Graphics Blaster Exxtreme Readme ================================ This file contains the following sections: 1. Driver Installation 2. Games Compatibility Issue 3. Known Problems 1. DRIVER INSTALLATION a) Click the Start button on the taskbar, point to Settings, then click Control Panel. b) In the Control Panel window, double-click the Display icon. c) In the Display Properties dialog box, click the Settings tab. d) On the Settings tabbed page, click the Display Type button. e) In the Display Type dialog box, click the Change button. f) In the Change Display dialog box, click the Have Disk button. g) In the Install From Disk dialog box, type the path where the files have been unzipped to and click the OK button. h) In the Display list box, click the name of the display driver and click the OK button. i) At the Third-Party Drivers dialog box, click the Yes button to indicate that you wish to proceed. i) When the Installing Driver dialog box appears, click the OK button. j) In the Display Type dialog box, click the Close button. k) In the Display Properties dialog box, click the Close button. l) In the System Settings Change dialog box, click the Yes button to restart your system. After installation, if the Invalid Display Settings message box appears, click the OK button and verify or change the information. 2. GAMES COMPATIBILITY ISSUE ID's GLQuake and Raven's GLHexen II ----------------------------------- Some versions of GLQuake and GLHexen II may show textures as white blocks of color on the Graphics Blaster Exxtreme. To remedy this, try the following. (a) on GLQuake glquake.exe -lm_4 (b) on GLHexen II glh2.exe -lm_4 GLQuake and GLHexen II comes with an OPENGL32.DLL file that is not meant for the Graphics Blaster Exxtreme. Rename or delete this file in the game directory to run GLQuake or GLHexen II on the Graphics Blaster Exxtreme. 3. KNOWN PROBLEMS a) If you encounter problem of black screen after soft reboot (Ctl- Alt-Del), try placing the Graphics Blaster Exxtreme into another PCI slot. b) The display driver causes system lockup in the checked build of Windows NT 4.0 during startup. The problem does not happen in the free build of Windows NT 4.0. c) Blank Screen for Full Screen DOS With Graphics Blaster Exxtreme(AGP), Switching into full Screen DOS mode will cause no display on monitor. The remedy to this problem is to install the Service Pack3 ( or later) for Microsoft Windows NT4.0. Users are advised to contact Microsoft on the avalability of this Service Pack.