----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Aliens Departure Author: Ronnie Stringfellow File Name: ALNSDPTR.MAP E-Mail: ronnie@gnatnet.net Web Page: http://www.gnatnet.net/~ronnie or http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/5527 Dicription: Aliens Departure is a map where the aliens are departing from earth after thinking they successfully killed everyone. Well it just so happens that they missed duke. So Duke decides to sneak aboard and stop them them before they take off. And that is the objective, stop them before they take off. Additional Credits to: Kenneth Silverman, 3DRealmS, and my friend Jeremy Who inspired me through most of the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Player Information* Episode and Level #: E1L8 Dukematch: No Co-op: Yes Single Player: Yes Difficulty Settings: No * Build Information * Base: New Editor Used: Build by Ken Silverman Known Bugs: None Known of, if you find any please e-mail me them at the address above. * Where to get this map * You already have it don't you? * Other maps by me * Sahara 1,2,3,and4