2
To complete the mission in which all of the escaped mental 
patients must be killed and a lone patient is located atop an 
inaccessible plateau, drive to the base of the hill where the 
straggler is standing. Then honk your horn continuously. 
He'll eventually panic and fall to his death.
Tip 3
If you wish to maximize your credits in any given level, forget 
about completing the race. Instead plan to waste all but one of 
your opponents and then use the bonus time you've established to
clean up on the pedestrians and power-ups. Once you've had your 
fill, you can waste the final opponent to end the level.
Door Cheat 
During the game, if there are a bunch of peds, 
press shift then enter and you will open your 
doors and kill them (press enter again and you 
will close the doors and you will have to just 
hit enter any other time). 
Retail Version:
If you want a quick cheat, you will have to edit the 
...\data\Peds\Settings.txt file 
(... is the directory into which you installed Carmageddon 2).
Near the start of the file (in the general stuff section) you 
should see a line that has three numbers followed by the text 
"// Points score per ped (each level)". Edit the threenumbers 
to three other larger numbers. This will change the number of 
credits you win for killing pedestrians.
In addition, on the line below you should see three numbers 
followed by "// Time score per ped (each level)". 
Increasing these three numbers gives you more time per 
pedestrian killed.
DEMO Version:
If you want to play as any car in the demo (excluding the truck),  
then all you have to do is change one line in the GENERAL.TXT (in 
the data directory), which reads EAGLE3.TXT (it's right after 'Cars 
to use as defaults:' ) to anything you want. The names of the cars
you can use are found in the data/cars dir. Note: any try by me to
change the car to the truck (using VOLVO.TXT) caused the demo to 
lock up at the screen.
While playing Carmageddon2, I figured out a way to 
take off at the start of a race before the announcer 
finishes counting down: As soon as the race comes up, 
and you arer ready, hold down the Z key or your wheel 
spin while holding down the gas, then let go of the 
wheel spin key and keep on the gas, the anouncer will 
say, "Hey you!" and then you're free to take off with 
a mighty advantage way before the announcer finishes 
counting down!
Carmageddon 2 - Hexcheat
If you want to play with 100,000,000,000 credits, 
then all you have to do is change one line in the 
GENERAL.TXT (which is in the DATA folder), which 
reads, "// Starting money for each skill level" 
(look closely, its hard to find) 
to 100000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000.

Type these codes during gameplay to activate 
cheat function:
Cheats   Result
EC     - Cycle your speedometer between MPH, KPH and none
V      - Change your viewpoint while racing
CAR    - Drive the yellow car you saw in the pit station,  
         Don't do this if you're in the pits...
X      - Eliminate car damage
NOFLAG - Remove the flag from the corner
M      - Bring up a view of the map then
R      - Rotate the map
BRAVO  - Stronger wheels
FRAME  - View the game's frame rate (speed)
HEAD   - removes driver's helmet 
Tip 1:
The Race Engineer is a great resource for the 
terminally unmechanical, if--and only if--you can 
effectively translate what the car is doing out there 
before answering his questions. And remember, he won't 
make your car perfect--just better.
Tip 2:
In the Controls menu, lean toward linear steering 
for road courses with tight corners, and nonlinear for 
ovals and road courses with big sweeping turns.
Tip 3:
Check what's going on in front of you. And we don't 
mean just 100 feet in front of you; we mean as far down 
the track as you can see. This is where you'll see people 
doing stupid things such as crashing or slowing for no 
apparent reason. If you see them early enough, you might 
be able to avoid them.

International Manager. 
To manage an International Team just click on a team with a 
player of the desired nationality on their books and click 
where it says 'English' for example. Low and be hold you can 
now play as an international Manager.
Submitted by The Irish Dazzler

Civilization: Call to Power
Tip 1
Save early and save often in multiple slots. 
Not only do the occasional crash and the lack of an 
autosave make for a lot of wasted time if you don't 
save every ten turns or so, but sometimes the game will 
crash during a save, corrupting the save file itself. 
Tip 2
The game is heavily weighted toward the defender. 
Unless you are facing a very weak enemy, there is little 
point in attacking fortified enemy cities unless you have 
at least two full stacks of nine units each. 
Tip 3
The Ship of the Line is the perfect sea invasion platform. 
Create a stack of seven to nine Ship of the Lines, and load 
them up with troops. Once you get to the enemy cities, drop 
off the troops and then use your ships for artillery support. 
Blast away at the enemy cities before sending in the boys. 
Tip 4
Go for the gold. Go to Trade and Banking. Build banks and 
marketplaces in all your cities. Use the gold to do slaving 
and convert cities.

Close Combat III: The Russian Front 
1. Save the game for example "Blitz Krieg" and 
   make a backup of the original savegame
2. Search and locate the player name in the 
   savegame with hex editor
3. Locate 1 Line above the player name
4. Go to the  5th row which is contianing 
   example 6600
5. Modfy the field for example to AA09
6. Save the savegame and load it with Close 
   Combat 3
7. Then you will have a new requisitions points 
   remaining amount of: 24056 instead of 102.
Tip 1
When playing against the computer, enemy units will 
always come toward you. To win nearly any scenario, 
hunker down and set up a defensive zone. 
Tip 2
Remember that it's just as effective to break the 
enemy's morale as it is to kill him; suppression can 
be just as effective as direct hits, so don't be 
afraid to fire at an area rather than a unit.
Tip 3
Putting a tank just behind the crest of a hill will 
give it the "hull down" advantage; this way, its 
turret can see over the hill to fire at targets, but
its hull is shielded from attacks. 

Colin McRae Rally 
DARKSIDE  - drive all stages at night
BACKAGAIN - drive all the tracks backwards (Finish to Start)
FREEWAY   - dnlock all stages
PASSEDOUT - give Nicky control
WHITEOUT  - race all tracks in fog
PRESSFAST - pedal power
CHOIRBOY  - give Nicky a squeaky voice
SPECIALED - replay transition mode
ROCKETMAN - turbo boost
BIGGUNs   - double power
TURNBACK  - forklift steer
ALIENGOO  - jelly car

 COMMANDOS: Behind the Enemey Lines   
 Type "1982GONZO" during the Game. 
 (Gonzo with O/ No Zero) 
 Type "GONZO1982" during the Game. 
 Now you have following Options:
 SHIFT+V      : Invisible to Enemy 
 SHIFT+X      : Tele-transport. (look with your mouse for an place
                for your Figur)
 CTRL+I       : Invincibility 
 CTRL+SHIFT+N : Finish the Mission
 STRG-I       : God-Mode for Soldiers,
 STRG+SHIFT+N : Win the Mission!. 
 Moving Barrels Without Tiny                               
 It is possible to move barrels without the use of Tiny. 
 Simply line up the barrel between your commando and the 
 spot you want it, then click on it repeatedly to keep the
 motion going. It may take a little practice but is nice 
 once you are good at it.
 Unzensorded German Version:
 Open in the German Version in the Folder "OUTPUT" the 
 file COMMANDO.CFG with an Texteditor. 
 In this File, in the raw MORALINA change the "1" 
 into and "0".
 Now you can see the Deads in the game....
 Level Codes by LJ
 Mission  2: 4JJXB
 Mission  3: ZDD1T
 Mission  4: RFF1J
 Mission  5: K4TCG
 Mission  6: MIR4M
 Mission  7: 7QVJV
 Mission  8: K99XC
 Mission  9: AAAX1
 Mission 10: JSGPW
 Mission 11: CMODD
 Mission 12: JGHD3
 Mission 13: PUUWW
 Mission 14: WT348
 Mission 15: 139P0 
 Mission 16: L9IPV
 Mission 17: 5LIMV
 Mission 18: YJOJG
 Mission 19: YFCWJ
 Mission 20: GDKWT

 COMMANDOS: Beyond the Call of Duty
 While playing a game, type "GONZO1982" or "1982GONZO" to 
 enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes 
 to activate the corresponding cheat function:  
 Instead of typing 1982GONZO or GONZO1982, you can also 
 try GONZOOPERA. (no zeros)
 Now you have following Options:
  SHIFT+V      - Invisible to Enemy 
  SHIFT+X      - Tele-transport. (look with your 
                 mouse for an place for your Figur)
  CTRL+I       - Invincibility 
  CTRL+SHIFT+N - Finish the Mission
  STRG-I       - God-Mode for Soldiers,
  STRG+SHIFT+N - Win the Mission!. 
  F9           - Info About the Terrain
  SHIFT+F4     - Trace Commandos
  CTRL+F9      - Show Debug Output
 Mission Codes
 The Asphalt Jungle         - 8K2IX
 Dropped out of the Sky     - 9R291
 THor's Hammer              - 44G9J
 Guess who's coming tonight - 4HSAB
 Eagle's Nest               - J8TSN
 The Great Escape           - LUK2L
 Dangerous Friendships      - DUSLZ
 - by lord X -

First press [Alt] + [F12] to bring up the entry screen. 
Now type in wlrnwhdakf or doomsday to enable the cheat mode. 
You should see the phrase "Cheatcode Enable" appear. 
Now press [Alt] + [F12] then [Enter] and type one of the 
codes below.
Enable one hit kills               - onekill on  
Disable one hit kills              - onekill off  
More money                         - money <1 - 999>  
Stop timer                         - time off  
Enable timer                       - again time on  
Invincibility                      - invulnerable on  
Disable invincibility              - invulnerable off  
Adjust character's intelligence    - int <1 - 999>  
Adjust character's dexterity       - dex <1 - 999>  
Adjust character's damage strength - hit <1 - 999>  
Adjust character's strength str    - <1 - 999>  

-FLAMMING- Tutti i diritti riservati all'autore