Unix2Win 2.0 Help


Unix2Win is a utility program that converts ASCII text files from Unix format to Windows format or vice versa. Unix uses ASCII character code 10 (LF, Line Feed) to separate lines while Windows uses a combination of 13 (CR, Carriage Return) and 10.


Before using this program you must agree to the terms stated in the License.txt file which accompanies this program.


  1. Select the files to be converted. You may either use the Select button or drag files from Windows Explorer or Desktop onto the main form. You can remove a single file from the list by right-clicking and selecting Remove. The Clear button removes all selected files.
    The free version of Unix2Win allows you to convert one file at a time. The advanced version can handle the conversion of multiple files in one step.

  2. Decide whether to convert from Unix to Windows or Windows to Unix using the radio buttons on the main form. Conversion from Unix to Windows will replace all LF codes by the combination of LF and CR. Conversion from Windows to Unix will erase all CR codes.

  3. Before pressing the Convert button you should decide where to save the converted files. Press the Options button to bring up the Options dialog. Unix2Win provides two alternative ways where to store converted files. One way is to use a fixed directory where the files are saved with the original name. Pressing the Default button will select the standard directory "Converted" that is located in the same directory as the Unix2Win executable file.
    The second way is saving the files to the original directory but with the suffix "_conv". F.e. data.txt will produce data_conv.txt.
    Either way the original file remains untouched!

Advanced Version

If you need to convert large numbers of files and are currently working with the free version you may be interested in the advanced version. While the free version allows you to convert only one file at a time the advanced version can handle multiple files in one step. Visit the programs website for the registration/download link. It is available for a small fee.


Feel free to write me about problems, suggestions, bugs etc. To contact the author write to: mail@heelana.com
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