User Defined Cleanups

This feature is for experts.

You can define up to 10 custom cleanup actions. The cleanups are specified by command lines.

Select an entry in the list an set it to "enabled". Choose a title, the title appears in the menus.

Compose a command line. Use the "MSDOS prompt" (Windows 9x, or the "Command prompt" (NT, cmd.exe) to get help about the available commands and to test the command line.


Examples (NT and higher)

The meaning of the placeholders %p, %n, %sp, %sn is shown in the dialog. Don't forget to enclose them in quotation marks, if necessary.

Assembly of the command line

Suppose you enter the command line

. WinDirStat then trys to start the following process:
%COMSPEC% /c xyz

More Options

Specify, for which item types the cleanup works. Be careful with UNC paths: a command prompt cannot chdir to UNC paths!

Specify, whether the cleanup shall be applied recursively on all subdirectories (depth first).

The other options should be clear.