warning: I'm sorry,this english document is very simple. The First Distribution place:NIFTYSERVER(http://www.niftyserve.or.jp/) LIB#11 The Second Distribution place: http://www.csdinc.co.jp/archiver/) Support Meeting Room: NIFTYSERVE FWINDC MES#3 ( or email to Me) =========================================================================== Software Name: IZIP32J.DLL ( Japanese Localization(and small change) of Info-ZIP's ZIP Windows DLL 1.01(ZIP2.2 base)) File Name: IZPDJ???.EXE (??? is version number) Keywords: 1:IZIP32J.DLL 2:PACK/UNPACK 3:$WIN32 4:#PACK 5:#DLL Original Author:Info-ZIP(http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/) Japanese Transplantator(My Name): Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) OS: Windows 95/WindowsNT Compiler: VISUAL C++ Ver5.0 Japanese Version Support: NIFTYSERVE FWINDC MES#3 or E-MAIL to me. =========================================================================== [Introduction] This is Japanese localization and small change of Info-ZIP's ZIP library. I assume that this library is used with ZIP32J.DLL, But you can use only this library. [INSTALL] Please copy IZIP32J.DLL to WINDOWS SYSTEM folder. [Files] DOC\ Info-ZIP's ZIP Documents. SRC\IZIP32J.DIF GNU diff file from Info-ZIP original ZIP32.DLL to IZIP32J.DLL. [Change From Original ZIP32.DLL] -You can use Japanese(SJIS code) in filename. -If fRecurse==1 use "-r" option,else if fRecurse==2 use "-R" option. (At original, in both case use "-R" option.) [References] *Info-ZIP http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ *ZIP32J.DLL NIFTYServe FWINNT LIB#11 ZIP3J???.EXE http://www.csdinc.co.jp/archiver/ *GNU diff/GNU patch ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/v1gnu/dif26bn.zip (Binary) ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/v1gnu/dif26dc.zip (Document) [about COPYRIGHT] This program is written from Info-ZIP's ZIP source program. ZIP and UNZIP original source can be got free or small coping fee. You can use Japanese localization pert FREE.(like PDS) For details, please refer original INFO-ZIP's document. ===========================================================================