Filename : RAVAGE.MAP Author : Robert L. Dowdy Email Address : Version# : This is for version 1.5 Atomic Edition. Misc. Author Info : This level is dedicated to John Dowdy. Description : This is my first level. I got the name of this level from my shoes. It's a good level. And being my first level its not going to be too great, but I think it kicks ass. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Just select user map. Single Player : Yes, but it is very hard. Lots of monsters. DukeMatch Level : Up to eight players can play. Co-Op Level : Yes, but the monsters will still get you. Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : Ants, roaches, and lice? No bugs in this game. * Where to get this MAP file * Just check some of the Duke Nukem sites. I'm sending it to alot of Duke sites. Hopefully the authors of the sites will put it up. Please don't alter this level in any form or fashion. Don't add on or take stuff out of my level, and put it in your level. Include this file with Ravage.Map.