3/10/97 MONASTRY.TXT [new Quake level] ================================================================ TITLE: "MONASTRY" - [Have YOU said your prayers?] ================================================================ PLEASE TAKE NOTE: * You may not get through the level if you don't read the "Before Playing ...." section below. ================================================================ Setting/story: "Monastry" starts with you locked in a cell [Ya keep gettin' away but they keep lockin' ya up]. Just outside your door is a knight. Engage him in combat and, in his death throws, he'll open the door to get at you. The rest is up to you. Get out of that most unholy complex. ================================================================ Filename(s) : monastry.zip [636 KB] containing... - monastry.bsp [1,499 KB] - monastry.txt - monhints.txt Description : Quake single player level Author : Neil Manke - neil@mail.netshop.net Thanks To: - Ben Morris for creating Worldcraft - Id Software, of course - Special thanks to Johan Dupont (Matrix), for testing "Monastery" and for very good suggestions. - Gyro Gearloose (I really tried to make it through the level without bothering Gyro) ================================================================ * Play information * *Single Player* : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New sound/music/graphics: Yes - Several graphics by me (I will be posting a .wad at cd.rom.com) - Some graphics from markswad.wad (@cd.rom.com) by Mark Wheeler Base : New level from scratch Tools used : Worldcraft 1.2, QBSPfull, MipDip, Newwad14, Paint Shop Pro, Light, etc. Vis-ts (vis mod by Arch Vile) Build Time : QBSP - ? : Light -extra - OO:19:55 (47O entities) : Vis-ts -level 4 - OO:17:5O Machine Used : Dell XPS P120c Known Bugs/nonbugs * NONE * You'll get a "monster in wall" message at the start but he IS where he should be. Distribution : This level may be electronically distributed only if monastry.txt & monhints.txt are included and at no charge to the recipient, and may not be used or modified in any way without written permission from the author. I would also like to request anyone who reviews and/or lists "Monastry" at their site to kindly inform me that they have done so. ================================================================ *** HOW TO RUN MONASTRY *** (with the registered version of Quake) - you should allocate 12 megs to Quake & 16 is even better. Info on changing that is in your Quake>techinfo.txt - copy monastry.bsp to quake\id1\maps (create the "maps" subdirectory under your "id1" directory if you don't already have one). Then to play.... START Quake... THEN...pull down the console (by using the ~ tilde key) ]skill 0 <--- or 1, or 2 ]map monastry ================================================================ BEFORE PLAYING PLEASE TAKE NOTE: * Visit all the 'crucified zombies', some have ESSENTIAL messages for you. * When you get to the attic room (overlooking those gathered in the church hall below) think carefully and MAXIMIZE the damage you do to them. Later you'll be dealing with all those left in a rather confined place. Very interesting but can be overwhelming if you don't do the above. * At the start, to get out of the cell kill the knight in front of you. In his death throws he'll open the door to get at you. ================================================================ * Other Info * This is my 3rd level. Please let me know what you think of it and feel free to offer any suggestions you may have. ================ see monhints.txt next if need be ===============