MOUSEDRV.TXT Copyright 1993-1998 Logitech, Inc. All Rights Reserved ***************************************************************** This documents describes the parameters used in the registry or in the MOUSEDRV.INI file. ***************************************************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PURPOSE AND INTRODUCTION 2 2 FORMAT OF THE MOUSEDRV.INI FILE (WINDOWS 3.1 AND DOS) 3 3 FORMAT OF THE REGISTRY (WINDOWS 95/WINDOWS 98) 3 4 FORMAT OF THE REGISTRY (WINDOWS NT 4.0) 3 5 [GLOBAL] SECTION 4 5.1 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} FORCEDCONNECTION= 4 5.2 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SEARCHORDER= 4 5.3 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X, WINNT 4.0} PORTSEARCHORDER= 4 5.4 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} ACTIVEMOUSE#= 5 5.5 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} CONNECTIONPORT#= 5 5.6 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} CONNECTION#= 5 5.7 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} MAXIMUMDEVICES= 5 5.8 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} MAXIMUMCONNECTIONS= 6 5.9 {WINNT 4.0} JAPANESE= 6 5.10{ WIN9X} WHEELMSGTOVMOUSE, MOUSEHOOKDLLENABLE= 6 6 [TECHNICAL] SECTION 6 6.1 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} FORCEPS2EQUIPMENTFLAG= 6 6.2 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} DETECTIPDEVICE= 7 6.3 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} TIMING= 7 6.4 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} PS2SYNCHRONIZATION= 7 6.5 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} CYCLEIRQ= 7 6.6 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SHAREIRQ= 8 6.7 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} PS2DEVICE= 8 6.8 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} APMMODE= 8 6.9 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SEARCHCSERIES= 9 6.10{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} DEBUGTIMING= 9 6.11{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} APMPOWERDOWN= 9 6.12{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} QUICKSEARCH= 9 6.13{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X, WINNT 4.0} RESETWINMODIF= 9 6.14{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} BOOTSEARCH= 10 6.15{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} MONITORUNPLUG= 10 6.16{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SBOARDFLAGS= 10 6.17{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SBOARDIOBASE= 11 6.18{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SBOARDIRQ= 11 6.19{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SBOARDID= 11 6.20{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} PNPREADPORT= 11 6.21{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X, WINNT 4.0} RUNTIMECOMMAND= 11 6.22{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} PS2BIOSERRORCHECK= 11 6.23{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X, WINNT 4.0} PS2DETECTPP= 12 6.24{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X, WINNT 4.0} PS2DETECTIM= 12 6.25{WINNT 4.0} LMOUFLTR\TECHNICAL\RESUMEPOLLING = [VALUE] 12 7 [DOSGLOBAL] SECTION 13 7.1 BLINKINGRATE= 13 7.2 CURSORENHANCEMENT= 13 7.3 CURSORLOCK= 13 7.4 CURSORTRAILS= 13 7.5 CORDLESSREMINDER= 14 7.6 POWERMANAGEMENT= 14 7.7 MEMORY= 14 7.8 MEMORYSTUB= 14 7.9 DRIVERVERSION= 15 7.10PS2ACCESS= 15 7.11PS2APIEMULATION= 15 7.12LANGUAGEID= 15 7.13MIDDLEBUTTON= 16 7.14RIGHTBUTTON= 16 7.15SMARTMOVE= 16 7.16DEVICEMODEL= 16 8 [COMX] SECTIONS 16 8.1 BASEADDRESS= 16 8.2 IRQVALUE= 16 9 [WINGLOBAL] SECTION 17 9.1 USEDOSDRIVER= 17 9.2 DRIVERVERSION= 17 9.3 WINCC= 17 10 [DISPLAY] SECTION 17 10.1USEVCIOVERLAY= 18 10.2VIDEOMODULE= 18 11 [DEVICETYPE] SECTION 18 11.1DEVICEMODEL= 20 11.2TAPANDDRAGLOCK= 20 11.3VIRTUALEDGE= 20 11.4MULTIPLEFINGER= 20 11.5TOUCHTHRESHOLD= 21 11.6EDGEWIDTH= 21 11.7ROLLEREDGE= 21 11.8ROLLERBOTTOM= 21 11.9DISWTYPINGMOVETORESET= 21 11.10DISWTYPINGNBMINKEYSTROKE= 22 11.11DISWTYPINGDELAY= 22 ***************************************************************** 1 Purpose and Introduction The purpose of this document is to explain the functionality of the parameters used by MouseWare in the registry in Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 or in MOUSEDRV.INI in DOS and Windows 3.1. This document provides a detailed description of these parameters and how they can be modified. Many of these parameters can be set from the DOS command line or from the Windows control center. This document is intended, therefore, for advanced users with a need to alter these other parameters or who need to understand the mouse driver in greater detail. Since modification of some of these parameters can adversely affect the operation of your mouse, changes to the INI files or registry should be made with extreme care. Do not attempt to modify any of the INI file parameters without reading and thoroughly understanding the relevant section in this file. When the driver is installed for the first time on a system, none of these parameters is normally preset in the registry or INI file by the installer. Every time a parameter is needed by the driver, it will search the registry or INI file for its existence and read it, if not found it will create that parameter and set it to its default value. This allows to preset parameters before installation and maintaining these parameters during an upgrade. 2 Format of the MOUSEDRV.INI File (Windows 3.1 and DOS) The parameters in the MOUSEDRV.INI file are grouped in sections under a section header in the following format: [section name] parameter=value The square brackets ([]) in the [section name] are required. Section names must start in the leftmost column. Within each section are one or more "parameter=value" statements. Initially, all of these values will be default values set by the mouse driver itself. If the MOUSEDRV.INI file is deleted, the driver will recreate this file with the default values. This can be useful if the MOUSEDRV.INI file becomes corrupted and you wish to return to default values. 3 Format of the registry (Windows 95/Windows 98) The information in the registry must be accessed with the 'REGEDIT' application located in the Windows directory. The information is stored in a similar way as INI files except that sections are organized in a tree format. Configuration information for the driver is located under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Logitech\MouseWare\CurrentVersion 4 Format of the registry (Windows NT 4.0) The information in the registry must be accessed with the 'REGEDIT' application located in the Windows directory. The information is stored in a similar way as INI files except that sections are organized in a tree format. Configuration information for the drivers is located under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\\Parameters Where is: - l8042prt (Parameters relevant to PS/2 mice) - lsermous (Parameters relevant to serial mice) - lmoufltr (Parameters common to all mice) 5 [Global] Section The mouse drivers will look into this section before it initializes its search for a pointing device among possible ports. 5.1 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ForcedConnection= Determines if the mouse driver will search for the mouse first on the port specified by "Connection" and/or "ConnectionPort" parameters or will use the "PortSearchOrder" parameter. Valid values: On Use Connection information to find the mouse Off Perform a full search for mouse each launch time using the search order given below. Default value = on 5.2 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SearchOrder= The driver searches the computer's ports for the connected mouse (mice) in the order given. Valid values: Bus Search for a bus mouse Inport Search for a Microsoft Inport mouse PS2 Search for a PS/2 mouse Serial Search for a Serial mouse (M-series and C-series) Default value = PS2, Serial, Bus, Inport. 5.3 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} PortSearchOrder= Lists the order and which serial ports are searched. This is valid only for Serial devices. Valid values: COM1 search on comport 1 COM2 search on comport 2 COM3 search on comport 3 COM4 search on comport 4 Default value = COM1, COM2, COM3. NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the lsermous service. 5.4 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ActiveMouse#= This parameter indicates which [DeviceType] section is used. The number sign indicates which device this refers to. If there is only one mouse connected no number will appear (value of zero). If there is a second device this will be number one, two for the third device, etc. Valid values: please refer to section 11 below Default value is determined by the connected mouse 5.5 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ConnectionPort#= Current COM port used by mouse. This is valid only for a serial device. The number sign indicates which device this refers to. If there is only one mouse connected no number will appear (value of zero). If there is a second device this will be number one, two for the third device, etc. Valid values: None mouse not on a serial port COM1 Serial COM port 1 COM2 Serial COM port 2 COM3 Serial COM port 3 COM4 Serial COM port 4 Default value is determined by connected mouse 5.6 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} Connection#= This indicates the type of hardware port the mouse is connected to. The number sign indicates which device this refers to. If there is only one mouse connected no number will appear (value of zero). If there is a second device this will be number one, two for the third device, etc. Valid values: BUS Search for a BUS mouse Inport Search for a Microsoft Inport mouse PS2 Search for a PS/2 mouse Serial Search for a Serial mouse Default value is determined by connected mouse 5.7 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} MaximumDevices= Indicates the maximum number of pointing devices which can be detected under Windows. Valid values: to approx. 20. Limited by memory allocation. Default value = 4 (16 for Windows 95) 5.8 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} MaximumConnections= Indicates the maximum number of hardware connections under Windows. For example: two cordless mice sharing one receiver would constitute two devices and one connection. Valid values: 1 through 16 Default value = 16 (for Win9x) or 2 (for Win3.1x) 5.9 {WinNT 4.0} Japanese= Indicates if the keyboard driver should recognize Japanese keyboards. This parameter is handled by the l8042prt service. Default value = On 5.10 { Win9x} WheelMsgToVMouse, MouseHookDllEnable= WheelMsgToVMouse: 0 or 1 (default) If "1", requires lmouse.vxd to forward wheel messages to vmouse even when em_exec is running. This allows wheel actions to be seen through DirectInput, but also causes applications that recognize WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages to "over-scroll" MouseHookDllEnable: 0 or 1 (default) Used to enable/disable LgMousHk.dll which traps unwanted WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages. WheelMsgToVMou MouseHookDllEna Effect se ble 0 0 Wheel cannot be seen through DirectInput. 0 1 Not meaningful 1 0 Will cause double-scrolling in some applications 1 1 New default behaviour 6 [Technical] Section This section describes technical settings used by the mouse drivers. These settings might help to solve compatibility problems with certain types of hardware or BIOS versions. 6.1 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ForcePS2EquipmentFlag= Indicates if the driver should force the detection of a PS2 mouse. This flag should be set to ON if the driver is unable to detect a device connected on the PS2 port. Valid values: On Simulate a PS2 mouse found during boot time. Off The flag is set by the BIOS during boot time Default value = Off 6.2 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} DetectIPDevice= Indicates if the driver should use the BIOS integrated pointing device interface to identify a device. Valid values: On Use the BIOS interface. Off Ignore the BIOS interface. Default value = Off 6.3 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} Timing= Indicates which timing procedure the driver should use for synchronizing a PS2 type mouse. Valid values: Software Use software loops to compute timing. Hardware Use the PC timer chip to compute timing. Default value = Software The remaining entries in this section are valid in the Windows environment. 6.4 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PS2Synchronization= Enable/disable re-synchronization on PS/2 reports. This can solve some problems with erratic cursor motion when using a PS2 mouse. Valid values: On re-synchronization is enabled. Off re-synchronization is disabled. Default value = On 6.5 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} CycleIrq= Entry point for the IRQ manager from an interrupt. The IrqCycling flag allows the interrupt handler to be cycled until no more interrupts are pending. This is to allow for ISA boards that share IRQs internally and must have all interrupts cleared before leaving the handler. Normally there will be only one handler that will service the interrupt. This parameter is necessary only on ISA boards. Valid values: 0 through F (hexadecimal) Default value = 0 6.6 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ShareIrq= The IRQ named is externally shareable and the IRQ is forwarded to external software if not handled internally. Note: The driver automatically shares all IRQs internally for devices it handles. Valid values: 0 through F (hexadecimal) Default value = 0 6.7 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PS2Device= In case more than one PS/2 device is attached to the computer but cannot be detected, the driver can create additional devices so that settings can be saved for each device. Default value = 1 6.8 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} APMMode= Define the action that the driver will perform upon power management suspend/resume commands. If the mouse stops working after a resume, this parameter should be set to "Off" See also the "APMPowerDown" parameter. Valid values: Off Nothing will be done. Standard The device(s) will only be disabled/enabled. SearchCurrent The device(s) will be de-initialized upon suspend. After resume, a search will be performed only for the connections that were in use prior to the suspend command. SearchAll The device(s) will be de-initialized upon suspend. After resume, a full search will be performed for devices in accordance with the "SearchOrder" parameter. Default The driver will determine which mode is suitable depending on the machine Default value = SearchCurrent 6.9 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SearchCSeries= Enable/disable the search of serial "C-series" type of mouse. This device takes some time to be looked for. If you don't use such devices, turning this flag off will speed-up the overall search process. Valid values: Off Disable C-series search. On Enable C-series search. Default value = On 6.10 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} DebugTiming= This flag enables a special timing specification for use by technical support. Please do not alter it. Valid values: On Allow special timing specification. Off Use normal timing. Default value = Off 6.11 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} APMPowerDown= Determines if the mouse will power down on an APM suspend command. Valid values: On Execute "APMMode" parameter instructions. Off Ignore all APM commands. Default value = Off 6.12 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} QuickSearch= The driver will skip lengthy device initialization steps. Valid values: On Speed up search. Off Use standard search. Default value = On 6.13 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} ResetWinModif= When the driver is configured with the MouseWare control panel, it can reset the Windows internal mouse speed and button setting to provide a better device control. This parameter should be left on for best device behavior. Valid values: On Reset the Windows modifier values (Speed and buttons). Off Keep Windows settings. Default value = On NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the lmoufltr service. 6.14 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} BootSearch= When the operating system initializes, the driver looks for devices on connections specified in the SearchOrder entry. Under Windows 9x, the devices to search for can also be specified in the Device Manager. Valid values: On Does an automatic search for devices at boot time. Off Do not search for devices. Device will be added by the operating system or the control panel. Default value = Off 6.15 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} MonitorUnplug= The disconnection of Serial Plug and Play devices can be detected by the driver which will free the port to which the device is attached for possible other use. Valid values: On The driver will free the port when the device is disconnected. Note: the control panel or the Device Manager must be used to reconnect and re-enable the device. Off Do not monitor device unplug. Default value = Off 6.16 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardFlags= Value to control detection and configuration of the serial Plug and Play board. This value is the sum of the following values. 1 Ignore board in Plug and Play mode. 2 Ignore board in legacy mode. 4 Ignore DOS/Windows 3.x configuration manager 8 Ignore Plug and Play BIOS if present. 16 Scan for already assigned board identifiers. 32 Isolate Plug and Play boards. 64 Check for IO conflicts 128 Reconfigure board even when a Plug and Play BIOS and/or configuration manager is present. Default value = 0 6.17 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardIOBase= Base Input/Output address of the serial Plug and Play board in hexadecimal. Assigned by configuration utility. 6.18 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardIrq= Interrupt request number of the serial Plug and Play board in decimal. Assigned by configuration utility. 6.19 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardID= Serial Plug and Play board identifier. Do not change. 6.20 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PnPReadPort= Plug and Play I/O port values to retrieve Plug and Play configuration information. The driver will try the first address first and will use the next only if it detects a conflict with other hardware. 6.21 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} RunTimeCommand= Modal devices can be configured during runtime. This value should not be changed. Valid values: On Enable the driver to send run time commands to configure modal devices Off Forbids modal changes of devices. The devices will keep their internal default settings Default value = On NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the l8042prt service. 6.22 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PS2BIOSErrorCheck= The BIOS on some computers returns incorrect error codes when sending a command to a PS/2 device. When set, the PS2BIOSErrorCheck flag will cause the driver, when receiving these erroneous codes, to reissue the PS/2 command. When this flag is not set, the driver will consider that the command was completed successfully. This parameter should be left off for best device behavior. Valid values: On Reissue PS/2 commands with incorrect code. Off Consider PS/2 commands with incorrect code as successful. Default value = Off 6.23 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} PS2DetectPP= This Entry enables the detection of Logitech PS2++ mode compatibility for those devices which support this mode. If a device supports both this mode and Intellimouse mode, PS2++ will be used when this flag and the PS2DetectIM flag are both On. To set such devices in Intellimouse mode, this flag should be Off and the PS2DetectIM flag should be On. Valid values: On Attempt to enable PS2++ mode. Off Do not attempt to enable PS2++ mode. Default value = On NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the l8042prt and lsermous service. 6.24 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} PS2DetectIM= This Entry enables the detection of Microsoft Intellimouse mode compatibility for those devices which support this mode. Valid values: On Attempt to enable Intellimouse mode. Off Do not attempt to enable Intellimouse mode. Default value = On NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the l8042prt and lsermous service. 6.25 {Win9x} WheelMsgToVmouse= The Logitech driver can notify Windows of wheel actions. Doing so may help some games (using DirectX) of becoming aware of wheel movements. Valid values: 1 Wheel notifications forwarded to Windows. 0 Wheel used for scrolling only. Default value = 1 6.26 {Win9x} MouseHookDllEnable= When Windows receives notification from the driver of wheel actions (see 6.25), it will forward these to the foreground application, regardless of where the mouse pointer is and whether the application has native wheel support. This setting enables a filter preventing these notifications from causing excessive scrolling or scrolling at the wrong place. Valid values: 1 Filter unnecessary wheel messages. 0 Do not filter wheel messages. Default value = 1 6.27 {WinNT 4.0} Lmoufltr\technical\ResumePolling = [Value] Enables and parameterizes the pseudo suspend/resume feature on NT4. The driver is reading the real time clock every [Value] seconds and compares the value with the previous one. If the time elapsed between these two values is bigger than the threshold ([Value]*2 + 3) then the driver will initiate a refresh of the devices (serial, PS/2). Valid values: Range 1-10 if Value > 10 then the driver will use 10 0 detection of the system resume is disabled. Default value 0(set by driver) Note: For debugging purposes it is recommended to leave the [Value] at 0 in order to avoid the reenumeration of the device every time you stop in the debugger. 7 [DOSGlobal] Section This section describes the settings used by the DOS mouse driver and DOS Mouse Control Center. 7.1 BlinkingRate= Rate at which the DOS mouse cursor blinks. This setting is used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with cursor enhancements enabled. Valid values: Fast Sets text cursor to blink fast Slow Sets text cursor to blink slow Off Turns blinking off Default value = Off 7.2 CursorEnhancement= Indicates if the driver should load the cursor enhancements feature set. Valid values: On Load the cursor enhancements Off Do not to load cursor enhancements Default value = Off 7.3 CursorLock= This locks the shape of the cursor in the DOS environment. This setting is used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with cursor enhancements enabled. Valid values: On Enables locking of the cursor shape Off Disables locking of the cursor shape Default value = Off 7.4 CursorTrails= Enables or disables the cursor trails function. This setting is used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with the cursor enhancements enabled. Valid values: On Enables DOS cursor trails Off Disables DOS cursor trails Default value = Off 7.5 CordlessReminder= The driver can check the status of a cordless device when applications are launched. Depending on the device, this can include information about the battery level or if another nearby cordless device is causing interference. This option can be disabled to save memory or if it is too time consuming. However, it is recommended that this option remain active. Valid values: On Enable the cordless mouse reminder Off Do not install the cordless reminder Default value = On 7.6 PowerManagement= This is for the DOS environment only. The parameter determines how the mouse will respond to suspend/resume commands from a host system with advanced power management. Valid values: On Cut power to mouse on "suspend" command Off Do not cut power to mouse on "suspend" command Default value = On 7.7 Memory= Indicates the portion of memory the driver will attempt to load The default setting will allow the driver to look for the best location available in memory. The driver will try to relocate itself first in extended memory, next in upper memory and finally in conventional memory. This default behavior can be overridden by assigning a value from the list below. In case an option cannot be satisfied, the next lower region of memory will be used. Valid values: Automatic Load in the best memory available Upper Load in upper memory Conventional Load in conventional memory Default value = Automatic 7.8 MemoryStub= When the driver runs in extended memory, it still needs to maintain a program stub of about 1K in conventional or upper memory. This parameter determines where that stub is to be loaded in much the same manner as the "memory" parameter above. Valid values: Automatic Load the stub in upper memory Conventional Load the stub in conventional memory Default value = Automatic 7.9 DriverVersion= The DOS driver version number for this release. 7.10 PS2Access= Define the type of support provided by the Logitech Virtual Keyboard Driver (LVKD.386), if installed, for a PS/2 device. See also the "PS2APIEmulation" parameter. Valid values: None No access to the device. This will match the behavior of the default Windows Virtual Keyboard Driver (*VKD). BIOS LVKD.386 allows access to the PS/2 device. It will forward any PS/2 request from the driver to the BIOS. Direct The LVKD fully virtualizes the 8042 keyboard controller. The driver will determine which mode is suitable depending on the machine. Default Use Direct access for some machines, Bios access for the remainder. Default value = Direct 7.11 PS2APIEmulation= Indicates if the specialized Logitech API command set is to be used Valid values: Off Do not use these commands On Use these commands Default value = Off 7.12 LanguageID= If your mouse driver is multilingual, allows you to change the language used Valid values: ENU English XXX Automatic detection Default value = XXX 7.13 MiddleButton= This parameter stores the assignment made to the middle button. Each possible button assignment is designated by a numeric value which is what is stored here. To make changes to the button assignments use the Windows Mouse Control Center. 7.14 RightButton= This parameter stores the assignment made to the right button. Each possible button assignment is designated by a numeric value which is what is stored here. To make changes to the button assignments use the Windows Mouse Control Center. 7.15 SmartMove= Designates whether smart move is enabled or disabled. Valid values: On Smart move is enabled. Off Smart move is disabled. Default value = Off 7.16 DeviceModel= The device designated in the MOUSEDRV.INI file which is in turn reported by the driver. Generally, this value is the same as the name of the section. 8 [COMx] Sections This section defines the COM ports used by the computer. This section allows advanced users to configure their mouse for atypical IRQ values and non-standard COM port address. The 'x' value must be filled in by the user as must the values in this section. Valid values for 'x' are: 1, 2, 3 and 4. If you are using a serial bus board which allows non-standard configurations, you must set the values in this section to match the corresponding values on your serial board. The driver cannot set these automatically. 8.1 BaseAddress= The base address of the COM port (given in hexadecimal). Valid values: valid hexadecimal value which depends on the hardware. Default value: COM1=3F8, COM2=2F8, COM3=3E8, COM4=2E8 8.2 IRQValue= The IRQ value of the COM port (given in decimal). Valid values: determined by hardware Default value: COM1=4, COM2=3, COM3=4, COM4=3 Note: The COM3 and COM4 values are synchronized with the Windows values. Use the Windows Ports control panel to modify the ports values. 9 [WinGlobal] Section The section describes the settings used by the Windows mouse driver. 9.1 UseDOSDriver= Windows 3.1 only. This parameter enables the use of the DOS mouse driver under Windows instead of the Windows driver. Since this will limit functionality if should be set only if there are compatibility problems under Windows. If this parameter is set to On, the DOS mouse driver must be launched before launching Windows. Valid values: On Use the DOS mouse driver under Windows. The mouse functionality will then be limited. Off Normal use of the Windows mouse driver. Default value=Off 9.2 DriverVersion= Windows mouse driver version number. 9.3 WinCC= Windows 3.1x only. The full path and file name of the Windows Control Center. The default directory is same as the location of the Windows mouse driver LMOUSE.DRV. 10 [DISPLAY] Section Windows 3.1x and DOS only. The sections controls the generation of the mouse cursor when running some super VGA capable DOS programs. Super VGA (SVGA) is defined loosely as any mode above the VGA standard established by IBM. The various video card manufacturers have implemented the SVGA modes differently. This presents a problem for when running DOS programs which require the mouse driver to draw the mouse cursor. To do this, the mouse driver must have knowledge of the underling video architecture and the current video mode. To remedy this problem, the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) and Logitech Inc. have established the Video Cursor Interface (VCI) Standard. This standard outlines the interface between an input device, such as a mouse, and a small overlay program containing hardware dependent cursor movement and drawing code. The host (or mouse driver in this case) calls the VCI module to perform all cursor functions. The host need not have any knowledge of the cursor drawing software/hardware. The VCI module can be implemented in one of three ways: as an overlay program that the host program loads, as a TSR/device driver program that redirects INT 10h calls to itself, as ROM resident code. The mouse driver itself contains the code for implementing VCI support. The following parameters may be used to enable the driver to use an external VCI overlay instead. 10.1 UseVCIOverlay= The driver can use an external video overlay instead of its built-in video code. This flag will enable or disable the search for such a module. Valid values: On Attempt to load the video overlay specified in the VideoModule keyname. Off Use the mouse driver's built-in video code. Default value=Off 10.2 VideoModule= Location of the VESA VCI video cursor overlay. This value is either a file name, the keyword RESIDENT, or blank for no external VCI support. If only a file name is present, the driver will assume that the VCI file is located in the driver directory. By default, the directory where MOUSEDRV.INI is located is used. If the overlay cannot be found or has an incorrect format, the driver will revert to its internal video code. Valid values: A path and file name of VCI file. If only a file name is present, the driver will assume that the VCI file is located in the same directory as the MOUSEDRV.INI file. RESIDENT The VCI module is resident in memory. Value is blank Indicates no external VCI module. Default value is left blank 11 [DeviceType] Section Each connected device will have its own section defining that device's characteristics. The "DeviceType" name will be a text string describing the mouse model as follows. Values written here are for mice that can identify themselves (e.g. MouseMan) or for general groups of mice (e.g. SerialM). For unidentifiable mice, the "DeviceModel" parameter may be used to specify a device shape. By default, the DeviceModel name will be the same as the DeviceType. Note for DOS dual mode: Only one device's [DeviceType] section will be supported at a time. For dual mode, the DOS mouse driver will write out the second mouse's [DeviceType] section but will not use it. Only the first mouse found section will be used. To indicate the active device section, the parameter "ActiveMouse" will be used. Please see ActiveMouse description in the [Global] section. Under Windows, if more that one instance of the same device model is connected to the system, the additional device instance(s) will have a 4 digit instance count appended to it (them). These sections store the parameters which are specific to each device such as speed and acceleration. Generally these parameters will be set from the DOS or Windows mouse control center or by a DOS command line parameter. For a complete list of all of these parameters type "mouse /?" from the mouse directory at the DOS command prompt. The device types are: Bus Bus mouse Cordless1 MouseMan Cordless (original cordless mouse) Cordless2 MouseMan Cordless (second generation cordless mouse) Cordless3 MouseMan Cordless (PnP/A-type, new receiver) Cordless4 MouseMan Cordless Pro Cordless5 MouseMan Cordless Desktop Cordless6, Cordless8 Cordless Wheel Mouse Cordless7, Cordless9 Cordless MouseMan Wheel EasyPoint Integrated trackball GamingMouse WingMan Gaming mouse Inport Microsoft Inport mouse IntegratedTrackBall1 Integrated trackball MouseMan MouseMan mice (W-type, W-type lefty, A- type) MouseMan2 MouseMan 96 (PnP/A-type, new shape) MouseMan3 Four button MouseMan OS2Mouse For use under WINOS2, OS2 PalmTrackBall1 TrackMan Vista PS2 Non-identifiable PS/2 type mice SerialC C7, C9, TrackMan I, etc. (Non- identifiable C-Series type mice) SerialM Kidz mouse, Microsoft mouse, etc. (Non- identifiable M-type mice) SerialV MouseMan Serial, First mouse, etc. (Non- identifiable V-type mice) StartTrack1 SurfMan/TrackMan Live! TouchPad2 Integrated touchpad TP2 TouchScroll Integrated touchpad TP3 TrackMan2 TrackMan II stationary mouse (W-type) TrackMan3 TrackMan II stationary mouse (A-type) TrackMan4 TrackMan Marble TrackMan5 TrackMan Marble FX TrackMan7 TrackMan Marble + TrackManPortable1 TrackMan Portable (W-type) TrackManPortable2 TrackMan Portable (A-type) TrackManVoyager TrackMan Voyager (A-type) WheelMouse1 Two button mouse with wheel for scrolling (Wheel Mouse) WheelMouse2 Three button mouse with wheel for scrolling (MouseMan Wheel) WheelMouseIM Two button mouse with wheel for scrolling (Microsoft Intellimouse) 11.1 DeviceModel= Devices that cannot be detected automatically can be specified under this entry. Do not use. Valid values: Driver supported device types (see above) 11.2 TapAndDragLock= Touchpad specific parameter. The cursor will stay activated after a drag has been initiated. It is released by a tap. This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On Valid values: Off Tap and drag lock is disabled On Tap and drag lock is enabled Default value = Off 11.3 VirtualEdge= Touchpad specific parameter. When reaching the border of the pad, this function will make the cursor continue to move. This allows a broader movement without lifting the finger. This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On Valid values: Off Virtual edge function is disabled OneFinger When dragging with a single finger TapDrag When dragging with any number of fingers Always Always enabled when reaching the border Default value = TapDrag 11.4 MultipleFinger= Touchpad specific parameter. Multiple finger gestures will generate a left or right button press. This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On Valid values: Off Multiple finger is disabled TapOnly Only taps are allowed with two or more fingers On Both taps and drags are allowed with two fingers Default value = On 11.5 TouchThreshold= Touchpad specific parameter. This parameter adjusts the touching sensitivity. This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On Valid values: 5 to 64 The lower the more sensitive Default value = 15 11.6 EdgeWidth= Touchpad specific parameter. Describes the size of the border which activates the virtual edge function. This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On Valid values: 0 to 5 The smaller this value, the narrower the edge Default value = 0 11.7 RollerEdge= Touchpad specific parameter. This setting activates the right edge roller. This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On Valid values: Off Right edge roller is disabled On Right edge roller is enabled Default value = On 11.8 RollerBottom= Touchpad specific parameter. This setting activates the bottom edge roller. This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On Valid values: Off Bottom edge roller is disabled On Bottom edge roller is enabled Default value = Off 11.9 DisWTypingMoveToReset= Touchpad specific parameter. Sets one of the parameters for the "disable while typing" feature - threshold for finger movement to instantly reenable clicking ( in pixels) Valid values: Range [0,400] The smaller the value, the faster clicking will be allowed Default value = 50 11.10 DisWTypingNbMinKeystroke= Touchpad specific parameter. Sets one of the parameters for the "disable while typing" feature - minimum number of keystrokes (transitions) to disable clicking Valid values: Range [2,200] The bigger the value, the more keystrokes are needed to disable clicking Default value = 5 11.11 DisWTypingDelay= Touchpad specific parameter. Sets one of the parameters for the "disable while typing" feature - maximum time during which the user has to press at least two keys, so this will be recognized as one constant flow of typing. Valid values (unit is ms): Range [100, 10000] Bigger values increase the probability to trigger the "disable while typing" feature. Default value = 2000 11.12 BatteryStatus= Saves the last known Battery Status of a cordless device. Valid values: any positive integer number reportable by our devices. ------------------------------------------------------- End of file MOUSEDRV.TXT -------------------------------------------------------