@QUOTES 22 @Q0 "He will take more chances, and take them quicker, than any other general in the country--North or South." description of Robert E. Lee @Q1 "I am resigned; God's will be done." J.E.B. Stuart @Q2 "There is always a hazard in military movements, but we must decide between the positions of inaction and the risk of action." Robert E. Lee @Q3 "That old man...had my division massacred at Gettysburg!" George E. Pickett @Q4 "The time for compromise has now passed, and the South is determined to maintain her position, and make all who oppose her smell Southern powder and feel Southern steel." Confederate President Jefferson Davis @Q5 "I can only say that I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation." Robert E. Lee @Q6 "It is well that war is so terrible--we should grow too fond of it." Robert E. Lee @Q7 "I shall come out of this fight a live major general or a dead brigadier." Confederate Brigadier General Albert Perrin @Q8 "I do not want to make this charge. I do not see how it can succeed. I would not make it now but that General Lee has ordered it and expects it." Confederate General James Longstreet @Q9 "This war is ours; we must fight it out ourselves." Jefferson Davis @Q10 "We talked the matter over and could have settled the war in thirty minutes had it been left to us." Confederate soldier, after talking to a Union soldier @Q11 "The enemy is here, and if we do not whip him, he will whip us." Robert E. Lee @Q12 "I don't want to make this charge. I don't believe it can succeed. I would stop Pickett now, but that General Lee has ordered it and expects it." James Longstreet, just prior to Pickett's infamous and disastrous charge. @Q13 "Up, men, and to your posts! Don't forget today that you are from Old Virginia." James Longstreet, to his men just before Pickett's Charge. @Q14 "We will fight them, sir, till hell freezes, and then, sir, we'll fight them on the ice." Anonymous Confederate Soldier @Q15 "They vastly outnumbered us, and though our men made a charge which will be the theme of the poet, painter, and historian of all ages, they could not maintain the enemy's lines much less capture them." Charles Blackford @Q16 "Suppose that ball had struck you; we would have had the trouble of carrying you off the field, sir. You see how much better fixed for a fight I am than you are. It don't hurt a bit to be shot in a wooden leg." Richard Ewell, after being shot in his peg leg @Q17 "Tell Mr. Alford I am getting tired of the army, and would like to help him fish this summer, but fear I will have other fish to fry." James Hamner @Q18 "Tell Mother I died for her and my country." Dying words of Charles Haskell, a Confederate Officer @Q19 "The cavalry constitute the eyes and ears of the army. The safety of the entire command depends upon their vigilance and the faithfulness of their reports." Daniel Harvey Hill @Q20 "The officers and men who permit themselves to be surprised deserve to die, and the commanding general will spare no effort to secure them their deserts." Daniel Harvey Hill @Q21 "All we want is to be left alone." Jefferson Davis