AOpen PA70 Savage3D Flash Utility Readme ======================================== This utility is use to update your AOpen PA70 Savage3D display card Video BIOS to new version. Please fellow these steps below to update. !!Warnning!! Please set jumper to jp1-2 ON to enable flash operation. [CHECKSUM.EXE] This utility will show the checksum number of file, Please use this utility to make sure the Video BIOS file is correct. 1. Execute "CHECKSUM biosfile". biosfile means the binary file download from AOpen WebSite ( ex. PA70_B25.ROM ) 2. The utility will show "CheckSum is ####" 3. Please make sure the checksum is the same as the one in web. If not, please go download again !! CheckSum List : +--------------+-------------+-------------+----------+ | File Name | BIOS Verion | File Size | CheckSum | +--------------+-------------+-------------+----------+ | PA70_B13.ROM | 2.01B.13 | 40960 bytes | 4F00 | +--------------+-------------+-------------+----------+ | PA70_B17.ROM | 2.01B.17 | 40960 bytes | F700 | +--------------+-------------+-------------+----------+ | PA70_B25.ROM | 2.01B.25 | 40960 bytes | 1700 | +--------------+-------------+-------------+----------+ [S3FLASH.EXE] This utility will try to check the display card, and permanently replace your original Video BIOS with new version. Please make sure the Video BIOS file is correct before execute this utility. 1. Execute "S3FLASH biosfile". biosfile means the binary file download from AOpen WebSite ( ex. PA70_B25.ROM ) 2. Ths screen will look like : C:\PA70\BIOS_B25>S3FLASH PA70_B25.ROM Savage3D Video BIOS flash utility, Version 1.02 Copyright (c) 1998, S3 Incorporated. MXIC Flash Memory MX28F1000 found. Please wait....... Erase Signature Erase Block Programming Write Signature Done!! S3 Video BIOS has been updated. C:\PA70\BIOS_B25> 3. After successful updated the new Video BIOS, please tuen off the power and reboot to take effect. 4. DO NOT turn off the power during "FLASHING". Warning: DO NOT turn off the power during "FLASHING". If the BIOS programming is not successfully finished, the system will not be boot again, and you may need to physically replace the BIOS chip. If you experience any abnormal during or after flashing, please contact your local distributor for further information. AOpen Technical Service 3/15/99' by Michael Wong.