Terracide Work In Progress Demo (c) 1997 Eidos Interactive. Produced by Simis Developments. This is a one-level demo of "Terracide", for Windows 95 only, and a taster of the full game, out in Spring 1997. Enjoy. The object is to destroy the computer screens to stop the spaceship you're fighting inside, and make it to the end of level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [KEYS] A - accelerate Z - reverse/decelerate Up arrow-key - dive Down arrow-key - climb Left arrow-key - turn left. Right arrow-key - turn right. [Shift + the above moves the ship faster] Ctrl - fire current weapon (centrally mounted) [or joystick for all of the above] F - flare (unlimited, but uses lots of energy) Space - strafe (hold down and use direction keys/joystick) [or joystick with coolie hat] Delete - strafe left Page Down - strafe right Home - strafe up End - strafe down You can reconfigure these keys within the game, should you wish. (press ALT to bring up the menus to do so.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- V - external camera views Alt - pause/bring up Windows menus ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [HUD INFORMATION] The HUD contains 3 bars including the following information (from left to right): a) Shield - what stops your ship disintegrating. If your armour reaches zero, you're finished. b) Munitions - the amount of ammunition you currently have available to you. c) Charge - your electrical power, temporarily drained when you fire weapons. The only weapon that can function on charge alone is the photon. There's also a display on the HUD to show which combinations of the weapons you currently have, in grid form. Pickups are gained by moving close enough to them - watch the velocity display in the top left of the HUD change to a proximity detector. Pickups explode a few seconds after being issued from monsters, so if you don't get to them quickly, you'll miss out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------