JDiskReport Version 1.2.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This maintenance update comes with minor appearance improvements. BUGS FIXED o Poor dock icon on OS X. o Windows look&feel toolbar separator missing on 1.4.0 and 1.4.1. o Preferences broken on 1.4.0 and 1.4.1. OTHER CHANGES o Menus have drop shadows on Windows. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. JDiskReport Version 1.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION This release is a maintenance update that provides an improved user experience especially on the Mac OS X. Also, since this version the tool requires Java 1.4. DISTRIBUTION CHANGES o Added an edition for the Mac OS X. o Significantly smaller Windows edition with JRE o Refreshed native Windows installer o Refreshed libraries BUGS FIXED o Poor support for OS X application menu. o Poor or invalid accelerator keys on OS X. o Poor fonts on OS X. o Poor toolbar button appearance on OS X. o Poor window icon on OS X. o Wrong button order on OS X. OTHER CHANGES o Improved appearance on Java 1.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find below the change history for older releases. 1.1.2 (November-14-2003) o Fixed popup menu position in multi-screen environments o Improved support for multi-screen environments o Formats numbers and dates using the user's locale o Distribution export tables use a fixed size unit o Fixed broken mnemonics in view menu 1.1.1 (August-18-2003) o Ships now with Java 1.4.2 o Minor changes in the toolbar icons o FAQ mentiones open source libraries 1.1 (Apr-26-2003) o Added ring chart o Can save and load statistics o Improved export to comma-separated list o Improved appearance on Windows XP with Java 1.4.2 o Fixed broken preparation o Refreshed Tips and Help->Limitations o Enabled Mac OS X screen menu by default 1.0.7 (Jan-24-2003) o Updated installer and Java runtime o Pie chart painting improved o Uses JGoodies Forms o Uses JGoodies Looks 1.0.7 o Improved focus colors o Reduced updates after preferences change o Windows: now honors non-standard control fonts 1.0.6 (Aug-17-2002) o Fixed broken tooltips in top tables tab o New logo icons o Overhauled menu item mnemonics