Wallpaper Changer CopyRight (c) 2004 Evarest Schoofs. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Author" herein refers to Evarest Schoofs (the creator of the Wallpaper Changer Program). "Software" refers to all files included with the Wallpaper Changer distribution package. This notice may not be removed from or altered in any distribution. Commercial or Private usage of any of the files included in this package is allowed only with a written permission from the author. I am a supporter of free or at least payable software on the net. As this program still isn't finished, and most likely (knowing myself) will never be finished, I'm not asking much... WPChanger is FREE to use if you satisfy the following rules: - You intend to use WPChanger for educational uses only. - You intend to use WPChanger on a single computer at home. However, please send me a mail. I will try to support you as much as I can and will be very glad to know the program is being used at all. WPChanger is NOT FREE to use if you don't satisfy the rules above or you belong to: - You want to use the software in the industry (basically this means at work). - You want to distribute the program in a commercial package. - You want to use the program in a department of your government. Fixed prizes don't exist yet and I still need to get an account at Pay-Pall ;-). Send me a mail if you want to know more. As said, I generally don't like asking money this way. However, being just a simple student, support is needed to pay my bills (website, program development tool and of course new components needed to create an even better projects). Also, you can support me a lot by sending a mail saying that you use WPChanger. There isn't much in the tech-world that can encourage me more to further develop this program... This software is provided 'as-is', without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Special thanks to the creators of the icons used in Wallpaper Changer: Anne-Sophie Charpie & mR brow (http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=2&SkinID=1004) Evarest Schoofs EvarestS@hotmail.com