1 This application is not supported by the current installation. 2 3 4 Alt+ 5 Ctrl+ 6 Shift+ 7 Backspace 8 Tab 9 Enter 10 Escape 11 Space 12 Page Up 13 Page Down 14 End 15 Home 16 Left 17 Right 18 Down 19 Insert 20 Delete 21 Numpad 0 22 Numpad 1 23 Numpad 2 24 Numpad 3 25 Numpad 4 26 Numpad 5 27 Numpad 6 28 Numpad 7 29 Numpad 8 30 Numpad 9 31 Numpad * 32 Numpad + 33 Numpad - 34 Numpad / 35 F1 36 F2 37 F3 38 F4 39 F5 40 F6 41 F7 42 F8 43 F9 44 F10 45 F11 46 F12 47 Increase Gamma Value 48 Decrease Gamma Value 49 Increase Red Gamma Value 50 Decrease Red Gamma Value 51 Increase Green Gamma Value 52 Decrease Green Gamma Value 53 Increase Blue Gamma Value 54 Decrease Blue Gamma Value 55 Increase TV Brightness 56 Decrease TV Brightness 57 Increase TV Contrast 58 Decrease TV Contrast 59 Increase TV Flicker Filtering 60 Decrease TV Flicker Filtering 61 Move TV Screen Up 62 Move TV Screen Down 63 Move TV Screen Left 64 Move TV Screen Right 65 Reset TV Screen position 66 Switch TV On 67 Switch TV Off 68 Set TV to Overscan mode 69 Set TV to Underscan mode 87 88 Up 89 QCTRL.HLP 90 Edit Key Set 91 New Key Set