5001 $1 minutes, $2 seconds. 5002 Total size is $1 kBytes. Estimated download time is $2 minutes at 28.8k. Would you like to download now? 5003 Download Completed. 5004 Contacting Macromedia... 5005 Would you like to go to Macromedia's web site to repair your Shockwave Player? 5006 An updated version of Shockwave is available. Would you like to go to Macromedia's web site to get it? 5007 Welcome to Shockwave! 5008 You're getting the FREE Shockwave Player! 5009 5010 With Shockwave Player you can experience engaging, interactive content on thousands of Web sites! 5011 &Next > 5013 Shockwave Player is still downloading. If you quit now, your browser will not work with Shockwave content. Are you sure you want to quit this download? 5100 Installation successfull. 5101 An error has occurred while communicating with www.macromedia.com. The software installation was not completed. Please check your Internet connection or try again later. 5102 An error has occurred while copying files to your local disk. The software installation was not completed. Please make sure your local disk is writable and has at least 5 megabytes of free space. 5103 The software installation was not completed. Please make sure your local disk is writable and has at least 5 megabytes of free space. 5104 Shockwave is not correctly installed or needs to be updated. 5105 Shockwave failed to start. You may be out of memory or disk space, there may have been a network error, or Shockwave may be incorrectly installed. 5106 An error has occurred during installation. Please try again later. 5107 An error occurred while communicating with www.macromedia.com. Please try again later. 5108 The installation failed because of insufficient memory. 5109 The installation has been cancelled. 5110 One or more Shockwave files are missing. 5111 One or more Shockwave files are out-of-date or corrupt. 5112 The installed version of Shockwave is incompatible with this plug-in or ActiveX control. 5113 Shockwave is not compatible with this browser version. Please try a newer browser. 5114 Your Shockwave Player update is complete. At your earliest convenience, please restart your computer to take advantage of the new features in your Shockwave Player. 5115 The Shockwave plug-in cannot be used on Internet Explorer. Please install Shockwave from www.macromedia.com. 5116 Shockwave 5117 Script Error. Continue? 5200 United States (San Francisco, California) 5201 United States (Seattle, Washington) 5202 United States (New York, New York) 5203 Japan 5204 Europe 5205 Australia 5301 This page contains a new Shockwave format movie that\nthe current Shockwave control cannot handle. Would you\nlike to download the newer version of the control? 5302 This page contains a new Shockwave format movie that\nthe current Shockwave plug-in cannot handle. Would you\nlike to download the newer version of the plug-in? 5304 This plugin is stopping because too many errors have occurred. 5305 Xtra package download error 5306 Xtra package verification problem, install anyway? 5307 Shockwave Error: $1