AddNew Method

Creates a new record for an updatable Recordset object.


recordset.AddNew Fields, Values

The AddNew method syntax has these parts:




An object variable representing the Recordset object to which you want to add a new record.


Optional. A Variant representing a single name or a Variant array representing names or ordinal positions of the field or fields in the new record.


Optional. A Variant representing a single value or a Variant array representing values for the field or fields in the new record.


Use the AddNew method to create and initialize a new record. Use the Supports method to verify whether you may add records to the current Recordset object.

After you call the AddNew method, the new record becomes the current record and remains current after you call the Update method. If the Recordset object supports bookmarks, the new record is added to the end of the Recordset and remains visible. If the Recordset object does not support bookmarks, you may not be able to access the new record once you move to another record. To make the new record accessible, you must call the Requery method.

If you call AddNew while editing the current record or while adding a new record, ADO calls the Update method to save any changes and then creates the new record.

If Fields is an array, Values must also be an array with the same number of members; otherwise, an error occurs. The order of field names must match the order of field values in each array.

The behavior of the AddNew method depends on the updating mode of the Recordset object and whether or not you pass the Fields and Values arguments.

In immediate update mode (the provider writes changes to the underlying data source once you call the Update method), calling the AddNew method without arguments sets the EditMode property to adEditAdd. ADO caches any field value changes locally. Calling the Update method posts the new record to the database and resets the EditMode property to adEditNone. If you pass the Fields and Values arguments, ADO immediately posts the new record to the database (no Update call is necessary); the EditMode property value does not change (adEditNone).

In batch update mode (the provider caches multiple changes and writes them to the underlying data source only when you call the UpdateBatch method), calling the AddNew method without arguments sets the EditMode property to adEditAdd. ADO caches any field value changes locally. Calling the Update method adds the new record to the current recordset and resets the EditMode property to adEditNone, but the provider does not post the changes to the underlying database until you call the UpdateBatch method. If you pass the Fields and Values arguments, ADO sends the new record to the provider for storage in a cache; you need to call the UpdateBatch method to post the new record to the underlying database.