
The Write method writes a specified string to the current HTTP output.


Response.Write variant


The data to write. This parameter can be any data type supported by the VBScript variant data type, this includes characters, strings, and integers. This value cannot contain the character combination %>; instead you should use the escape sequence %\>. The Web server will translate the escape sequence when it processes the script.


If VBScript is your primary scripting language, variant cannot be a string literal that contains more than 1022 characters. This is because VBScript limits static strings to 1022 bytes. You can, however, specify variant as the name of a variable that contains greater than 1022 bytes.

For example, the following VBScript, in which ç–Ž is repeated 1023 times in the string literal, will fail.

<% Response.Write 殿aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

But the following VBScript will succeed:

AVeryLongString = String(4096, "a") 


The following examples use the Response.Write method to send output to the client.

I just want to say <% Response.Write "Hello World." %>  

Your name is:  <% Response.Write Request.Form("name") %> 

The following example adds an HTML tag to the Web page output. Because the string returned by the Write method cannot contain the character combination, %>, the escape, %\>, has been used instead.

<% Response.Write "<TABLE WIDTH=100 %\>" %>  

Applies To

Response Object

See Also
