^Tutorial 14 - Overcoming Absentmindedness\ This tutorial suggests some simple systems which can be used to overcome absentmindedness. They are based on principles which you have already learned - ^Initial Awareness\ and ^Association of Ideas\. The definition of absentmindedness is staightforward - you are absentminded when you perform actions unconsciously, without thinking. If your mind is 'absent' while you are performing an action, there can be no ^Initial Awareness\ of that action. The solution to the problem of absentmindedness is equally straightforward and obvious - you simply have to ^think of what you are doing at the time you are doing it\. Of course, this is easier said than done - how can you be sure to |force\ yourself to concentrate on a simple, everyday action at the time you are doing it ? Think right back to Tutorial 1, where you learned that Initial Awareness\, and you have the answer to the problem. As Initial Awareness is the same as having something register in your mind in the first place, then forming an instant association when you perform an action ^must\ solve the problem of absentmindedness.# An example will make this much clearer. Suppose you are one of those people who freqeuently writes an important letter and then forgets to take it out and post it. What is the last action you perform before leaving your home ? Probably pulling the front door shut. So, after writing a letter, instead of saying to yourself 'I must remember to post this...' and then forgetting about it completely, do the followin