======================================== = ZHider basic instructions and help = ======================================== Writen and released by: Peter Souza IV, CEO/owner Zinious Software Corporation owner@zinious.com version 1.01, Nov 11th, 2003 ==================== = Included Files = ==================== Filename: ZHIDER.EXE ---------- Primary program file. Launch from anywhere. You can rename this file to just about anything to hide it. It's only detectable via task list (Ctrl+Alt+Del). Filename: KBHOOK.DLL ---------- Keyboard hook DLL required to perpetuate keystroke detection. You can not rename this file. This file must be located either with the program or in the DOS path environment (for example: C:\WINDOWS\System32). ================ = Keystrokes = ================ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Key Secondary Key Function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL+ALT+Z WIN+Z Adds currently-active window to the list of windows to hide/unhide and immediately hides it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL+ALT+X WIN+X Toggles hide/unhide to all added windows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL+ALT+C WIN+C Immediately unhides all hidden windows and clears the list of windows to hide/unhide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL+ALT+L WIN+L Displays a list of all added windows. The list Can be manipulated by menu or by double-clicking directly within the list. While the list is open, all hotkeys are disabled until it is closed. This also displays version information in the lower-left hand corner of the window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL+ALT+M Same as CTRL+ALT+C, but also exits ZHider. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Note: WIN+M is a special Windows keystroke that minimizes all windows and thus will not exit ZHider.) ===================== = Version History = ===================== version 0.01 (beta) o First version release. version 1.00 Bugs fixed: o Fixed a bug causing crashes and freezes whenever a second, third, etc. window was removed before the first (not possible in version 'beta 0.01'). o Unhiding windows that were maximized caused them to show up in their restored size instead of maximized. Features updated: o Changed program icon from yellow-green square to an uninteresting computer. o Removed bloat/unnecessary code. Features added: o Added window list (CTRL+ALT+L and WIN+L) feature and version information. version 1.01 Features added: o Window list can now close windows quietly (without displaying them). o Window list now uses a grid that displays window ID and class ID of windows in the list. version 1.02 Miscellaneous: o Program renamed from Hider to ZHider.