Cosmo(TM) Player 1.0

        by Cosmo(TM) Software, a Division of Silicon Graphics

The Short Version:  How to Use Cosmo Player

In a 3D world:

Walk: Drag with the mouse in the world to move around.
Slide: Alt-Drag to move straight up and down, or to slide left and right.
          (You will not be able to move up very far if gravity is on.)
Look: Ctrl-Drag to look around without moving.
Point: Shift-Click to get closer to an object in the world

For an object or group of objects floating in space:

Examine: Click on Examine, then drag in the world to spin the object(s) in front of you.

Also see Keyboard Shortcuts.

Using Cosmo Player 1.0


Dashboard Controls
Interacting with Objects
  - Examine
Moving Around
  - Walk
  - Slide
  - Look
  - Gravity
  - Point
  - Straighten
  - View
Right Mouse Menu
Keyboard Shortcuts
More Information

Dashboard Controls

The dashboard is the black band with text items on it at the bottom of the screen. Dashboard items are white when they are on, and blue when they are off. Items have black stripes through them if they are disabled. Items will be enabled and disabled based on the different worlds that you visit, and the types of viewing that are appropriate for those worlds.

Interacting with Objects

When the cursor turns into a pointing hand, that means that it is over an object in the world that will activate when you click or drag on it. If text appears in the status bar, that means that the object contains a link to a different page or world. Try clicking on objects that are under the cursor when the hand appears. If nothing happens when you click, that might mean that the object is activated by dragging it, rather than clicking on it, so try dragging instead.

NOTE: When Point is highlighted, none of the touchable objects in the world are active.


WARNING: Examine is best used in worlds that have one or a few objects floating in the middle of space. Using Examine in worlds that have ground and sky, or floor and ceiling is not recommended.

Spinning an object:

Moving Around

When the cursor is over the world and looks like an arrow, that means that you can move through the world by clicking and dragging in the world. If you want to move but the cursor is a hand, you can hold down the SHIFT key to highlight Point, and then you will be able to navigate by dragging anywhere in the world. You can always use the arrow keys to move.

WALK (Drag)

Moving forward or backward:

Turning right or left:

Moving faster or slower:

Arrow keys:

SLIDE (Alt-Drag)

You can hold down the ALT key on the keyboard to highlight Slide, or you can click on Slide. Note that if you hold down the ALT key, Slide will not light up until you drag the mouse in the world.

Moving up (off the ground):

Moving down:

Moving sideways (slide or sidestep):

Arrow keys:

CAUTION: Using ALT plus the left and right arrow keys will NOT slide you. These are the Netscape shortcuts for Back and Forward. To use the left and right arrow keys to slide, click on Slide on the dashboard to highlight it.

LOOK (Ctrl-Drag)

You can hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard to highlight Look, or you can click on Look.

Looking around without moving:

Arrow keys:


Gravity On:

Gravity Off:

POINT (Shift-Click)

You can hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard to highlight Point, or you can click on Point.

Moving to a object:

NOTE: The SHIFT key also adds a "turbo boost" to your movement in the world, so you will move faster while you are holding it down.


Click on Straighten to set your view upright and straight ahead, on a plane level with the ground.

Pressing and releasing the END key on the keyboard will also activate Straighten.


Viewpoints are interesting places in the world. Clicking on the arrow to the right of View will take you to the next viewpoint in the list of viewpoints in the world. Clicking on the left arrow will take you to the previous viewpoint. If you go to a viewpoint, and then use other controls (like Walk) to move around, clicking on View will bring you back to the viewpoint.

You can get a list of all the viewpoints in the world by clicking and releasing the right mouse button and selecting the first item in the right mouse menu.. Select a viewpoint from the list in order to go there.

Pressing and releasing the HOME key on the keyboard will also activate View.

Right Mouse Menu

Click and release the right mouse button to bring up the right mouse menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts

More Information