1 rdoEngine 3 *Anonymous* 4 Not Available 5 True 6 False 101 General 1000 Rdo20 1001 MSRDO.rdoEngine 1002 MSRDO.rdoEnvironment 1003 MSRDO.rdoError 1004 MSRDO.rdoConnection 1005 MSRDO.rdoQuery 1006 MSRDO.rdoResultset 1007 MSRDO.rdoParameter 1008 MSRDO.rdoColumn 1009 MSRDO.rdoTable 23515 An error occurred configuring the DSN. Please check the parameters and try again. 23516 SQL returned No Data Found. 23517 An internal ODBC error was encountered. 23518 An invalid value for the Cursor Driver was passed.\nPlease use one of the following values:\nrdUseIfNeeded, rdUseODBC, rdUseServer\nrdUseClientBatch, rdUseNone. 23519 An invalid ODBC handle was encountered. 23520 Nckj0c}eW[Rg0Y00 23521 Ng[0l0tpL0zvuW0~0W0_00 23522 Out of memory. 23523 Invalid operation for forward-only cursor. 23524 No current row. 23525 Invalid row for AddNew or Edit. 23526 Object is invalid or not set. 23527 Invalid seek flag. 23528 Partial equality requires string column. 23529 Incompatible data types for compare. 23530 Can't create prepared statement for invalid database connection. 23531 An error occurred loading the Win32 library (version.dll). 23532 Can't execute unprepared rdoPreparedStatement. 23533 Can't execute empty rdoPreparedStatement. 23534 An invalid value for the Concurrency option was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdConcurReadOnly, rdConcurLock, rdConcurRowver\nrdConcurValues, rdConcurBatch. 23535 Can't open result set for unnamed table. 23536 Object Collection: This collection doesn't support location by text tag. 23537 Resultset is empty. 23538 Invalid state for Move. 23539 Already beyond the end of the result set. 23540 BOF already set. 23541 Invalid result set state for Update. 23542 Nckj0oxpxg0Y00 23543 Invalid bookmark argument supplied to Move. 23544 Can't move relative to current row when EOF/BOF are set. 23545 Already at BOF. 23546 Already at EOF. 23547 An error occurred loading the ODBC installation library (odbccp32.dll). 23548 An invalid value for the prompt option was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdDriverPrompt\nrdDriverNoPrompt\nrdDriverComplete\n\nrdDriverCompleteRequired. 23549 An invalid value for the cursor type parameter was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdOpenKeyset\nrdOpenDynamic\nrdOpenStatic\n\nrdOpenForwardOnly. 23626 Field not bound correctly. 23627 Unbound Field - Use GetChunk. 23628 Can't assign value to unbound field. 23629 Can't assign value to non-updatable field. 23630 Can't assign value to field unless in Edit mode. 23631 Incorrect type for parameter. 23632 Object Collection: Couldn't find item indicated by text. 23633 Can't assign or read value to or from unbound parameter. 23634 Can't assign value to output only parameter. 23635 Incorrect type found when assigning rdoParameter Value property. 23636 This operation is not allowed at this time. 23637 u|jxo0ek0X000f0D0~0Y00 23638 You must specify a valid name for the environment. 23639 This environment name already exists in the collection. 23640 Object Collection: Illegal modification - collection is read-only. 23641 GetNewEnum: Couldn't get interface for IID_IUnknown. 23642 Object Collection: Assignment to Count property not allowed. 23643 You must use AppendChunk to set data in a TEXT or IMAGE(BLOB) field. 23644 Object Collection: Can't add non-object item. 23645 An invalid parameter was passed. 23646 Invalid Operation. 23647 You attempted to reposition to a deleted row. 23648 An attempt was made to issue a SELECT statement using the Execute method. 23649 The Resultset is read-only. 23650 Cancel has been selected in an ODBC dialog requesting parameters needed to complete a connection. 23651 This column does not have the ChunkRequired flag set. Use the Value property to retrieve it's contents. 23652 Could not load resource library corresponding to rdoLocaleID. 23660 General Client Cursor error. 23661 This property or method is not supported when using the currently selected cursor library. 23662 The rdoConnection object is not connected to a data source. 23663 The rdoConnection object is already connected to a data source. 23664 The rdoConnection object is busy connecting. 23665 The rdoQuery or rdoResultset has no active connection. 23666 Incorrect CursorDriver. Only rdUseClient supported. 23667 This property is read-only, now. 23668 The object is in the collection. 23669 RDOCURS.DLL n0pk01YWeW0~0W0_00 23670 feY00pL0d0K00~0[000 23671 Cursor type should be: rdOpenForwardOnly.\n LockType should be: rdConcurReadOnly.\n RowsetSize should be: 1. 23672 Only the rdUseClientBatch cursor driver can support\nrdConcurBatch lock type. 23673 S0n0peo0{pU00f0D0~0[000 23674 The object is still in some other collection. 23675 The column buffer is bound so data cannot be appended.\nUse Value property to set data. 23676 Invalid Option flags. 23677 Empty SQL string not allowed. 23678 Execution canceled. 23679 No open cursor or cursor closed. 23680 Not capable to update joind tables. 24094 A control bound to a data control using this Resultset\ncanceled the operation or was unable to synchronize itself with the Resultset. 47857 The parameter is used to pass information to the procedure. 47858 The parameter is used to pass information both to and from the procedure. 47859 The parameter is used to return information from the procedure as in an output parameter in SQL. 47860 The parameter is used to return the return status value from a procedure. 47861 rdoLocaleID Constants 47862 English 47863 French 47864 German 47865 Italian 47866 Japanese 47867 Spanish 47868 Chinese 47869 System 47870 Query Type Constants 47871 Select 47872 Action 47873 Procedural 47874 The query contains both action and select statements 47875 SQL Retcode Constants 47876 The operation is successful. 47877 The operation is successful, and additional information is available. 47878 No additional data is available. 47879 An error occurred performing the operation. 47880 The handle supplied is invalid. 47881 Row Status Constants 47882 The row has not been modified or has been updated successfully. 47883 The row has been modified and not updated in the database. 47884 The row has been inserted with the AddNew method, but not yet inserted into the database. 47885 The row has been deleted, but not yet deleted in the database. 47886 The row has been deleted locally and in the database. 47887 Column Status Constants 47888 The row has not been modified or has been updated successfully. 47889 The row has been modified. 47890 Update Operation Constants 47891 Uses an Update statement for each modified row. 47892 Uses a pair of Delete and Insert statements for each modified row. 47893 Update Criteria Constants 47894 Uses just the key column(s) in the Where clause. 47895 Uses the key column(s) and all updated columns in the Where clause. 47896 Uses the key column(s) and all the columns in the Where clause. 47897 Uses just the timestamp column if available (will generate a runtime error if no timestamp column is in the resultset). 47898 Update Return Code Constants 47899 The developer handled the update and was successful in doing so. 47900 The developer handled the update, was successful, but some rows produced collisions (batch mode only). 47901 The developer attempted to handle the update, but encountered an error when doing so. 47902 The developer did not handle the update, RDO should continue notifying, and if no one handles the update RDO should update the data itself. 47903 The Remote Data Object Engine object 47904 Timeout value for connecting to a data source 47905 Default user name assigned to any new rdoEnvironment 47906 Default password assigned to any new rdoEnvironment 47907 Contains all active rdoEnvironment objects of the rdoEngine object 47908 Contains all stored rdoError objects 47909 Version of the RDO library associated with the object 47910 Indicates where cursors are created 47911 Default Error Threshold for ODBC connections 47912 Registers a database with ODBC 47913 Creates a new rdoEnvironment object 47914 Locale ID used to load resources 47915 SQL error object are added to rdoErros collection 47916 Contains details about remote data access errors 47917 A numeric value specifying a native error 47918 A value indicating the source of a remote data access error 47919 A descriptive string associated with an error 47920 A Windows Help file topic context ID 47921 Fully qualified path to the Windows Help file 47922 The type of error as defined by the X/Open and SQL Access Group SQL 47923 Error return code from the most recent RDO operation 47924 An open connection to a remote data source 47925 Timeout value for query execution 47926 Contains all rdoTable objects in a database 47928 Contains all open rdoResultset objects in an rdoConnection 47929 Provides information about the source of an open rdoConnection 47930 User-defined name for a remote data object 47931 The number of rows affected 47932 Indicates whether a Cursor supports transactions 47933 Indicates whether a Cursor is updatable 47934 ODBC driver version 47935 The ODBC connection handle 47936 Indicates whether an asynchronous query is still executing 47937 Polling interval for asynchronous queries 47938 Close the connections 47939 Executes a query or SQL statement on an object 47940 Creates a new rdoResultset object 47941 Begins a new transaction 47942 Commits any outstanding transactions 47943 Rolls back any outstanding transactions 47944 Cancels an asynchronous query or pending results against the rdoResultset object 47945 The last resultset returned by a call on the connection to a prepared statement 47946 Determines where the cursor is to be created 47947 Login timeout in seconds 47948 Connect to data source 47949 Still connecting to data source. 47950 Creates a new rdoQuery object 47951 rdoQueries collection 47952 Determines the pathname of the ODBC trace file 47956 Fired after a connection is made to the data source 47957 Fired before the call to SQLDriverConnect 47958 Fired after a connection has been closed 47959 Fired after an asynchronous query has completed 47960 Fired after the query execution time has exceeded the queryTimeout value 47961 A column of data with a common data type 47963 Determines the value of an object 47964 Indicates the type or data type of an object 47966 Indicates the name of a remote data object 47968 Indicates the size of an rdoColumn object 47970 Indicates if a zero-length string is valid for the Value property 47971 Indicates characteristics of an rdoColumn object 47973 Indicates whether changes can be made to a remote data object 47974 Relative position of an rdoColumn object within the collection 47975 Indicates whether an rdoColumn requires a non-Null value 47977 Indicates the rdoColumn object data's original source column name 47979 Indicates the rdoColumn object data's original source table name 47980 Indicates if data must be accessed using the GetChunk method 47981 Appends data from a string expression to an rdoColumn object 47982 Returns the contents of an rdoColumn object 47983 Returns the number of bytes in an rdoColumn object 47984 Returns a value currently in the database that is newer than the Value property as determined by an optimistic batch update conflict. 47985 Returns the value of the column as first fetched from the database. 47986 Returns/Sets the column buffer status 47987 Returns/sets a value that specifies if this column is part of the primary key. 47988 Fired when the value of the column has changed 47989 Fired before data is changed in the column 47990 The stored definition of a base table or SQL view 47991 Contains stored rdoColumn objects 47992 Indicates the name of a remote data object 47993 Indicates whether changes can be made to a remote data object 47994 Indicates the number of rows accessed in an rdoResultset object 47995 Indicates the type or data type of an object 47996 Creates a new rdoResultset object 47997 The rows resulting from a query 47999 Determines a bookmark that uniquely identifies the current row 48000 Contains stored rdoColumn objects 48001 Indicates whether the current row is before the first row 48002 Indicates whether an rdoResultset object supports bookmarks 48003 Indicates whether the current row is after the last row 48004 Indicates the locking in effect during editing 48006 User-defined name for a remote data object 48007 Indicates whether an object supports transaction operations 48008 Indicates the type or data type of an object 48009 Indicates the number of rows available in an rdoResultset object 48010 Indicates whether a remote data object can be changed 48011 Indicates the type or data type of an object 48012 Indicates the editing state for the current row 48014 Determines the current row's location in the rdoResultset object 48015 Determines the ODBC statement handle 48019 Determines the absolute row number of an rdoResultset object's current row 48020 Indicates whether an asynchronous query is still executing 48021 Returns the bookmark of the last row modified 48022 Number of records in Batch Update 48023 Returns/sets a value that specifies if the optimistic batch update should use an Update statement or a Delete followed by an Insert. 48026 Returns/sets a value that specifies how the WHERE clause is constructed for each row during an optimistic batch update operation. 48027 Initializes copy buffer for a new row 48028 Closes an open remote data object 48029 Deletes the current row 48030 Copies the current row to the copy buffer for editing 48031 Moves the current row pointer to the first row in the result set 48032 Moves the current row pointer to the last row in the result set 48033 Moves the current row pointer to the next row in the result set 48034 Moves the current row pointer to the previous row in the result set 48035 Saves the copy buffer to the database 48036 Re-executes the query on which the rdoResultset object is based 48037 Repositions the current row in an rdoResultset object 48038 Discards the current rdoResultset and indicates if an additional result set is available 48040 Cancels a query running in asynchronous mode or cancels pending results 48041 Cancels pending updates 48042 Retrieves multiple rows into an array 48043 Performs a batched optimistic update. 48044 Cancels all uncommitted changes in the local cursor (used in batch mode). 48045 Returns/Sets the parent connection object. 48046 Number of collision rows 48047 Array of collision rows 48048 Determines the type of concurrency handling 48050 Current row status 48051 Retrieves multiple rows into a string 48053 Fired after a new connection associated with the object 48054 Fired after current rowset is changed 48055 Fired after the connection is set to nothing 48057 Fired after the state of current row has changed 48058 Fired after the resultset is positioned to a new row or no row at all 48060 Fired before a new connection is associated with the object 48061 Fired before the connection is set to nothing 48062 Fired before an update to the server occurs 48063 A prepared query definition 48065 Determines the ODBC's driver manager query timeout value 48066 Indicates the type or data type of an object 48068 Determines the maximum number of rows returned from a query 48072 Determines the size of the largest column automatically bound under ODBC 48073 Contains all rdoParameter objects of an rdoQuery 48075 Indicates the name of a remote data object 48076 Number of rows affected by the most recently invoked Execute method 48078 Determines the SQL statement defining the executed query 48080 Determines the type of concurrency handling 48081 Contains stored rdoColumn objects 48083 Determines the number of rows in the keyset buffer 48084 Determines the number of cursor rows kept in memory 48086 The ODBC statement handle 48087 Indicates whether an asynchronous query is still executing 48089 Determines the type of cursor 48091 Parent Connection 48093 Indicates whether the query should be prepared 48095 Closes an open remote data object 48096 Executes a query or SQL statement on an object 48097 Creates a new rdoResultset object 48098 Cancels an asynchronous query or pending results against the rdoResultset object 48099 A prepared query definition. 48103 Fired before the query is run. 48104 Defines a logical set of connections for a particular user ID 48105 Contains all open rdoConnection objects opened in an rdoEnvironment object 48106 Indicates the name of a remote data object 48108 Determines a value representing a user of an rdoEnvironment object 48109 Represents the password used during the creation of an rdoEnvironment 48111 Timeout value for connecting to data source 48113 Determines where the cursor is to be created 48114 The ODBC environment handle 48115 Begins a new transaction 48116 Closes an open remote data object 48117 Ends the current transaction and saves the changes 48118 Ends the transaction and restores the database to its state before the most recent BeginTrans 48120 Opens a connection to an ODBC data source 48121 Fired after the beginTrans method has completed 48122 Fired after the CommitTrans method has completed 48123 Fired after the RollbackTrans method has completed 48124 A parameter associated with an rdoQuery 48126 Indicates the name of a remote data object 48128 Indicates the type or data type of an object 48130 Determines the data value of an object 48132 Determines how an argument is passed to or from a procedure 48133 Appends data from a string expression to an rdoParameter object 48134 Dual interface for ODBC Ole object collection 48135 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48136 Returns a specific member of a collection 48137 Collection of rdoColumn objects 48138 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48139 Refreshes the column definitions 48140 Returns a specific member of a collection 48141 Collection of rdoTable objects 48142 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48143 Refreshes the table definitions 48144 Returns a specific member of a collection 48145 Collection of rdoConnection objects 48146 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48147 Removes a specific member from a collection. 48148 Add item to collection 48149 Returns a specific member of a collection 48150 Collection of rdoParameter objects 48151 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48152 Returns a specific member of a collection 48153 Collection of rdoResultset objects 48154 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48155 Returns a specific member of a collection 48156 Collection of rdoEnvironment objects 48157 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48158 Removes a specific member from a collection. 48159 Adds a member to a Collection object. 48160 Returns a specific member of a collection 48161 Collection of rdoQuery objects 48162 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48163 Returns a specific member of a collection 48164 Collection of rdoError objects 48165 Indicates the number of members in a Remote Data Object collection 48166 Returns a specific member of a collection 48167 Removes all objects in a collection. 48168 Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0 48169 Prompt Constants 48170 The driver manager displays the ODBC Data Sources dialog box. 48171 The driver manager uses the connection string provided in Connect. If sufficient information is not provided, the OpenConnection method returns a trappable error. 48172 If the connection string provided includes the DSN keyword, the driver manager uses the string as provided in Connect, otherwise it behaves as it does when rdDriverPrompt is specified. 48173 Behaves like rdDriverComplete except the driver disables the controls for any information not required to complete the connection. 48174 CursorDriver Constants 48175 The ODBC driver will choose the appropriate style of cursors. Server-side cursors are used if they are available. 48176 Use the ODBC cursor library. 48177 Use server-side cursors. 48178 Use the optimistic batch cursor library. 48179 Result set is not returned as a cursor. 48180 EditMode Constants 48181 No editing operation is in progress. 48182 Edit method has been invoked, and the current record is in the copy buffer. 48183 AddNew method has been invoked, and the current record in the copy buffer is a new record that hasn't been saved in the database. 48184 LockType Constants 48185 Cursor is read-only. No updates are allowed. 48186 Pessimistic concurrency. 48187 Optimistic concurrency based on row ID. 48188 Optimistic concurrency based on row values. 48189 Optimistic concurrency using batch mode updates. Status values returned for each row successfully updated. 48190 Options Constants 48191 Execute the query asynchronously. 48192 Use the ODBC SQLExecDirect API function to execute query. 48193 Resultset Type Constants 48194 Fixed set, non-scrolling. 48195 Updatable, fixed set, scrollable query result set cursor. 48196 Updatable, dynamic set, scrollable query result set cursor. 48197 Read-only, fixed set. 48198 Attributes Constants 48199 The column size is fixed (default for numeric columns). 48200 The column size is variable (VarChar and LongVarChar columns only). 48201 The column value for new rows is automatically incremented to a unique integer that can't be changed. 48202 The column value can be changed. 48203 The column is a timestamp value. This attribute is set only for rdClientBatch cursors. 48204 Data Type Constants 48205 Fixed-length character string. Length set by Size property. 48206 Signed, exact, numeric value with precision p and scale s (1 p 15; 0 s p). 48207 Signed, exact, numeric value with precision p and scale s (1 p 15; 0 s p). 48208 Signed, exact numeric value with precision 10, scale 0 (signed: -231 n 231-1; unsigned: 0 n 232-1). 48209 Signed, exact numeric value with precision 5, scale 0 (signed: -32,768 n 32,767, unsigned: 0 n 65,535). 48210 Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308 to 10308). 48211 Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 7 (zero or absolute value 10-38 to 1038). 48212 Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308 to 10308). 48213 Date -- data source dependent. 48214 Time -- data source dependent. 48215 TimeStamp -- data source dependent. 48216 Variable-length character string. Maximum length 255. 48217 Variable-length character string. Maximum length determined by data source. 48218 Fixed-length binary data. Maximum length 255. 48219 Variable-length binary data. Maximum length 255. 48220 Variable-length binary data. Maximum data source dependent. 48221 Signed, exact numeric value with precision 19 (signed) or 20 (unsigned), scale 0; (signed: -263 n 263-1; unsigned: 0 n 264-1). 48222 Signed, exact numeric value with precision 3, scale 0; (signed: -128 n 127, unsigned: 0 n 255). 48223 Single binary digit. 48224 Direction Constants 48246 Simplified Chinese 48247 Korean 48251 Fetch batch conflict values for the current row 48252 Download all the data for long character and long binary columns. 57435 An error occurred configuring the DSN. Please check the parameters and try again. 57436 SQL returned No Data Found. 57437 An internal ODBC error was encountered. 57438 An invalid value for the Cursor Driver was passed. \nPlease use one of the following values:\nrdUseIfNeeded, rdUseODBC, rdUseServer\nrdUseClientBatch, rdUseNone. 57439 An invalid ODBC handle was encountered. 57440 Invalid connection string. 57441 An unexpected error occurred. 57442 Out of memory. 57443 Invalid operation for forward only cursor 57444 No current row 57445 Invalid row for addnew 57446 Object is invalid or not set. 57447 Invalid seek flag 57448 Partial Equality requires string column 57449 Incompatible data types for compare 57450 Can't create prepared statement for invalid database connection. 57451 An error occurred loading the Win32 library (version.dll). 57452 Can't execute unprepared rdoPreparedStatement 57453 Can't execute empty rdoPreparedStatement 57454 An invalid value for the Concurrency option was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdConcurReadOnly, rdConcurLock, rdConcurRowver\nrdConcurValues, rdConcurBatch. 57455 Can't open resultset for unnamed table 57456 Object Collection: This collection doesn't support location by text tag 57457 Resultset is empty 57458 Invalid state for move 57459 Already beyond the end of the resultset 57460 BOF already set 57461 Invalid resultset state for update 57462 Invalid Bookmark 57463 Invalid bookmark argument to move 57464 Can't move relative to current row as EOF /BOF are set 57465 Already at BOF 57466 Already at EOF 57467 An error occurred loading the odbc installation library (odbccp32.dll). 57468 An invalid value for the prompt option was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdDriverPrompt\nrdDriverNoPrompt\nrdDriverComplete\n\nrdDriverCompleteRequired 57469 An invalid value for the cursor type parameter was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdOpenKeyset\nrdOpenDynamic\nrdOpenStatic\n\nrdOpenForwardOnly. 57546 Field not bound correctly 57547 Unbound Field - Use GetChunk 57548 Can't assign value to unbound field 57549 Can't assign value to non-updatable field 57550 Can't assign value to field unless in edit mode 57551 Incorrect type for parameter 57552 Object Collection: Couldn't find item indicated by text 57553 Can't assign value to unbound parameter 57554 Can't assign value to output only parameter 57555 Incorrect type for assigning to rdoParameter.Value 57556 This operation is not allowed at this time. 57557 The object has already been closed. 57558 You must specify a valid name for the environment. 57559 This environment name already exists in the collection. 57560 Object Collection:illegal modification - collection is readonly 57561 GetNewEnum:Could'nt get interface for IID_IUnknown 57562 Object Collection:Assignment to count not allowed 57563 You must use append chunk to set data in a text or image field. 57564 Object Collection : Can't add non-object item 57565 An invalid parameter was passed. 57566 Invalid Operation. 57567 The record you attempted to move to has been deleted. 57568 An attempt was made to issue a select statement using the Execute method. 57569 The resultset is readonly. 57570 Cancel has been selected in an ODBC dialog requesting parameters needed to complete a connection. 57571 This column does not have the ChunkRequired flag set. Use value to retrieve the contents. 57572 Could not load resource library corresponding to rdoLocaleID. 57580 General Client Cursor error. 57581 This property or method is not supported when using currently selected cursor library. 57582 The rdoConnection object has not connected to any data source. 57583 The rdoConnection object is already connect to a data source. 57584 The rdoConnection object is busy in connecting. 57585 The rdoQuery or rdoResultset has no active connection. 57586 Incorrect CursorDriver, rdUseClient only. 57587 This property is read-only, now. 57588 The object is already in the collection. 57589 Fail to load RDOCURS.DLL. 57590 Can not find table to update. 57591 Cursor type should be: rdOpenForwardOnly.\n Lock Type should be: rdConcurReadOnly.\n Row set size should be: 1. 57592 Only the rdUseClientBatch cursor driver can support\nlock type: rdConcurBatch. 57593 This function is not support. 57594 The object is still in some other collection. 57595 The column buffer is bund, can not append data, \nplease use Value property to set data. 57596 Invalid Option flags. 57597 Empty SQL string not allowed. 57598 Execution cancelled. 57599 No open cursor or cursor closed. 57600 Not capable to update joind tables.