128 pserv2\n\nPserv2\n\n\nPserv2.Document\nPserv2 Document 20000 20001 Start pending 20002 Stop pending 20003 Running 20004 Continue pending 20005 Pause pending 20006 Paused 20007 32772 Stop the currently selected object(s) 32773 Pause the currently selected object(s) 32778 View object properties 32779 Refresh display 32782 Start or continue the currently selected object(s) 32783 View services list 32784 View devices list 32787 Find objects on this list 32793 Disable objects 32794 Enable objects 32799 Restart the current object 32807 View system events 32808 View security events 32809 View application events 32810 View list of running processes 32811 View list of running modules 57344 pserv2