Server-side include (SSI) files add the same text or other information to HTML documents just before sending the HTML files to users. The common information can be anything, for example:
This version of SSI gives you more flexibility in creating include statements, with special preprocessing directives in addition to the #INCLUDE directive:
Directive | Decription |
#FLASTMOD | Retrieves the last modification time of a file. |
#FSIZE | Retrieves the size of a file. |
#ECHO | Inserts the value of various Common Gateway Interface (CGI)-system environment variables. |
#CONFIG | Configures how variables and commands are displayed. |
#EXEC | Executes CGI-system command scripts and pipes output into an HTML document. |
To make SSI work, the Web server must parse the HTML document and process any directives before sending the final HTML file to the client. These new directives extend support for SSI in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) version 2.0 to NCSA HTTPd and other Web servers.
In IIS version 2.0, support for SSI exists in the actual service code; but in this version of SSI, support has been moved into a separate Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) dynamic link library (DLL). This change makes the design modular, allowing SSI to work independently of IIS.
Note SSI works only on Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0.
Requests for .stm files are mapped into a call to the SSI ISAPI DLL. When this DLL is executed, it processes an HTML file and sends the output to the client through ISAPI. So, to set up SSI, you must:
By editing the Microsoft Windows NT registry, you can map file extensions (such as .stm) to execute ISAPI DLLs. In the same way, you can map .stm files to the SSI DLL. The mapping key is stored along the following path:
\Script Mapping
To map the .stm extension to the SSI DLL
.STM : REG_SZ : "Path of SSI DLL"
To disable SSI support, you must remove the .stm key from the Script Mapping registry entry. See the previous section, “DLL Mapping,” for the registry path.
For a source file to be mapped into an DLL call, the file must exist in a virtual root, a directory that has Execute permission. For example, if you store .stm files in the same place as regular .htm files, you should add execute permissions to this virtual mapping (by default, /). To add this permission, use the Internet Service Manager or append the following value to end of the directory map value where .htm files currently exist:
The registry key for directory mapping is:
\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Services \W3SVC \Parameters \Virtual Root
In general, including the same information or application in all HTML documents sent out is a three-step procedure.
The format for the basic include statement is:
<!--#include file="value"-->
Note The ActiveX delimiters <%
and %>
can also delimit the directives in .stm files, but not in .asp files.
The value can contain a relative path or the full path, from the home directory of your WWW service.
SSI is supported by IIS through special preprocessing directives in HTML documents. These directives are parsed by the SSI DLL and processed. All directives are contained in HTML comment tokens and take the following general form:
Note All keywords are case-insensitive.
The following sections summarize the SSI directives based on HTTPd implementation.
Includes the contents of the given file into the HTML stream. This directive allows include files to import other files.
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/tools/myfile.txt"-->
<!--#include file="myfile.txt"-->
See this sample file for another example.
Includes the size of the given file into the HTML stream. For example:
<!--#fsize virtual="/scripts/tools/myfile.txt"-->
The specification of the file name follows the same conventions as the #INCLUDE directive.
By default, the size is expressed in terms of kilobytes. You can change the unit of measurement by reconfiguring the #CONFIG SIZEFMT directive. See #CONFIG <OPTION> = "strng" later on this page.
The number string contains commas (,) as thousands placeholders (for example, 1,245,231).
See this sample file for another example.
Includes the time the given file was last modified into the HTML stream. For example:
<!--#flastmod virtual="/scripts/tools/foo.txt"-->
The specification of the file name follows the same conventions as #INCLUDE directive.
By default, the time is expressed in “Weekday MonthName DayNumber YearNumber” (for example, Monday June 3 1996). For examples, see #CONFIG <OPTION> = "strng" later on this page, and this sample file.
Includes the value of the variable specified by VAR in to the HTML stream. Available variables are shown in the following table.
Variable | Meaning |
AUTH_TYPE | The type of authorization in use. If the user name has been authenticated by the server, this will contain Basic. Otherwise, it will not be present. |
CONTENT_LENGTH | The number of bytes that the script can expect to receive from the client. |
CONTENT_TYPE | The content type of the information supplied in the body of a POST request. |
DOCUMENT | The current file name. |
DOCUMENT_URI | The virtual path to the current document.. |
DATE_GMT | The current date in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). |
DATE_LOCAL | The current date in the local time zone. |
GATEWAY_INTERFACE | The revision of the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) specification with which this server complies. |
HTTP_<header field name> | All HTTP headers that were not already parsed into one of the listed variables.
These variables are of the form HTTP_<header field name>, for example: HTTP_ACCEPT: List of MIME types that the remote browser accepts. Values of the Accept: fields are concatenated, separated by a comma (,); for example, if the following lines are part of the HTTP header: accept: */*; q=0.1 accept: text/html accept: image/jpeg HTTP_USER_AGENT: The name of the remote client browser software. HTTP_REFERER: The uniform resource locator (URL) of the HTML document that referred the remote client to the current document. HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: List of the human languages that the remote client can accept. HTTP_COOOKIE: Any cookie sent from the remote client. |
LAST_MODIFIED | The date that the current document was last edited. |
LOGON_USER | The user’s Windows NT account. |
PATH_INFO | Additional path information, as given by the client. This information constitutes the trailing part of the URL after the script name but before the query string (if any). |
PATH_TRANSLATED | The value of PATH_INFO, but with any virtual path name expanded into a directory specification. |
QUERY_STRING | The information that follows the question mark (?) in the URL that referenced this script. |
QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED | The unescaped version of the search string. |
REMOTE_ADDR | The IP address of the client. |
REMOTE_HOST | The hostname of the client. |
REMOTE_IDENT | The hostname of the client if it supports RFC931 identification. |
REMOTE_USER | The user name supplied by the client and authenticated by the server. |
SCRIPT_NAME | The name of the script program being executed. |
SERVER_NAME | The server’s hostname (or IP address) as it should appear in self-referencing URLs. |
SERVER_PORT | The TCP/IP port on which the request was received. |
SERVER_PORT_SECURE | The value of 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates the request is on the encrypted port. |
SERVER_PROTOCOL | The name and version of the information-retrieval protocol relating to this request, usually HTTP/1.0. |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | The name and version of the Web server under which the Internet Server Extension is running. |
Note You need to format DATE_LOCAL and DATE_GMT in the same way as the #FLASTMOD directive. For example:
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL"-->
This example inserts the current time into the stream.
Sets the following three options to format output for various directives and situations:
<!--#config errmsg="An SSI Error has occurred!"-->
Token Description %a Abbreviated weekday name. %A Weekday name spelled out. %b Abbreviated month name. %B Month name spelled out. %c Date and time representation appropriate for the locale. %d Day of the month as a decimal number (01–31). %H Hour in 24-hour format (00–23). %I Hour in 12-hour format (01–12). %j Day of the year as a decimal number (001–366). %m Month as a decimal number (01–12). %M Minute as a decimal number (00–59). %p Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock. %S Second as a decimal number (00–59). %U Week of year as a decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00–51). %w Weekday as a decimal number (0–6; Sunday is 0). %W Week of year as decimal, with Monday as first day of week (00–51). %x Date representation for the current locale. %X Time representation for the current locale. %y Year without the century, as a decimal number (00–99). %Y Year with century, as a decimal number. %z, %Z Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if the time zone is unknown. %% Percent sign.
The following example sets time to be displayed as hh:mm:ss (for example, 23:59:59):
<!--#config timefmt="%H:%M:%S"-->
The following example sets time to be displayed as mm/dd/yyyy (for example, 06/31/1996):
<!--#config timefmt="%m/%d/%Y"-->
<!--#config sizefmt="bytes"-->
Executes the given CGI script, shell command, or ISAPI extension, and sends the output (standard output or ISAPI WriteClient data) into the HTML stream. The HTTP header (if it exists) in the output is read and interpreted, and any URL redirection messages are replaced by the message “This document has moved to ‘x’”. Any other header variables are ignored and not sent into the stream.
<!--#exec cgi="/scripts/tools/mkilog.exe?parm1+parm2"-->
<!--#exec cmd="c:\tools\mstools\rm.exe -?"-->
<!--#exec isa="/scripts/w3test.dll?SimulatePendingIO"-->
See this sample file for another example.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>TEST1.STM - Shallow test of SSI functionality</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <!--#include file="inc.txt"--><BR> <!--#flastmod file="inc.txt"--><BR> <!--#fsize file="test1.stm"--><BR> <!--#echo var="DOCUMENT_URI"--><BR> <!--#config timefmt="%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"--><BR> <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL"--><BR> <!--#config sizefmt="bytes"--> <!--#fsize file="inc.txt"--><BR> <!--#exec cgi="/scripts/testcgi.exe" --><BR> </BODY> </HTML>
This is the output of SSI script described in the “Sample SSI Script” section. For this example:
fsize( TEST1.STM ) = 661 bytes
fsize( INC.TXT ) = 33 bytes
content( INC.TXT ) = This is text from “inc.txt”
stdout( TESTCGI.EXE ) = This is output of TESTCGI.EXE
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>TEST1.STM - Shallow test of SSI functionality</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> This is text from "inc.txt"<BR> Friday May 31 1996<BR> 0<BR> /test1.stm<BR> 06/03/96 11:18:12<BR> 33<BR> This is output of TESTCGI.EXE<BR> </BODY> </HTML>