Final Additions: (November 11,1990) 1) Make a copy (enlarge if possible) of the three font charts in the back of the manual. As you copy fonts from various sources, fill in which characters convert to the locations in the chart, filling it in under the character in the chart. This will allow you to know where fonts from various sources transfer to. This will help since Font creators have a habit of puting characters in different positions. If I get enough requests, I will create a utility to patch FontVerter to transfer characters to alternate locations if the user desires..... 2) When converting TO Font Designer .ECF format, load the font in to Font Designer and save the font. This is needed to create bounding box info before it will show in KERN_ECF.PRG. 3) Translation Characters (Composites): ECF > DMF -- Translations are FontVerted properly, with one possible problem. At this time, the program does not check to see if both parts of the translation actually exist. The way characters are translated, this should not present a problem, since only a couple of characters aren't converted but possible character placements could cause a problem. If this happens, load FontVerted .DMF font into either of the two PageStream font editors and correct the problem. DMF > ECF -- Translations are converted as part of the character, NOT COMPOSITES, since major editing, such as adding hint stems and over-all cleaning up the font will be done. You will also probably want to change the character positions to your liking before changing dual-part characters to composites. It is very easy to do since you can position the composites over the existing character before erasing the actual parts. 4) The font name is shown on all conversions in the Title bar during the conversions. If a name doesn't appear, be prepared to add this after the font is FontVerted. 5) One extra file is needed to run FontVerter 1.6, which is not in the manual. TRANSLAT.DAT also has to be in the same directory as FV_1_60.PRG. 6) There is one last MAJOR addition: Contrary to the PageStream font specifications, a PageStream font can only have 32K of data, not 64K as per the specifications. This will be fixed in version 2.0, but that doesn't help for the time being. I thought this was already fixed, but a discussion with SoftLogik confirmed the problem. The work around for this problem has been implemented as follows. If a Calamus or Font Designer font is FontVerted that is too large, you will be notified by a dialog box after the last character that will fit is shown. You will be given a choice as whether to save the font at that point, or to continue with the full conversion. If you are printing on a non- postscript printer using the .DMF file, you must save the font at the given point, or problems will occur when using the font, such as the PageStream bombing when you try to print a character after the 32K barrier. Since most of the characters left off will be part of the extended character set, Load the font into the Shareware PGSED program and finish the font using Translation characters to add the rest of the characters. The only time you will want to continue the full conversion is when you wish to convert the font to a PostScript file using FONTEDIT.PRG. since you don't actually access the PS font in PageStream, the size is not a problem. You will be able to access the charcaters on the PostScript printer with no problems. FONTEDIT.PRG used the proper structure, so the full font can be loaded with out any problems, and the PostScript download font created.