Gigabyte Technology Flash BIOS Update and Recovery Procedures BIOS Update Procedure: 1. Make a boot disk. Go to the DOS command prompt in MS-DOS or Windows 9x and, with an available floppy disk in "A", type (without the quotes), "format A: /s" That will format the floppy and transfer the needed system files to it. NOTES: A. This procedure will erase any prior data on that floppy, so please proceed accordingly. B. Typically four files will be transferred, only COMMAND.COM being visible when running a simple directory listing. C. Please leave the diskette UN-write protected for the balance of this procedure. 2. Download the BIOS upgrade file (zip file) and awdflash.exe utility from a Gigabyte web site to a temp directory on your hard drive, or directly to the floppy you made in step 1.. NOTE: The BIOS zip file may or may not include the required flash utility file. If it does not, that file is also available, separately, near the top of each applicable download page on the web site. 3. Extract both files to the boot floppy you made in step 1 using an extraction utility such as pkunzip or winzip. NOTE: Both of these utilities are available on many shareware download pages like 4. Reboot the system to the DOS command prompt using the boot diskette you just made. 5. At the DOS command prompt, type (without quotes), "awdflash", where is the file name of the BIOS file you just extracted. Hit enter. 6. Your first option, in sequence, will be to save the old BIOS. We recommend that you do that in case, for whatever reason, you decide you don't wish to use the new version once it is installed. NOTES: A. If you decide to save the old BIOS, PLEASE make sure you do NOT save it to the same file name as the new BIOS - if you use the same BIOS name the old file will be written over the new file with NO warning prompt. A simple file name to save the old BIOS to is OLDBIOS.BIN. B. If you do NOT decide to save the old BIOS, PLEASE at least write down the version number of the old BIOS and store that information with your important computer documents. Enter N (for "no") and skip to step 9. 7. To save the old BIOS, hit Y (for "yes") 8. Enter a name for the OLD BIOS file and hit enter. NOTE: PLEASE be sure you do NOT save the old BIOS file to the same file name as the new BIOS - if you use the same BIOS name, the old file will write over the new BIOS file WITHOUT a warning prompt. A simple file name for saving the old BIOS to is OLDBIOS.BIN. 9. Your second option, in sequence, will be whether you want to flash your BIOS. Enter Y (for "yes"). NOTE: This is the critical step. Once you kit the enter key, do NOT touch the keyboard, the reset button, or power switch while the flashing is in progress. There will be bar progressing across the screen while the flashing is progressing. 10. When the flashing process is complete, you will be asked to reset or power off the system. Remove the floppy diskette from the floppy drive and either hit the reset button or the power button. 11. Reboot the system and note that the BIOS version on the initial boot-up screen has changed to the new BIOS version. Your BIOS upgrade is now complete. Recovering Your Old BIOS: 1. Assuming you have the floppy made during the upgrade procedure noted above, boot the system with that diskette in the floppy drive. If you do not have floppy made during the upgrade procedure noted above, you will need to repeat steps 1 though 3 (above) for the version of the BIOS you wish to recover to. 2. Complete steps 4, 5, 6B, 9, 10, and 11 (above) substituting the name of the BIOS you wish to recover for the upgrade BIOS at step 5.