============================================================ IBM VISUALAGE FOR BASIC INSTALL.TXT ============================================================ Contents of this File: Line ---- Copyright and Trademark Information For This File 20 Installing VisualAge for Basic on AIX 50 Installing VisualAge for Basic on OS/2 205 Installing VisualAge for Basic on Win NT or Win 95 270 Creating SP catalog on OS/2, Win NT, or Win 95 290 Installing VisualAge for Basic Stored Procedure VBX 360 VisualAge for Basic Hardware and Software Requirements 400 VisualAge for Basic License Agreement 550 ============================================================ COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK INFORMATION FOR THIS FILE ============================================================ Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM. (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation. AIX, AIX/6000, DB2, DB2/6000, IBM, OS/2 and VisualAge are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. For license information, and copyright information related to third- party code contained in IBM VisualAge for Basic, please see the file NOTICES.TXT in the directory where you installed VisualAge for Basic. ============================================================ INSTALLING VISUALAGE FOR BASIC ON AIX ============================================================ In the steps below: $HOME = home directory of the database instance $SQLLIBDIR = sqllib/function directory ============================================================ Installing VisualAge for Basic Server on AIX 1. Log on to AIX as database instance owner. 2. Execute db2profile 3. Change directory to $HOME/$SQLLIBDIR 4. If you do not already have the gunzip exec on your system, download it from http://astro.princeton.edu:85/gzip.info 5. Download the binary compressed tar file of the VisualAge for Basic server image (vabasicx.svr.tar.gz) from the World Wide Web. 6. Unzip this file by entering: gunzip vabasicx.svr.tar.gz This will give you the file vabasicx.svr.tar 7. Untar this file by entering: tar -xvf vabasicx.svr.tar 8. The file $HOME/$SQLLIBDIR/CONFIG.VW has the single line VWDIR=/u/inst2/sqllib/function/vwdir Change /u/inst2 to $HOME (you DB2 Administrator home directory). For example, if your $HOME directory is /u/inst, change the file to: VWDIR=/u/inst/sqllib/function/vwdir 9. Update your LIBPATH by adding: $HOME/sqllib/function 10. If you want to run the command line Basic Interpreter (basI), stored procedure builder (spbuild), or user-defined function builder (udfbuild), then do the following steps: A. Ensure that your $PATH environment variable includes /usr/bin B. Enter: su root (root authority required) C. Enter: cd usr/bin D. Enter these three symbolic link commands: ln -s $HOME/sqllib/function/basI . ln -s $HOME/sqllib/function/spbuild . ln -s $HOME/sqllib/function/udfbuild . ============================================================ DB2-related tasks on AIX 1. Run db2profile for the appropriate database instance. 2. Do the steps below as database instance owner for each database created: A. Connect to the database. B. Change to the $HOME/sqllib/misc directory. C. Run the script file to create the stored procedure catalog by entering: db2 -vtf STORPROC.DDL D. Grant users who can do remote build the authority to update the catalog by entering one of the following commands: db2 "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE DB2CLI.PROCEDURES to PUBLIC" db2 "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE DB2CLI.PROCEDURES to userid" 3. To run the VisualAge for Basic samples, create a SAMPLES database by entering: $HOME/sqllib/misc/db2sampl 4. CLI applications cannot call to entry points in a shared library on AIX if the library is in an archived format, that is, if its name ends in "a". However, VisualAge for Basic CAN call to entry points in a non-archived library or in a .o file. A. To extract the object file from a shared library, create a file named shr.o by using the ar command: ar vx libdb2.a B. Then rename shr.o to libdb2.o by using the mv command: mv shr.o libdb2.o 5. VisualAge for Basic makes the archived library for DB2 for AIX Version 2.1.1 available as libdb2.o in the $HOME/$SQLLIBDIR directory. If you are using a different version of DB2 for AIX, create your own libdb2.o by using the ar command and renaming shr.o to libdb2.o 6. For DB2-related questions, see the DB2 for AIX Installation Guide or the DB2 for AIX Reference. ============================================================ Removing VisualAge for Basic Server from AIX 1. Change directory to $HOME/$SQLLIBDIR 2. Enter: removeserver 3. To delete the removeserver command, enter: rm removeserver ============================================================ VisualAge for Basic Readme Files and Directories on AIX During installation, VisualAge for Basic creates the following readme files in $HOME/$SQLLIBDIR: INSTALL.TXT Installation information (the file you are reading) NOTICES.TXT Copyright information README.1ST Readme file During installation, VisualAge for Basic creates the following files and directories under $HOME/$SQLLIBDIR: CONFIG.VW Root directory for config subdirectory db2spla DLL provided by VisualAge for Basic libdb2.o Unarchived libdb2.a libgenAdapt.a Server remote build debug library libgenAdapt2.a Server run-time library stpsrv Server remote build file spspstub Server stored procedure stub udfxstub Server user-defined function stub basI Command line Basic Interpreter for client spbuild Command line stored procedure builder for client udfbuild Command line user-defined function builder for client vabasicx include Server include files vwdir config Configuration files biudf Financial user-defined functions removeserver Command to deinstall VisualAge for Basic server ============================================================ INSTALLING VISUALAGE FOR BASIC ON OS/2 ============================================================ IMPORTANT: Install DB2 for OS/2 before installing VisualAge for Basic on the server machine. 1. Download as a binary file the self-extracting file from the World Wide Web: A. For VisualAge for Basic client: -- If you have high bandwidth and can download big files, download os2clnt.exe. -- If you have low bandwidth and can only download smaller files, download os2clnt1.exe, os2clnt2.exe, and os2clnt3.exe. B. For VisualAge for Basic server, download os2svr.exe. 2. Open an OS/2 window and use the OS/2 command line for steps 3-5. 3. Create a temporary directory and place the self- extracting (.exe) file(s) in it. If you're installing both the client and server components, create two temporary directories and place one self-extracting file in each one. 4. Unzip the file to create the installation files: A. For VisualAge for Basic client, -- If you downloaded the one large file, enter: os2clnt -- If you downloaded the three smaller files, enter: os2clnt1, then os2clnt2, then os2clnt3 B. For VisualAge for Basic server, enter: os2svr 5. In the temporary directory where you unzipped the files, enter: install 6. Continue with the installation and follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 7. After installation is complete, shut down OS/2, reboot your machine, and delete all files in the temporary directory. 8. Start VisualAge for Basic by double-clicking on the VisualAge for Basic icon on the OS/2 desktop, or by entering vw on the OS/2 command line. 9. To view the VisualAge for Basic general online help, select the Help pull-down or press F1 from any product window. 10. To view the online books, open the VisualAge for Basic folder, then open the Information folder, then double-click on the Programming Guide or the Data Access Guide. ============================================================ CREATING STORED PROCEDURE CATALOG ON OS/2, WIN NT, OR WIN 95 ============================================================ 1. Connect to the database. 2. Change to the \sqllib\misc directory, where sqllib is the root directory where DB2 is installed. 3. Run the script file to create the stored procedure catalog by entering: db2 -vtf STORPROC.DDL 4. Grant users who can do remote build the authority to update the catalog by entering one of the following commands: db2 "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE DB2CLI.PROCEDURES to PUBLIC" db2 "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE DB2CLI.PROCEDURES to userid" 5. Enter: connect reset ============================================================ INSTALLING VISUALAGE FOR BASIC ON WINDOWS NT OR WINDOWS 95 ============================================================ Important: the client code and install procedure is the same on Windows NT and Windows 95. 1. Download as a binary file the self-extracting file from the World Wide Web: A. For VisualAge for Basic client, -- If you have high bandwidth and can download big files, download ntclnt.exe. -- If you have low bandwidth and can only download smaller files, download ntclnt1.exe, ntclnt2.exe, and ntclnt3.exe. B. For VisualAge for Basic server, download ntsvr.exe 2. Open a Windows NT or Windows 95 session and use the command line for steps 3-4. 3. Create a temporary directory and place the self- extracting (.exe) file(s) in it. If you're installing both the client and server components, create two temporary directories and place one self-extracting file in each one. 4. Unzip the file to create the installation files: A. For VisualAge for Basic client, -- If you downloaded the one large file, enter: ntclnt -- If you downloaded the three smaller files, enter: ntclnt1, then ntclnt2, then ntclnt3 B. For VisualAge for Basic server, enter: ntsvr 5. In the Windows NT or Windows 95 File Manager, double- click on setup.exe in each temporary directory. 6. Continue with the installation and follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 7. After installation is complete, reboot your machine and delete all files in the temporary directory. 8. Restart Windows NT or Windows 95. 9. Start VisualAge for Basic by double-clicking on the VisualAge for Basic icon on the Windows NT or Windows 95 desktop. 10. To view the VisualAge for Basic general online help, select the Help pull-down or press F1 from any product window. 11. To view the online books, or the online help for the stored procedure OLE custom control (SP OCX), open the VisualAge for Basic folder, then click on the Programming Guide, Data Access Guide, or SP OCX icon. 12. Refer to the section above, "Creating Stored Procedure Catalog on OS/2, Windows NT, or Windows 95." ============================================================ INSTALLING STORED PROCEDURE VBX/OLE ON WINDOWS 3.1 ============================================================ 1. Download as a binary file the self-extracting file winvbx.exe from the World Wide Web. 2. Open a Windows or Win-OS/2 session and use the command line for steps 3-4. 3. Create a temporary directory and place the self- extracting file in it. 4. Unzip the file to create the installation files by entering: winvbx 5. In the Windows File ==> Run entry field, enter: c:\temp\install where c:\temp is the drive and directory where the file was unzipped. 6. After the installation screen appears, select VBX/OLE support. 7. Continue with the installation and follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 8. After installation is complete, shut down Windows, reboot your machine, and delete all files in the temporary directory. 9. Restart Windows. 12. To learn how to register and use the Stored Procedure VBX/OLE controls, start by reading the SP VBX/OLE Help in the VisualAge for Basic folder. ============================================================ VISUALAGE FOR BASIC HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ============================================================ ============================================================ VisualAge for Basic OS/2 Client Hardware Requirements -- 486 processor (or higher) -- 24 MB of RAM -- 30 MB of hard disk space (download size = 27 MB) Software Requirements -- OS/2 Version 3.0 -- If you are installing VisualAge for Basic with the DB2 Support option, then you also need to install DB2 SDK for OS/2 Version 2.1 or later, using either NetBIOS or TCP/IP communications. For information on DB2 communications requirements, see: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2v2.html. -- If you plan to use OpenDoc parts, you must install OS/2 Fixpack 17. You can download OpenDoc and Fixpack 17 from: http://www.software.ibm.com/clubopendoc -- If your OS/2 client will connect to an AIX server, and you plan to use the VisualAge for Basic Remote Debugging Facility to debug stored procedures and user-defined functions on the AIX server, then you need to install the PMX X-Server component of TCP/IP on the client. ============================================================ VisualAge for Basic Windows NT or Windows 95 Client Hardware Requirements -- 486 processor (or higher) -- 24 MB of RAM -- 30 MB of hard disk space (download size = 21 MB) Software Requirements -- Microsoft Windows NT Version 3.51 or Windows 95. -- If you are installing VisualAge for Basic with the DB2 Support option, then you also need to install DB2 SDK for Windows Version 2.1 or later, using either NetBIOS or TCP/IP communications. For information on DB2 communications requirements, see: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2v2.html -- If your Windows NT or Windows 95 client will connect to an AIX server, and you plan to use the VisualAge for Basic Remote Debugging Facility to debug stored procedures and user-defined functions on the AIX server, then you also need to install a PC X-Server product. ============================================================ VisualAge for Basic Stored Procedure VBX and OCX Hardware Requirements -- 486 processor (or higher) -- 16 MB of RAM -- 2 MB of hard disk space (download size = 1 MB) Software Requirements -- For VisualAge for Basic Stored Procedure VBX: Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 -- For VisualAge for Basic Stored Procedure OCX: -- Microsoft Windows NT Version 3.51 or Windows 95 -- Microsoft Visual Basic** Version 4.0 -- DB2 SDK for Windows Version 2.1 or later, using either NetBIOS or TCP/IP communications. For information on DB2 communications requirements, see: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2v2.html. -- If your Windows client will connect to an AIX server, and you plan to use the VisualAge for Basic Remote Debugging Facility to debug stored procedures and user- defined functions on the AIX server, then you also need to install a PC X-Server product. ============================================================ VisualAge for Basic AIX Server Hardware Requirements -- 530 RISC processor (or higher) -- 38 MB of hard disk space (download size = 11 MB) Software Requirements -- AIX Version 3.25 or 4.15 -- DB2 for AIX Version 2.1 or later, using TCP/IP communications. For information on DB2 communications requirements, see: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2v2.html. ============================================================ VisualAge for Basic OS/2 Server Hardware Requirements -- 486 processor (or higher) -- 24 MB of RAM -- 10 MB of hard disk space (download size = 6 MB) Software Requirements -- OS/2 Version 2.0, 2.11, or 3.0 (Version 2.0 must include CSD 6055 or later) -- DB2 for OS/2 Version 2.1 or later, using either NetBIOS or TCP/IP communications. For information on DB2 communications requirements, see: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2v2.html. ============================================================ VisualAge for Basic Windows NT Server Hardware Requirements -- 486 processor (or higher) -- 24 MB of RAM -- 10 MB of hard disk space (download size = 4 MB) Software Requirements -- Microsoft Windows NT Version 3.51 -- DB2 for Windows NT Version 2.1 or later, using either NetBIOS or TCP/IP communications. For information on DB2 communications requirements, see: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2v2.html. ============================================================ EVALUATION LICENSE FOR PROGRAMS NOT GENERALLY AVAILABLE ============================================================ IBM VisualAge for Basic PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. YOU MUST AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE DOWNLOADING IBM VisualAge for Basic (the "Software"). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL, OR USE THE SOFTWARE. NOTICE: The Software is not released for general availability and may be modified substantially before such release. The Software may not be at a level of performance or compatibility of generally available IBM products. In addition, IBM does not guarantee that the Software will ever be released for general availability. ANY APPLICATION PROGRAMS PROCESSED OR COMPILED WITH THE SOFTWARE DURING THE EVALUATION PERIOD MAY NOT REMAIN OPERATIONAL WITH THE SOFTWARE IF IT IS RELEASED FOR GENERAL AVAILABILITY. 1. Ownership and License. The Software is owned by International Business Machines Corporation or one of its subsidiaries ("IBM") or an IBM supplier and is copyrighted and licensed, not sold. The Software consists of machine-readable instructions, audio/visual content (such as software documentation) and related licensed materials. IBM grants you free of charge a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download the Software and install and use it on a reasonable number of client machines for purposes of testing and evaluation only. The Software is not to be used for production purposes. You may copy the Software for backup. You may not: 1) copy, merge, distribute, sublicense, lease, or rent the Software except as specifically permitted by this Evaluation License; 2) reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the Software except as specifically permitted by law without the possibility of contractual waiver. 2. Term and Termination IBM may terminate this Evaluation License, with or without cause, by providing notice to you. You may terminate this Evaluation License at any time by deleting or destroying all copies of the Software and documentation. Unless either party terminates this License at an earlier date, your license to the Software expires on its release for general availability. 3. Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability IBM licenses the Software to you on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind. IBM HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The entire risk arising from use of the Software remains with you. Some jurisdictions do not allow for the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF IBM, OR ITS DISTRIBUTOR, HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IBM will not be liable for the loss of, or damage to, your records or data, or any damages claimed by you based on a third party claim. Some jurisdictions do not allow for the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. 4. General This Evaluation License is governed by the substantive laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements fully executed and performed in New York. After installing the Software, you can view or print a copy of this Evaluation License from the file NOTICES.TXT in the directory where you installed the Software.