## version 0 ## language fran ## codeset 0 ; Catalog description for Headquarters ; ; Unit Gadgets Character_GAD _Guerrier Mech ;Mech _Warrior Factory_GAD _Usine Mech ;Mech _Factory MapEditor_GAD Map Editor ShowStat0_GAD Victoires: ;Victories: ShowStat1_GAD faites: ;Defeats: ShowStat2_GAD putation: ;Reputation: ShowStat3_GAD C-Bills: ;C-Bills: ShowStat4_GAD Contract pour: ;Contracted to: ShowStat5_GAD compenses: ;Fee: ShowStat6_GAD paration: ;Repair: ShowStat7_GAD Sauvetage: ;Salvage: ShowStat8_GAD Points de combat restants: ;Combat Points Remaining: ShowStat9_GAD Guerriers: ;Warriors: ShowStat10_GAD Mechs: ;Mechs: ShowStat11_GAD Techniciens: ;Technicains: ShowStat12_GAD decins: ;Medics: BoxArUnit_GAD ;Unit BoxArStor_GAD Stocks ;Stores BoxArSta0_GAD Personnage/Mech ;Character/Mech BoxArSta1_GAD Combat ;Combat BoxArSta2_GAD Affiliation/R compenses ;Affiliation/Fee ; ; Unit Menus MNU_UNT_TITLE \x00Unit ; \x00Unit MNI_UNT_NEW N\x00Nouvelle... ;N\x00New... MNI_UNT_OPEN O\x00Ouvrir... ;O\x00Open... MNI_UNT_SAVE S\x00Sauver... ;S\x00Save... MNI_UNT_DELE D\x00Supprimer... ;D\x00Delete... MNI_UNT_REAR \x00R arranger... ; \x00Rearrange... MNI_UNT_AFFL E\x00Affiliation/R compense ;E\x00Affiliation/Fee MNI_UNT_BUY B\x00Acheter nouveau Mech ;B\x00Buy new Mech MNI_UNT_ABOUT ?\x00A propos de Headquarters ;?\x00About Headquarters MNI_UNT_QUIT Q\x00Quitter ;Q\x00Quit MNU_CHA_TITLE \x00Personnages ; \x00Character MNI_CHA_HEAL H\x00Gu rir personnage ;H\x00Heal Character MNI_CHA_TRAN T\x00Entra ner personnage ;T\x00Train Character MNI_CHA_ChMe \x00Changer Mech ; \x00Change Mech MNI_CHA_RELE J\x00Lib rer Mech ;J\x00Release Mech MNI_CHA_ADVR V\x00Augmenter niveau ;V\x00Advance Rank MNI_CHA_ATTR A\x00Am liorer attributs ;A\x00Upgrade Attributes MNI_CHA_SKIL K\x00D velopper talents ;K\x00Upgrade Skills MNI_CHA_CONV C\x00Convertir pts d'exp rience ;C\x00Convert Exp. Points MNI_CHA_ADD \x00Ajouter personnage ; \x00Add Character MNI_CHA_REMO \x00Retirer personnage ; \x00Remove Character MNI_CHA_RENA \x00Renommer personnage ; \x00Rename Character MNI_CHA_DROP \x00Supprimer personnage ; \x00Drop Character MNU_MECH_TITLE \x00Mech ; \x00Mech MNI_MECH_REPA R\x00R parer Mech ;R\x00Repair Mech MNI_MECH_SALV X\x00Sauver Mech ;X\x00Salvage Mech MNI_MECH_FACT M\x00Usine Mech ;M\x00Mech Factory MNU_MAPS_TITLE \x00Cartes ; \x00Maps MNI_MAPS_NEW N\x00Nouvelle... ;N\x00New... MNI_MAPS_OPEN O\x00Ouvrir... ;O\x00Open... MNI_MAPS_SAVE S\x00Sauver... ;S\x00Save... MNI_MAPS_DELE D\x00Supprimer... ;D\x00Delete... MNU_ORDS_TITLE \x00Ordres ; \x00Orders MNI_ORDS_NEW N\x00Nouveau... ;N\x00New... MNI_ORDS_OPEN O\x00Ouvrir... ;O\x00Open... MNI_ORDS_SAVE S\x00Sauver... ;S\x00Save... MNI_ORDS_DELE D\x00Supprimer... ;D\x00Delete... MNU_PREF_TITLE \x00Pr rences ; \x00Preferences MNI_PREF_OPEN O\x00Ouvrir... ;O\x00Open... MNI_PREF_SAVE S\x00Sauver... ;S\x00Save... MNI_PREF_PALE P\x00Palette ;P\x00Palette MNI_PREF_MUS0 \x00Musique ; \x00Music MNI_PREF_MUS1 \x00Nouvelle... ; \x00New... MNI_PREF_MUS2 \x00Pause ; \x00Pause MNI_PREF_MUS3 \x00Continuer ; \x00Continue MNI_PREF_MUS4 \x00Stop ; \x00Stop MNI_PREF_MUS5 I\x00Info ;I\x00Info MNI_PREF_PROG Y\x00Programme ;Y\x00Programm MNU_Info_TITLE \x00Info ; \x00Info MNI_Info_Mech \x00Mechs tendus ; \x00Xtended Mechs MNI_Info_Weap \x00Armes tiques ; \x00Energy Weapons ; ; NUnit Gadgets NUnitName_GAD _Nom: ;_Name: NUnitHouse_GAD _Maison: ;_House: NUnitReput_GAD putation: ;_Reputation: NUnitStren_GAD _Force: ;_Strength: NUnitLead_GAD _Chef: ;_Leader: ; ; NUnit Menus MNU_NUnit_TITLE \x00Nouvelle unit ; \x00New Unit MNI_NUnit_QUIT Q\x00Quitter ;Q\x00Quit NWarriorArt_GAD _Classe: ;_Class: NWarriorSex_GAD _Sexe: ;_Sex: NWarriorName_GAD _Nom: ;_Name: NWarriorHouse_GAD _Maison: ;_House: NWarriorReput_GAD putation: ;_Reputation: NWarriorTx1_GAD Corps: ;Body: NWarriorTx2_GAD Capacit d'apprentissage: ;Learn Ability: NWarriorTx3_GAD ;Dexterity: NWarriorTx4_GAD Charisme: ;Charisma: NWarriorTx5_GAD C-Bills: ;C-Bills: NWarriorTx6_GAD Courant: ;Current: NWarriorTx7_GAD Personnage: ;Character: NWarriorTx8_GAD Disponible: ;Available: NWarriorBox01_GAD Attributs ;Attributes NWarriorBox02_GAD rience ;Experience ; ; NWarrior Menus MNU_NWarrior_TITLE \x00Nouveau personnage ; \x00New Character MNI_NWarrior_QUIT Q\x00Quitter ;Q\x00Quit ; ; Preferences Gadgets Prefs01_GAD _Guerriers: ;_Warriors: Prefs02_GAD _Mechs: ;_Mechs: Prefs03_GAD _Unit ;_Units: Prefs04_GAD _Cartes: ;Ma_ps: Prefs05_GAD _Ordres: ;O_rders: Prefs06_GAD _Parties: ;_Games: Prefs07_GAD _Images: ;_Images: Prefs08_GAD _Sounds: ;Sou_nds: Prefs09_GAD Mo_dules: ;Mo_dules: Prefs10_GAD Musique: ;Music: Prefs21_GAD Couleur c ;Side _A Color: Prefs22_GAD Couleur c ;Side _B Color: Prefs23_GAD _Tirs dirig ;Aimed S_hots: Prefs24_GAD Sau_ver partie: ;Sa_ve Game: Prefs28_GAD Sabotage Mech: ;Sabotage Mech: Prefs29_GAD Sabotage Arme: ;Sabotage Weapon: Prefs25_GAD e message: ;Message Delay: Prefs26_GAD e missile: ;Missile Delay: Prefs27_GAD Recyclage temps: ;Recycle Time: PrefsBox01_GAD Chemins fichier syst ;System File Paths PrefsBox02_GAD Autre ;Other MNU_Prefs_TITLE \x00Pr rences ; \x00Preferences MNI_Prefs_OPEN O\x00Ouvrir... ;O\x00Open... MNI_Prefs_SAVE S\x00Sauver... ;S\x00Save... MNI_Prefs_QUIT Q\x00Quitter ;Q\x00Quit ; ; Factory Gadgets Factory01_GAD Structures internes ;Internal Structure Factory02_GAD Body Armor ;Body Armor Factory10_GAD Loc Arme Nom Muni Dom Chal Port ;Loc Weapon Name Amm Dam Heat Range Factory04_GAD Taille: ;Size: Factory05_GAD Capacit arme: ;Weapon Capability: Factory06_GAD Capacit en m ;Melee Capability: Factory07_GAD Capacit de d fense: ;Defense Capability: Factory08_GAD Prix: ;Cost: Factory11_GAD paration ;Repair Factory12_GAD Recharger ;Reload Factory34_GAD Mount Factory13_GAD Remove Factory14_GAD Modify ;Modify Factory15_GAD Suivant ;Next Factory16_GAD Type Mech: ;Mech Type: Factory17_GAD te : ;:Head : Factory18_GAD :Torse G: ;:Lft Torso: Factory19_GAD :Torse C: ;:Ctr Torso: Factory20_GAD :Torse D: ;:Rgh Torso: Factory21_GAD :Main G: ;:Left Arm: Factory22_GAD :Main D: ;:Right Arm: Factory23_GAD :Jambe G: ;:Left Leg: Factory24_GAD :Jambe D: ;:Right Leg: Factory35_GAD Movement [Turns] Factory36_GAD Walk: Factory37_GAD Factory38_GAD Jump: Factory71_GAD Stand: Factory72_GAD Turn: Factory73_GAD Crawl: Factory40_GAD Head: Factory41_GAD Lft Torso: Factory42_GAD Ctr Torso: Factory43_GAD Rgt Torso: Factory44_GAD Lft BTorso: Factory45_GAD Ctr BTorso: Factory46_GAD Rgt BTorso: Factory47_GAD Left Arm: Factory48_GAD Right Arm: Factory49_GAD Left Leg: Factory50_GAD Right Leg: Factory51_GAD Engine: Factory52_GAD Jump Jets: Factory53_GAD Heat Sinks: Factory60_GAD Weight [Tons] Factory61_GAD Fusion Engine: Factory62_GAD Jump Jets: Factory63_GAD Control Components: Factory64_GAD Internal Structures: Factory65_GAD Stabilization Gyros: Factory66_GAD Body Armor: Factory67_GAD Extra Heat Sinks: Factory68_GAD Weapons: Factory69_GAD Total Weight: Factory70_GAD Avaiable: ; ; Factory Menus MNU_Factor_TITLE \x00Usine ; \x00Factory MNI_Factor_NEW N\x00Nouveau... ;N\x00New... MNI_Factor_OPEN O\x00Ouvrir... ;O\x00Open... MNI_Factor_SAVE S\x00Sauver... ;S\x00Save... MNI_Factor_DELE D\x00D truire... ;D\x00Delete... MNI_Factor_QUIT Q\x00Quitter ;Q\x00Quit ; ; Character Gadgets Character01_GAD Statut ;Status Character02_GAD Talents ;Skills Character04_GAD ;Name: Character05_GAD Classe: ;Class: Character06_GAD Statut: ;Status: Character07_GAD Victoires: ;Wins: Character08_GAD faites: ;Looses: Character09_GAD ;Arena: Character10_GAD rience: ;Experience: Character11_GAD C-Bills: ;C-Bills: Character12_GAD Titre: ;Title: Character13_GAD Revenu: ;Income: Character14_GAD Niveau: ;Rank: Character15_GAD Salery: ;Salery: Character16_GAD Disponible: ;Available: Character17_GAD Personnage: ;Character: Character22_GAD Attributs ;Attributes ; ; Character Menus MNU_Charac_TITLE \x00Guerrier ; \x00Warrior MNI_Charac_NEW N\x00Nouveau... ;N\x00New... MNI_Charac_OPEN O\x00Ouvrir... ;O\x00Open... MNI_Charac_SAVE S\x00Sauver... ;S\x00Save... MNI_Charac_DELE D\x00Supprimer... ;D\x00Delete... MNI_Charac_QUIT Q\x00Quitter ;Q\x00Quit MNU_Charac_TIM2 \x00Acad ; \x00Academy MNI_Charac_HEAL H\x00Gu rir personnage ;H\x00Heal Character MNI_Charac_ADVR V\x00Augmenter niveau ;V\x00Advance Rank MNI_Charac_ATTR A\x00Am liorer attributs ;A\x00Upgrade Attributes MNI_Charac_SKIL K\x00D velopper talents ;K\x00Upgrade Skills MNI_Charac_CONV C\x00Convertir pts d'exp rience. ;C\x00Convert Exp. Points MNI_Charac_ChaM \x00Changer Mech ; \x00Change Mech MNI_Charac_BuyX \x00Acheter Mech tendu ; \x00Buy Xtended Mech MainHelp_HELP This gadget shows some help! ;This gadget shows some help! FileName_HELP Here you can change the name of the Unit! ;Here you can change the name of the Unit! FileGad_HELP Select me if you wish to load a new Unit! ;Select me if you wish to load a new Unit! ListView_HELP Select a Character/Mech to become the current one! ;Select a Character/Mech to become the current one! UnitStores_HELP Select something if you wish to buy Mech-related parts! ;Select something if you wish to buy Mech-related parts! Character_HELP Select me if you wish to create, heal and train Characters! ;Select me if you wish to create, heal and train Characters! Factory_HELP Select me if you wish to build, modify and repair your Mechs! ;Select me if you wish to build, modify and repair your Mechs! MapEditor_HELP Here you can create your own Maps! ;Here you can create your own Maps! BoxArFlag_HELP Select me and you will enter Virtual Reality! ;Select me and you will enter Virtual Reality! BoxArSta0_HELP Here you can see how many Characters/Mechs this Unit holds! ;Here you can see how many Characters/Mechs this Unit holds! BoxArSta1_HELP Here you can see how good this Unit performs in combat! ;Here you can see how good this Unit performs in combat! BoxArSta2_HELP Here you can see the repair and salvage rights! ;Here you can see the repair and salvage rights! CharacterHelp_HELP This gadget shows you some help for the Warrior window! Character01_HELP Here you can see some information about the character! Character02_HELP Here you can see the skill levels used for a particular skill! Character22_HELP Here you can see the current and main attriute levels! FactoryHelp_HELP This gadget shows you some help for the Factory window! Factory01_HELP Here you can see where all the internal components are mounted on! Factory02_HELP Here you can some information about the mech! Factory10_HELP Select a weapon if you want add or remove ammo for a weapon! Factory11_HELP Select me if you want to repair this mech! Factory12_HELP Select me if you want to reload ammo for all weaponslots! Factory15_HELP Select me and you will go to the next Factory window! Factory14_HELP Select me if you want to modify a weapon! Factory16_HELP Here you can change the name of the Mech! Factory34_HELP Select me if you want to mount new weapon! Factory13_HELP Select me if you want to remove a weapon! Factory35_HELP Here you can see how fast this Mech can walk and run across terrain! Factory51_HELP Here you can change the Engine Power! Factory52_HELP Here you can mount or remove Jump Jets! Factory53_HELP Here you can mount or remove Heat Sinks! Factory60_HELP Here you can see how the weight is divided among internal components! TxCBills C-Bills ;C-Bills TxCBills2 C-Bills/Combat Point ;C-Bills/Combat Point TxTons ;Tons TxCantOpen Can not open ;Can not open TxCantCreate Can not create ;Can not create TxNoEnougStore Not enough stores of ;Not enough stores of TxMaxAttribute can not advance further in that skill ;can not advance further in that skill TxMaxSkills has reached the maximum in all skills ;has reached the maximum in all skills TxNeeds needs ;needs TxExpPoints Experience Points ;Experience Points TxCharacterPts Character Points ;Character Points TxSelectLeader Select Unit Leader ;Select Unit Leader TxProtoHail Select a Xtended Mech ;Select a Xtended Mech EasyEzReqTxt01 Yes|No ;Yes|No EasyEzReqTxt02 More|Done ;More|Done EasyEzReqTxt03 Accept|Reject ;Accept|Reject EasyEzReqTxt04 Accept|Next|Reject ;Accept|Next|Reject EasyEzReqTxt05 Accept|Break Contract|Reject ;Accept|Break Contract|Reject EasyEzReqTxt06 Accept|Factory|Next|Reject ;Accept|Factory|Next|Reject EasyEzReqTxt07 Change palette ;Change palette TxSelectMusic Select Sound or Module ;Select Sound or Module TxSelectTechnicain Select Clan Technicain ;Select Clan Technicain TxWeaponHail Select a Weapon ;Select a Weapon TxSelectUnit Select Unit ;Select Unit TxSelectUnit2 Select Unit to Delete ;Select Unit to Delete TxSelectChar Select Character ;Select Character TxSelectChar2 Select Character to Delete ;Select Character to Delete TxSelectMech Select Mech ;Select Mech TxSelectMech2 Select Mech to Delete ;Select Mech to Delete TxPrefHailMsg Select a directory ;Select a directory TxNoClanUnitFile Something goes wrong,\n it was not a Clan Unit! ;Something goes wrong,\n it was not a Clan Unit! TxAbout02 This programm uses gadutil.library, which\n is Copyright 1994-1995 by P-O Yliniemi\n and Staffan H , reqtools.library is\n Copyright 1995-1996 Magnus Holmgren and\n superplay.library is Copyright 1994-96\n Andreas R. Kleinert. ;This programm uses gadutil.library, which\n is Copyright 1994-1995 by P-O Yliniemi\n and Staffan H , reqtools.library is\n Copyright 1995-1996 Magnus Holmgren and\n superplay.library is Copyright 1994-96\n Andreas R. Kleinert.