Of course this file has nothing to do with sex. I only used the filename to get your attention, and I think I have succeeded otherwise you wouldn't be reading this! The prices have changed slightly, and I have added a lucrative sortof subscription for those of you who want to get the latest version of the "Ultimate Virus Killer" for about 5-8 versions in sequence. This file was last changed on March 25th 1993. The 'subscription' column is a way to get a discount at multiple updates. To optimize the currency that has to be sent, the amount of updates you get for a subscription vary per country. The amount of updates you actually get for the specific amount is mentioned between brackets. TABLE OF REVISED PRICES FOR THE "ULTIMATE VIRUS KILLER" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Country: First version: Update: Subscription: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Austria Sch 130,- Sch 65,- Sch 400,- (7) Belgium Bfr 400,- Bfr 200,- Bfr 1000,- (6) Canada $ 15,- $ 8,- $ 50,- (7) Denmark Dkr 70,- Dkr 35,- Dkr 250,- (8) France Fr 65,- Fr 30,- Fr 150,- (6) Germany DM 20,- DM 10,- DM 60,- (7) Greece D 1500,- D 800,- D 4000,- (6) Italy L 14000,- L 7000,- L 35000,- (6) Netherlands Ÿ 20,- Ÿ 10,- Ÿ 50,- (6) New Zealand $ 25,- $ 15,- $ 80,- (6) Norway Kr 70,- Kr 40,- Kr 200,- (6) Slovenia SIT 1600,- SIT 1000,- SIT 10000,- (7) Sweden Kr 65,- Kr 35,- Kr 150,- (5) Switzerland Fr 15,- Fr 8,- Fr 50,- (7) United Kingdom œ 8,- œ 5,- œ 30,- (7) U.S.A. $ 15,- $ 8,- $ 40,- (6) NEVER SEND CHEQUES! NEVER SEND COINS! Either send me the money in cash or send it through an International Money Order (this latter option is not very cheap, though). If your country's currency is not mentioned, please send the equivalent of 20 German marks, adding 5 German marks if you live outside Europe. The address: Richard Karsmakers Looplantsoen 50 NL-3523 GV Utrecht The Netherlands This address is valid at least up to summer 1995.