-------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Display Drivers and HawkEye IV (TM) Display Utility for Windows 95 for the Number Nine Revolution (TM) 3D Version: 06.061.202e2 WEB -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains the latest information about the Revolution 3D Display Drivers for Windows 95/98 and Number Nine's HawkEye IV Display Utility. The entire contents of this file should be read because information contained here may not appear in other printed documentation or in on-line Help. This installation disk includes all the required software to use the Revolution 3D with Windows 95/98, as well as the HawkEye IV Display Utility. HawkEye IV is Number Nine's display control utility, providing Resolution and Refresh Rate controls, Virtual Resolutions, Hardware Zoom, and many other features. Additional HawkEye IV documentation can be found in the on-line HawkEye help text. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING THE REVOLUTION 3D DRIVER AND HAWKEYE IV UTILITY UPGRADING THE REVOLUTION 3D DRIVER AND HAWKEYE IV UTILITY SUPPORTED 2D AND 3D RESOLUTIONS HAWKEYE IV OPTIONS PAGE RESOLVING ISSUES WITH YOUR NUMBER NINE BOARD SOFTWARE UPGRADES INTERNET TROUBLESHOOTING COMMON REVOLUTION 3D INSTALLATION PROBLEMS COMMON PROBLEMS WITH VIDEO QUALITY COMMON PROBLEMS WITH HAWKEYE IV COMMON PROBLEMS WITH WINDOWS APPLICATIONS COMMON PROBLEMS WITH DIRECTDRAW (tm) AND DIRECT3D (tm) (DirectX) RECOMMENDED DISPLAY SETTINGS FOR DIRECT3D GAMES OTHER PROBLEMS REMOVING THE REVOLUTION 3D DRIVER AND HAWKEYE IV UTILITY PRODUCT REGISTRATION CONTACTING NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING THE REVOLUTION 3D DRIVER AND HAWKEYE IV UTILITY -------------------------------------------------------------------- After initial hardware installation, Windows 95/98 will detect the Revolution 3D as a new display device, and will prompt for the display driver location. When prompted for the location of the display driver files, browse to the Win9x directory on the Revolution 3D CDROM, or your local/network directory that contains the Revolution 3D driver files. If prompted, select the Rev4.INF file and continue through the driver installation status screens. After the display driver is installed, and the system restarts, HawkEye IV can be installed. If the display driver was installed from the Revolution 3D CDROM, the software installation shield program will launch automatically to install HawkEye IV and other applications from the Revolution 3D CDROM. HawkEye IV can also be installed manually by running SETUP from the Win9x directory on the Revolution 3D CDROM, or the local/network directory that contains the Revolution 3D driver files. -------------------------------------------------------------------- UPGRADING THE REVOLUTION 3D DRIVER AND HAWKEYE IV UTILITY -------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading the Revolution 3D software is a one step procedure. SETUP.EXE will install both HawkEye IV and the updated display driver. Specify the path to the new driver using one of the examples below: Example 1: From your CD-ROM: - Start Windows 95/98 - Click on the Windows 95/98 'Start' button. - Select Run... - If you are installing from a Revolution 3D CD-ROM, the SETUP program is located in the WIN9x directory. - Type D:\WIN9x\SETUP (if D: is your CD-ROM) - Follow the instructions on your screen. Example 2: If you are installing from your hard drive - Start Windows 95/98 - Click on the Windows 95/98 'Start' button. - Select Run... - Click on the "Browse..." button and go to the area on your hard drive where you copied the Revolution 3D driver files and HawkEye IV Utility upgrade. - Run the Revolution 3D 'SETUP.EXE' - Follow the instructions on your screen. If prompted, you must restart Windows to complete the installation of your new HawkEye IV features. The latest version of DirectX should be installed to ensure proper operation of Windows 95/98 games, multimedia, and graphics applications with the Revolution 3D. There is a DirectX directory on the Revolution 3D CD-ROM, which contains the files to install the latest version of DirectDraw and Direct3D on your system. DirectX can either be installed by running the setup file directly from the DirectX directory on the Revolution 3D CD-ROM, or through the InstallShield utility that is launched when the Revolution 3D driver is initially installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORTED 2D AND 3D RESOLUTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------- Revolution 3D WRAM Windows 95 Desktop - Supported Resolutions Bit depth Monitor Res. Max. Refresh Rate 8, 16, 32 640 x 480 150 Hz 8, 16, 32 800 x 600 150 Hz 8, 16, 32 1024 x 768 142 Hz 8, 16, 32 1152 x 864 126 Hz (112 Hz @ 32 BPP) 8, 16, 32 1280 x 1024 107 Hz (86 Hz @ 32 BPP) 8, 16, 32 1600 x 1200 81 Hz (60 Hz @ 32BPP) NOTE: 1280x1024 and 1600x1200-32bpp modes require at least 8MB of WRAM. Revolution 3D SGRAM Windows 95 Desktop - Supported Resolutions Bit depth Monitor Res. Max. Refresh Rate 8, 16, 32 640 x 480 150 Hz 8, 16, 32 800 x 600 150 Hz 8, 16, 32 1024 x 768 142 Hz (90 Hz @ 32 BPP) 8, 16, 32 1152 x 864 126 Hz (74 Hz @ 32 BPP) 8, 16 1280 x 1024 107 Hz 8, 16 1600 x 1200 81 Hz (74 Hz @ 16 BPP) Revolution 3D (WRAM & SGRAM) Full-screen Direct3D - Supported Resolutions Bit depth Monitor Res. Memory Required (MB) 16 640 x 480 4 800 x 600 4 1024 x 768 8 1152 x 864 8 1280 x 1024 12 1600 x 1200 12 32 640 x 480 4 800 x 600 8 1024 x 768 12 1152 x 864 16 NOTE: The 12MB and 16MB Revolution 3D configurations listed above are achieved by adding 4MB or 8MB memory upgrade daughter cards to a Revolution 3D WRAM. The Revolution 3D SGRAM does not support daughter card memory upgrades, and is limited to the 4MB or 8MB memory configuration as purchased. -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWKEYE IV OPTIONS PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------- HawkEye IV includes an Options page that allows easy user configuration of some of the HawkEye / Display Driver parameters. The Options page items available with this release are: Caching Options: Device Bitmap and Font Caching improve the graphics performance of the Revolution 3D graphics controller. Both of these Options should be enabled for maximum graphics acceleration. NOTE: Changing these settings requires a Windows restart before the new settings will be activated. Device Bitmap Caching accelerates graphics performance by storing commonly used graphics objects in a rapidly accessible memory area. Font Caching accelerates text performance. Report Missing Board: With Report Missing Board enabled, attempting to run HawkEye IV will cause an error message to be displayed if the Revolution 3D board has been removed from the system and replaced by another type of video card. If Report Missing Board is disabled, HawkEye IV will not start if the Revolution 3D board is no longer installed within the system. Safe Mode Support: When the Safe Mode Support Option is enabled, HawkEye IV will be available when Windows 95 is running in Safe Mode. Since the Revolution 3D display driver is not being used in Safe Mode, only the Information, Status, and Options pages will be available. If the Safe Mode Support Option is disabled, HawkEye IV will not start when Windows 95 is running in Safe Mode. Caching Options: Device Bitmap and Font Caching improve the graphics performance of the Revolution 3D graphics controller. Both of these Options should be enabled for maximum graphics acceleration. NOTE: Changing these settings requires a Windows restart before the new settings will be activated. Direct3D Options: The Alternate Alpha Blending and Fast Specular settings customize the graphics quality of Direct3D applications on the Revolution 3D. The default configuration is Alternate Alpha Blending disabled and Fast Specular enabled. The default settings will provide the best visual quality and performance for most Direct3D games and applications. Alternate Alpha Blending switches the Revolution 3D to a different method for rendering semi-transparent objects. If game objects that should be semi-transparent are being drawn solid, the Alternate Alpha Blending Style may correct the problem. Alternate Alpha Blending can improve the visual quality of some games, but it can also cause too many objects to become semi-transparent in other games. Disabling Fast Specular resolves the occasional white triangles that occur in some applications. Some Direct3D applications that use Specular highlighting can occasionally display non-textured triangles. When this Options page switch is disabled, all of the triangles should appear correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLVING ISSUES WITH YOUR NUMBER NINE BOARD -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Number Nine Web Site at http://www.nine.com contains extensive technical information about your new Number Nine board, including our Knowledge Base Search Engine, FAQs (frequently asked questions), and access to the ftp server for updated drivers. The on-line Knowledge Base and FAQs, as well as the Troubleshooting section in this READ_ME, will answer most of your technical support questions. If you are experiencing a problem and wish to determine whether or not it is related to your Number Nine board, Windows 95/98 allow the user to incrementally decrease the video acceleration. In doing so you can determine whether or not it is the display driver that is causing the problem. To lower the acceleration: - Click on the Windows 95/98 'Start' button. - Select 'Settings' and then 'Control Panel'. - Double click on the 'System' icon. - Click on the 'Performance' tab, then on the 'Graphics' button. - Move the acceleration slider to 'None' then click on OK. - Click on OK again. - You will then be prompted to restart your computer. - Click 'yes'. NOTE: MOST HAWKEYE IV FEATURES WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE WITH ACCELERATION SET TO NONE!! The functionality of HawkEye IV is affected by the video accelerator slider position as follows: ---+ (Full) all accelerator functions - full HawkEye IV support --+- most accelerator functions - Partial HawkEye IV support (No Chameleon Cursor) -+-- basic accelerator functions - minimal HawkEye IV support +--- (None) no accelerator functions - minimal HawkEye IV support If the problem still occurs in an unaccelerated mode, then the problem is most likely being caused by Windows 95/98 or other hardware/software and not by the HawkEye IV Utility or Revolution 3D driver. If the problem does not occur, reset the video acceleration to full and restart Windows 95/98. Refer to the TroubleShooting section below for additional information on resolving graphics corruption problems. If a problem is application specific, please provide the application name, application version, vendor information and a detailed description of how to recreate the problem in any fax or e-mail to Number Nine. Please include the information located on the Status page in the HawkEye IV Control Panel that describes the product name, memory configuration, BIOS version, and disk/driver version for your card and display driver. -------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE UPGRADES -------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though you may have just received your Number Nine software, newer versions may be available. Free upgrades are provided to all Number Nine customers on the World Wide Web home page and FTP site. To see if you have the latest version, compare the version number of your software (on the label of the provided diskette or in Status in the HawkEye IV Control Panel under Disk Version) with the version number of the corresponding software on the World Wide Web home page or FTP site. -------------------------------------------------------------------- USING THE NUMBER NINE BULLETIN BOARD SERVICE (BBS) EUROPE ONLY! -------------------------------------------------------------------- (EUROPEAN OFFICE) Dial: + 49 89 614 491 66 Baud Rates: Up to 14,400 baud Compression: HST, v.32 and v.42 supported Modem Setup: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity Required: PKUNZIP 2.04g to decompress files The BBS has a separate file area for each Number Nine product. An E-mail system is available for technical questions about Number Nine products or about the BBS in general. A complete listing of available files can be downloaded by invoking the "Download List of Files" command from any file library menu. Many files are self-extracting, but some files will require the latest version of PKUNZIP to decompress. PKUNZIP is available in the General library (filename PKZ204G.EXE), and can also be found on most on-line services such as CompuServe and America Online. -------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Nine driver updates are also available on our FTP site. All current Number Nine drivers are available to anyone with access to the Internet. Our FTP Address is: ftp.nine.com. Number Nine has a World Wide Web server at: http://www.nine.com Product Registration can be completed on-line through the Number Nine web server. Information about other Number Nine products, as well as links to the FTP site can be accessed from our World Wide Web site. TROUBLESHOOTING -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON REVOLUTION 3D INSTALLATION PROBLEMS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. After upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 98, the system is locked at 640x480 resolution. Resolution: On some systems, you may not be able to change resolution after upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 98. To resolve the problem, you must reinstall the Revolution 3D display driver. Launch the Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display icon. From the Settings -> Advanced -> Adapter tab, change the display adapter and re-select the Revolution 3D. * * * 2. You are attempting to install Windows 95 for the first time on a clean hard drive (with the Revolution 3D in the system) but the Revolution 3D drivers don't appear to be working properly, you are stuck in Safe-Mode / VGA. Resolution: The initial release of Windows 95 has an anomaly that could cause a failure in the Revolution 3D driver installation. The failure exhibits itself as an inability to get out of Win95 Safe Mode after having performed a "clean" installation of Windows 95 on a freshly formatted hard drive with the Revolution 3D card installed. The problem is caused by the Windows 95 AutoDetection code during the installation of Windows 95. The AutoDetection code may incorrectly install two display nodes in the Device Manager. These two nodes will then conflict with each other, causing the Revolution 3D driver to be disabled, and Safe Mode to be forced on (When Safe mode is enabled, the system uses neither of the two installed Display nodes). Since the problem is caused by the Win95 Setup program, there is nothing that Number Nine can do to prevent the problem, however the solution is relatively simple. The conflict occurs because the setup program installs an "OTHER DEVICES" display device in the Device Manager device list. The solution is to remove the "OTHER DEVICES" display device from Device Manager, and restart the system. To remove the second display node, Open the Windows 95 Device Manager as follows: a) Right click on the 'My Computer' desktop icon. b) Select 'Properties' from the drop down menu. c) When the System Properties window opens, click on the 'Device Manager' tab. d) Open "? Other Devices" by clicking on the plus (+) sign next to it. e) Within "? Other Devices", if there is line called "PCI VGA-Compatible Display adapter", do the following: - highlight "PCI VGA-Compatible Display adapter" (click on it). - click on 'REMOVE' at the bottom of the System Properties window - restart Windows 95. f) If this does not help, please contact Number Nine Tech support (see the end of this READ_ME.TXT). * * * 3. After running InstallShield from the Revolution 3D CD-ROM, Windows 95/98 restarts and reports that "There is a problem with your display settings..." Resolution: In some situations, InstallShield prevents the Revolution 3D display driver from installing properly. If this error occurs on your system, you must manually change the display adapter type to Revolution 3D. (even if Revolution 3D is listed as the current display adapter) On the Settings page in Display Properties, choose either Change Display Type or Advanced Properties. Change the Display Adapter Type, and re- select Revolution 3D. If Revolution 3D is not listed on the adapter selection page, choose Have Disk and select the \WIN9x directory on your Revolution 3D CD-ROM. When Windows 95/98 restarts, the Revolution 3D display driver should be re-enabled. -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON PROBLEMS WITH VIDEO QUALITY -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. After changing resolution or color depth using Windows 95/98 'Screen area' or 'Colors' your monitor exhibits slight color separation (especially visible around text) and vertical lines seem to shimmer. Resolution: Use Monitor Adjustment to change the refresh rate slightly. NOTE: It is important to select the correct monitor model in Windows 95/98 Display Properties. If you do not see your monitor listed you can select one of the Standard Monitor types that most closely fits the specified capabilities of your monitor. -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON PROBLEMS WITH HAWKEYE IV -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. HawkEye IV is not functioning correctly on a multi-monitor Windows 98 configuration. Resolution: HawkEye IV is only supported on single display Windows 98 systems. If you are using the Revolution 3D in a multi-monitor configuration, HawkEye IV should be uninstalled from the system. * * * 6. HawkEye IV was installed by one user on Windows 98, but it is not available to other users. Resolution: With a multi-user Windows 98 configuration, HawkEye IV must be re-installed under each user account. * * * 7. After shutting down HawkEye you cannot locate it to reopen it. Resolution: Double click on the Number Nine icon (in the tray at the right side of the Windows 95/98 task bar) to reopen HawkEye. The HawkEye IV Control Panel can also be launched from the HawkEye IV Programs group on the Windows 95/98 Start Menu. * * * 8. You have selected 32K colors (15bpp) using Resolution Exchange but Windows 95/98 Display Properties Settings indicates that you are at 65K colors (16bpp). Resolution: Windows 95/98 does not provide a 15bpp color depth option and will indicate 16bpp when either 15bpp (32K colors) or 16bpp (65K colors) have been selected through Resolution Exchange. You can use Resolution Exchange to distinguish between 15bpp and 16bpp color depth settings. * * * 9. You press your Zoom Hawk Key and no zoom occurs or when you open the Zoom property page no zoom levels are available. Resolution: 1) Change to a different resolution. In general, more Zoom levels are available at higher color depths. 2) Additional Zoom levels may become available after increasing the vertical refresh rate (using Monitor Adjustment). * * * 10. After Zooming, Resolution Exchange will no longer accept new changes to color depth, monitor resolution, or virtual resolution selections. Resolution: Using the Zoom Hawk Key with the Resolution Exchange page visible temporarily disables user input to the page. Changing to another HawkEye IV page, then back to Resolution Exchange will re-activate the page. * * * 11. Chameleon Cursor does not function when using "3D pointers", "Windows Standard (extra large)", and "Windows Standard (large)" pointer schemes, Desktop Themes, or Windows 95/98 mouse trails. Resolution: These pointer schemes and mouse trails are all software cursors. Chameleon Cursor is for use on Hardware Cursors, and will not work on software cursors. To find your mouse cursor easily, we suggest using either Mouse Trails or Chameleon Cursor. * * * 12. After lowering the graphics acceleration to None, the HawkEye IV Status page no longer displays the driver version. Resolution: With graphics acceleration set to None, the display driver version is not available to HawkEye. You must increase the graphics acceleration and restart Windows for HawkEye to be able to read the driver version. * * * 13. After changing to a virtual resolution, sizable windows may be too wide and/or too tall. Resolution: If you have not already done so, in the HawkEye IV Control Panel, assign a Hawk Key to Place Windows. For most windows, pressing the Place Windows Hawk Key once or twice will re-size the active window to fit your monitor. * * * 14. After running HawkEye IV at 640x480 and then switching to a higher display resolution, the OK, Cancel, Apply, and Help buttons are clipped. Resolution: If you are using large fonts at 640x480 (or 1280x480 virtual) resolution, the row of buttons along the bottom of the HawkEye IV control panel will extend off the bottom of the screen, and may be clipped after switching to a higher resolution. Slight clipping can also occur at these 480 pixel height modes if your taskbar is set to Always on Top. Both Resolution Exchange and the Windows display settings pages will force the system to use small fonts when entering 640x480 resolution. (This requires a Windows restart if you are currently using large fonts.) If you switch to 640x480 using QuickRes or another utility, you may want to manually change your font size to prevent the clipping. If your HawkEye IV buttons become clipped, you can always restore the buttons by closing and restarting the HawkEye IV control panel. -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON PROBLEMS WITH WINDOWS 95/98 APPLICATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. AGP non-local video memory is not visible to applications. Resolution: The Revolution 3D does not support AGP non-local video memory on Windows 95. AGP functionality for non-local video memory is only supported on Windows 98. * * * 16. At 256 (8bpp) colors, desktop background colors may flash or shift noticeably behind an active window. Resolution: With 256 colors, Windows 95/98 keep the correct colors in the active window, and allows the background colors to flash or shift. At higher color depths (15bpp, 16bpp, 32bpp), Windows maintains all colors correctly. * * * 17. Minor corruption is visible in a Windows application. Resolution: If you are experiencing a problem and wish to determine whether it is related to your Number Nine board, Windows 95/98 allow the user to incrementally decrease the video acceleration. In doing so you can determine whether or not it is your display driver that is causing the problem. To lower the acceleration: - Click on the Windows 95/98 'Start' button. - Select 'Settings' and then 'Control Panel'. - Double click on the 'System' icon. - Click on the 'Performance' tab, then on the 'Graphics' button. - Move the acceleration slider to 'None' then click on OK. - Click on OK again. - You will then be prompted to restart your computer. - Click 'yes'. If the problem still occurs in an unaccelerated mode, then the problem is most likely being caused by Windows 95/98 or other hardware/software and not by HawkEye IV or the Revolution 3D display driver. If the problem does not occur in unaccelerated mode, reset the video acceleration to full and try disabling the HawkEye IV Caching Options. The HawkEye IV Options page allows the user to reduce graphics performance slightly to improve Windows 95/98 application reliability. If you are experiencing graphics corruption with full acceleration that does not occur in unaccelerated mode, you may be able to resolve the problem with the Options page settings. The graphics corruption may be resolved by removing the check boxes for Enable Device Bitmap Caching and/or Enable Font Caching on the HawkEye IV Options page. Changing either of these settings requires a Windows restart before the new settings are activated. Disabling these settings will reduce graphics performance slightly, but not as significantly as the graphics performance slider. * * * 18. If you need to lower the graphics acceleration to None for troubleshooting, you must disable Adobe Type Manager first if it is running. Resolution: - Restart the system in Safe Mode by pressing F8 when the "Starting Windows 9x..." message appears, then choosing option 3. - When Windows 95/98 is finished loading in Safe Mode, restore the graphics acceleration to Full from the Control Panel System Performance page. You may also have to change your display type back to Revolution 3D from the Display Control Panel Settings page. - After restarting Windows, turn off Adobe Type Manager using the ATM Control Panel located in the Start Menu - Programs - Main group. - After Windows is restarted with ATM disabled, you can lower the Revolution 3D graphics acceleration to None. * * * 19. After changing color depths, icons, images, or application windows have incorrect colors or have turned black. Resolution: Many applications do not remap colors correctly after changing color depths without a Windows restart. Since Resolution Exchange always changes color depth without restarting Windows, applications that are running while the color depth is changed may have incorrect colors with the new color selection. The problem can usually be resolved by saving the current document, then closing and re-launching the application at the new color setting. If the colors are still incorrect after re-launching the application, you will need to shut down and restart Windows at your new color depth. -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON PROBLEMS WITH DIRECTDRAW AND DIRECT3D (DirectX) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Direct3D applications are displaying incorrect colors. Resolution: Most Direct3D games run in high-color display modes, and will use the last high-color setting that was chosen in Resolution Exchange (either 32,768 or 65,536 colors). Even if your desktop is running at 256 or 16.7M colors, most Direct3D applications will automatically switch to high-color. Some applications expect either 32k or 65k colors, and may show incorrect colors if the high-color setting doesn't match the application's expectation. If a Direct3D application is showing incorrect colors, try changing the colors setting in Resolution Exchange to either 32,768 (15bpp) or 65,536 (16bpp) before running the application. One of these settings should work properly. After changing the desktop to 256 or 16.7M colors, the application will remain correct until the other high-color desktop setting is chosen in Resolution Exchange. * * * 21. Direct3D applications are reporting Out of Memory, Unable to Create Surface, Unable to allocate z-buffer, or similar messages. Resolution: Full-screen Direct3D resolutions are limited based on the amount of memory installed on the Revolution 3D graphics board. The game's display resolution may need to be reduced to fit the front, back, and z buffers within your available Revolution 3D video memory. If you are using a Direct3D application that runs in a window on the desktop, the Windows desktop resolution may need to be reduced before launching the application. * * * 22. After exiting from a full screen DirectDraw game, the Windows display is set to 640x480 resolution. Resolution: If you are using a #9 virtual resolution for your Windows display, DirectDraw applications may not be able to properly restore your display mode on exit. The DirectDraw game will always reset your Windows display to 640x480 resolution. To maintain your correct display resolution on exit, use HawkEye's resolution exchange to change your display to a non-virtual before running the game. * * * 23. After pressing the Place Windows Hawk Key while running a windowed DirectDraw game, the game display is distorted. Resolution: The Place Windows Hawk Key will expand your current active application window to a centered full-screen display. Some DirectDraw game windows are set to a specific display size, and are not meant to be expanded. Using the Place Windows Hawk Key may force the window to resize and corrupt the game display. -------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED DISPLAY SETTINGS FOR DIRECT3D GAMES -------------------------------------------------------------------- The visual quality of Direct3D games and applications can be greatly affected by properly configuring Revolution 3D settings. Direct3D games are affected by: - The last high-color mode selected in Resolution Exchange - The Alternate Alpha Blending Style switch on the HawkEye Options page - The Fast Specular Function switch on the HawkEye Options page For most Direct3D games, the desktop should be set to 32,768 colors in Resolution Exchange before running the game. The HawkEye Options page settings should be left in their default settings (Alternate Alpha Blending disabled and Fast Specular Function enabled) for most Direct3D games. Some Direct3D games that are affected by Revolution 3D display settings are: Agile Warrior (Virgin) - Set desktop to 65k colors before running CART Racing (Microsoft) - Disable Alternate Alpha Blending Style Cyber Gladiators (Sierra) - Enable Alternate Alpha Blending Style Flight Sim '98 (Microsoft) - Disable Fast Specular Function GoMan (Team 47-Tek) - Set desktop to 32k colors before running G-Police (Psygnosis) - Set desktop to 32k colors before running Hellbender (Microsoft) - Enable Alternate Alpha Blending Style Incoming (Rage Software) - Set desktop to 32k colors before running Jedi Knight (LucasArts) - Set desktop to 32k colors before running Mage Slayer (Raven Software) - Disable Alternate Alpha Blending Style MDK (Shiny) - Enable Alternate Alpha Blending Style MW2:Mercenaries (Activision) - Set desktop to 32k colors before running Monster Truck Madness (Microsoft) - Disable Alternate Alpha Blending Style SubCulture (UBISoft) - Set desktop to 32k colors before running - Disable Fast Specular Function Turok (Acclaim) - Enable Alternate Alpha Blending Style - Disable Fast Specular Function Virtua Squad 2 (Sega) - Disable Alternate Alpha Blending Style VR Baseball (Interplay) - Disable Alternate Alpha Blending Style WildRide (RunAndGun!) - Disable Fast Specular Function WinterRace (3D Games Arena) - Disable Fast Specular Function X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter (LucasArts) - Set desktop to 65k colors before running. There may be open Revolution 3D driver issues with some of these games. This list does not denote compatibility with these games, just recommended settings for the best visual quality possible with the current driver release. All game titles are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective developers or distributors. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER PROBLEMS -------------------------------------------------------------------- Software sometimes does not perform consistently across all resolutions and color depths. If you experience a persistent problem for which you cannot determine a cause or resolution, try switching to a different resolution and/or color depth with Resolution Exchange. If the problem is consistent across several or all resolutions. Please consult application documentation. Most applications are distributed with a READ_ME file similar to this file. READ_ME files usually contain important information regarding potential application problems. -------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOVING THE REVOLUTION 3D DRIVER AND HAWKEYE IV UTILITY -------------------------------------------------------------------- HawkEye IV includes an uninstall program that is available through the Windows 95/98 Control Panel Add/Remove Programs utility. To remove HawkEye IV from your system: - Click on the Windows 95/98 'Start' button. - Select 'Settings' and then 'Control Panel'. - Double click on the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon. - Locate HawkEye IV on the list of software that can be removed. - Either Double-click on HawkEye IV, or click once on HawkEye IV, then click Add/Remove. - The HawkEye IV Uninstall utility will then ask you to confirm that you want to continue before it removes the HawkEye IV files and registry entries from your system. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT REGISTRATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Registration can be completed on-line through the Number Nine web site at http://www.nine.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTING NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours of operation: Corporate Offices: 8:30am to 5:30pm (Eastern Time) Sales Offices: 8:00am to 7:00pm (Friday until 5:00pm) (Eastern Time) Technical Support: 8:30am to 6:00pm (Friday until 5:00pm) (Eastern Time) Corporate Offices: (781) 674-0009 Fax: (781) 869-7190 Sales Offices: 1 (800) GET-NINE Sales Fax: (781) 869-7230 Technical Support: (781) 869-7214 Technical Support Fax: (781) 869-7222 * * * European Sales: Benelux: Andre van Oort Car Control Nederland bv Alphenseweg 4f 5133 Riel Netherlands phone: +31 13 5186666 fax: +31 13 5186669 GSM: +31 6 53647753 e-mail: carco@carcontrol.nl France: Frederic Simard Centre D`Activites de l`Ourcq 45, Rue Delizy 93692 Pantin France phone: +33 1 48 10 7550 fax: +33 1 48 10 7555 GSM: +33 609 478514 e-mail: 101352.1501@compuserve.com Germany: Number Nine Visual Technology GmbH Inselkammerstr. 10 82008 Unterhaching phone: +49 89 614 491 0 fax: +49 89 614 491 99 Italy: Filippo Gargani Via Ponte a Iozzi, 5 50020 Impruneta (FI) Italy phone: +39 55 208633 fax: +39 55 208455 GSM: +39 335 371522 e-mail: filippo@gargani.com Scandinavia: Thomas Stenberg Aspbergsv„gen 8 14590 Norsborg Sweden phone: +46 8 53028220 fax: +46 7 07559771 GSM: +46 707 552371 e-mail: thomas.stenberg@repit.se UK: Peter Cheang Unit 8 Enterprise Centre Cranbourne Road Potters Bar, HERTS EN6 3DQ UK phone: +44 1707 855689 fax: +44 1707 855687 GSM: +44 410 179688 e-mail: dpcheang@aol.com Far East Sales: Japan: DSS Japan phone: +81 45 476 7438 fax: +81 45 476 7400 e-mail: nb9support@diasemicon.co.jp * * * MAIL (USA) NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY 18 HARTWELL AVENUE LEXINGTON, MA 02421-3141 USA -------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADEMARKS -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of Number Nine Visual Technology Corp. in the United States and/or other countries: Number Nine Revolution 3D HawkEye The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: Microsoft Windows 95 Windows 98 DirectX DirectDraw Direct3D -------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/20/99 TSM Rev3D v06.061.202e2 WEB -------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) COPYRIGHT 1998, NUMBER NINE VISUAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION. Revolution 3D is a trademark and HawkEye is registered trademark of Number Nine Visual Technology Corp. --------------------------------------------------------------------