If you want translate DPASHA in other Language. Open LanFile.rc with an editor. Now translate this only: 6000, "If you want translate this program, translate from here- From 6000 - 6015" 6001, "DPASHA version 1.94 (c) 1997 - 2004 by Dirk Paehl Your language" 6002, "Hash String" 6003, "Hash file" 6004, "Close" 6005, "renew hash" 6006, "-> Clipboard" 6007, "<- Clipboard" 6008, "Compare" 6009, "About" 6010, "Please choice a file or use drag&drop --> NEW calculate." 6011, "Please select a file, or insert a hash to compare" 6012, "Hash is equal." 6013, "Hash is not equal. Please check it" 6014, "Insert the String for HASH" 6015, "Hash to compare" 6999, "If you want translate this program, translate till here" contact form on my site: http://www.paehl.de or dpaehl.translate@mailnull.com ----- In other language sample east language -------- The language is integrated as standard resource. For more infos write my an mail. Sample if you want translate in not standard neutral language.