FILEVERSION 1,3,0,0 PRODUCTVERSION 1,3,0,0 FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3F FILEFLAGS VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD FILEOS VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 FILETYPE VFT_APP FILESUBTYPE 0x0 { BLOCK "StringFileInfo" { BLOCK "040904b0" { VALUE "Comments", "Free-Cal is for those times when you, just need a calendar. It's small, fast, and is perfect for the quick-launch toolbar. Comments are welcome, but remember, it's just a calendar." VALUE "CompanyName", "Blue Onion Software" VALUE "FileDescription", "A calendar program. Send comments to" VALUE "FileVersion", "1.3" VALUE "InternalName", "free-cal" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2002-2003, Blue Onion Software, All rights reserved" VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "Free-Cal and are a trademarks of Blue Onion Software" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "free-cal.exe" VALUE "PrivateBuild", "2 February 2003" VALUE "ProductName", "free-cal" VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.3" } } BLOCK "VarFileInfo" { VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200 } }