-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CopyLock - Version 1.09 README.TXT Copyright © 2001-2005, Noël DANJOU January 2005 All Rights Reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About CopyLock -------------- CopyLock is a small program that allows the replacement of one or many files which are currently in use by the system or any other running process. Click Add > Files to replace, select the new file and the destination folder, click Apply, restart when invited to do so and that's it! Notes: - the operation may not work if the file to replace is protected by the system. Since CopyLock is based on documented APIs it will only allow what the underlying system allows. - Use the included PSAPI.DLL library only if you get a message stating that this file is missing (Windows NT4 only). Disclaimer: You can possibly crash your system or make it unbootable if you are not careful, use at your own risk. Special thanks to Michael D. Lawler for his extensive tests and feedback. Summary of possible operations ------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------+ | Src | Dest | Same folder | Action taken | |------------------------------------------------------| | X | [X] | yes | Renames Src with Dst | | X | [X] | no | Moves Src to Dst | | X | X | yes | Replaces Dst with Src | | X | X | no | Replaces Dst with Src | | X | | n/a | Deletes Src | +------------------------------------------------------+ Src : source file Dest : destination file X : the file exists [X] : the file does not exist "same folder": both files are located in the same folder User Interface options ---------------------- * Show source paths Toggles the display of the paths in the source file names. By default source paths are omitted in the user interface. * Allow downgrade Allows CopyLock to replace a file with an older one. For security and stability matters, this is not allowed by default. * Auto-Close Forces the CopyLock interface to close once the files in the list are processed. It is the same as clicking Apply then Close. Accelerators ------------ Ctrl+A : select all the files in the list Ins : same as Add > Files to replace Del : deletes the files currently selected in the list Command-line parameters ----------------------- * Syntax: CopyLock [ [] [/reboot] [/downgrade] [/processlist]] e.g.: CopyLock "c:\temp path\filename.ext" "c:\path to dest folder" /reboot If you don't specify a destination path then the source file will be deleted instead of being replaced. Use /reboot if you want CopyLock to reboot your system automatically (if a reboot is required to complete the replacement or deletion.) /downgrade allows the replacement of a file by an older one. /processlist attempts to process the files queued for processing on the next reboot. Source and destination paths are ignored. * Exit codes: 0 - No files were processed 1 - An error occured, file not replaced 2 - Downgrade not allowed, file not replaced 3 - The file was successfully replaced 4 - The file was successfully deleted 5 - Pending, the file will be replaced on next reboot Latest versions --------------- The latest version of CopyLock is always available from my website: http://noeld.com/programs.asp?cat=misc#CopyLock Contact details --------------- E-mail: webmaster@noeld.com WWW: http://noeld.com History ------- * January 24, 2005 - Build - added an option to move folders from UI - added support for folder deletion from command-line * October 12, 2004 - Build - added a warning if some protected files (SFC) are about to be modified * September 28, 2004 - Build - fixed: if you chose to remove the pending files from the system list the files were also deleted from the list control * May 13, 2004 - Build - fixed: move the focus back to the process list when the "End Process" button is disabled, this avoids locking the focus - always shows the selections even when lists loose the focus - now returns an exit code if used in command-line. See cmdtest.bat for an example - added support for /processlist parameter * April 14, 2004 - Build - added "Add > Folder to delete" option to delete folders that hold locked files - fixed a few issues in the UI and extended some menus * January 15, 2004 - Build - renamed Replace button to Apply - some minor changes - released * November 25, 2003 - Build - fixed the Auto-Close option which was not taken into account - added an option that lists the processes by which the source and/or the destination files are locked (requires NT4, 2000, XP or later, only applies to libraries and executables) - added an option to rename locked files - added an About box - added a context menu (right-click the list) - fixed oleacc.dll was required, now it is delay-loaded. * March 4, 2003 - Build - fixed a problem with delayed renaming of existing files, the operation might not happen on reboot. * February 25, 2003 - Build - items are no more sorted in the listview to respect addition order. This is particularly important for QFEs - fixed a path parsing problems on NT/2000/XP * February 24, 2003 - Build - fixed GetLongPathNameA could not be found on Windows NT and 95 platforms - enhanced error reporting in log file * December 17, 2002 - Build - fixed: focus remained on the Replace button after it got disabled - fixed: Replace now update the system list if you remove one or more pending operations [retrieved from the system list] - added a feature to prevent adding the same operation twice Note: always click Replace to apply the changes you make to the list otherwise they will be discarded when you exit. * December 14, 2002 - Build - added Auto-Close option: the programs automatically closes after replacement is done if the checkbox is ticked. - added status and error messages in tooltips - added creation of a logfile once the replacement is done - added listing of pending operations from the system when CopyLock is launched: you can now see what files an installer replaces or deletes. * September 15, 2001 - Build - fixed an empty messagebox with a question marked. * July 14, 2001 - Build - added support for the optional /downgrade parameter in command line and the "Allow Downgrade" option in the GUI. If either of these options are used then downgrade is authorized otherwise the replacement or the deletion of the file(s) will fail. * July 10, 2001 - Build - added support for command line parameters * June 22, 2001 - Build - added support for Windows XP Visual Styles * June 5, 2001 - Build - fixed a little problem regarding button focus after removing some files. * December 7, 2000 - Build - added conversion to short path names of files in the wininit.ini file since long file names are not supported - changed the wininit.ini management: files are now added to the end of the list - updated: test if drives in source and destination paths differ (Win9x only, not supported in those systems) - updated: asks path again if drives differ (Win 9x only) or if source and destination is the same file when adding a file. * November 19, 2000 - Build - added the possibility to delete locked files * October 10, 2000 - Build - fixed the "Show source paths" option * October 6, 2000 - Build - added accelerators: Ctrl+A select all the files in the list - added support for drag-and-drop - added the possibly to add multiple files at once - added an edit box in the dialog box for folder selection - added version number in the title of the dialog box - added an option to hide or show the full path of source files * October 5, 2000 - Build - Added version checking. Warn if target is older than source. * October 4, 2000 - Build - Enhanced the consistency of the interface - Ensures that source and destination paths are different - Fixed some bugs * September 21, 2000 - Build - Initial build.