BRITANIA WAD FILE FOR DOOM 1  tniac ========================================================================== Title : Britannia.wad Author : tniac (a numdyplum) Email Address : whatz email? Misc. Author Info : PAL2.WAD ... same vein for Doom2 - available within limited circles ------------------------------------------------- Description : a misillen.. a micelliny of... a miscillen.... a bunch of sound effex and new music (?) all levels. The old familiar game (and any other added wads) can be transformed. Best way to check it out .... load it by entering DOOM -file Britania.wad and let the Demo games run automatically ... should give you the general picture. Hope you can live with it for a while ------------------------------------------------- What's been done? : With the sound fx ... a frantic cukafony of asylum bacground. Cobbled from all over with some tweaking here and there. The music{?}. Bits from everywhere mangled into a delicious soup of subliminal proportions... or, more exactly, f.....d if I know. Easy enough to find great midi files,. but even the best can get a bit tedious while you fight through a level. Tried to overcome this by subtle manipulation of orchestral texture (complete silence) and other secret techneex, mainly aimed at letting the sound fx run riot. The graphics ..... adjustments here and there, and a few discrete removals from the original Britania.wad ------------------------------------------------ Time taken Too long ... they wrote Doom quicker ---------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks to : ID, NWT, Midi2music, and most of all to the Midisoft (MusicMagic) program included with the World of Music Sampler Midi collection by Midisoft Corporation (U.S.A.). Great. Also not forgetting all the midi file writers whose hard work has been manipulated. And again NWT ... couldn't be done without it. ============================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Imagine so Deathmatch 2-4 Player : also the same Difficulty Settings : not applicable New Sounds : not arf New Music : Yes. All levels New Graphics : Yes.... some Demos Replaced : None. New Levels : No ... nothing touched. ============================================================================ * Construction * Build Time : Forever squared plus 2 and a half Editor(s) used : New Wad Tools (NWT) : Midisoft midi sequencer on midi files : Music Sculptor : Corel Photopaint (graphics) : Graphic Work Shop (graphics) : Dmgraph Known Bugs : None known. ============================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this wad to do what they like. Only fair .. most of the original midi files weren't mine either, though composers mightn't recognise some of them. (the demon's fart is copyright) ------------------------------------- You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, provided you include the Britania.txt file also. No modifications please. You may also distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include Britania.txt intact. What's Britania got to do with it anyway? ... P.S. Don't worry about those tniac virus messages ... just a sick joke Personally, I'd hand those virus programmers to the cyberdemon ============================================================================ ============================END OF FILE======================================