:: User Interface ::

Main Window

The application's main window is divided into five parts:

1. Pull-down Menu
The pull-down menu provides you with a complete list of actions available in the tool.

2. Toolbar
The Toolbar gives you quick access to the most important actions.

3. Info Header
This area displays the current selection.

4. Navigation Panel (on the left)
You can see and navigate the file tree in this panel.

5. Presentation Panel (on the right)
You can click on the tabs to switch to a different group of views. In each tab you can select a view, e.g. pie chart, bar chart, details table, or different styles of tables.

6. Popup Menus
Popup menus are available in the help, navigation, and presentation panel. They provide the most important actions.


There are several ways to navigate the file tree. You can click on a folder pie or bar in the charts to select this folder. The navigation panel displays the hierarchy of nodes; it is the best place to move directly to a folder. Use the navigation buttons in the toolbar to quickly go back and forth in the history of selections; the 'Up' button is the fastest way to go to the parent of the current selection.