PSXCOPY.EXE - Sony PlayStation Disc Backup Program Program Description: PSXCOPY is a program that allows you to make backups of your Sony PlayStation discs. THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT DEFEAT THE COPY PROTECTION SCHEME!!! THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT DEFEAT THE COPY PROTECTION SCHEME!!! You must use one of well known "swap tricks" to play a copied disc. ******************************************************************* Usage: PSXCOPY {/EUROPE | /JAPAN | /USA} [/ID=adapter:id:lun] imagefile - output image filename cuefile - output cue sheet filename /ID - SCSI ID of CD reader (default is first found) /EUROPE - make European territory image file /JAPAN - make Japanese territory image file /USA - make American territory image file NOTE: You must have at least one space between each parameter or switch. The IMAGE file contains all of the program and audio data that is to be written to the CD. WARNING: This image file could require as much as 750Mb of harddrive space. The CUE SHEET file describes the logical start time (from the beginning of the disc) of each track/index pair. ********************************************************************** /ID=adapter:id:lun adapter - adapter number of your SCSI card (usually zero unless you have more than one SCSI card in your system). id - SCSI ID of the CDROM reader/recorder. lun - logical unit number (usually zero). Example: /ID=0:5:0 ********************************************************************** How to Backup a PlayStation Disc -------------------------------- C:\>PSXCOPY PSX.RAW PSX.CUE /ID=adapter:id:lun /USA PSXCOPY reads the PlayStation disc from the specified SCSI device and generates an IMAGE file and a CUE SHEET file. The /USA switch tells the program to generate American boot blocks in the image file. So, even if you are copying a Japanese import game, the image can be written with different boot blocks than the original disc. The type of boot blocks that you write is probably not very important since PSXCOPY does not break the "copy protection" scheme anyway. C:>\PSXBURN PSX.RAW PSX.CUE /ID=adapter:id:lun /BIN /NOPREGAP PSXBURN is the program that will actually record the new disc using the files that were created by PSXCOPY. You *must* use both the /BIN and /NOPREGAP switches or you will end up with an unusable disc. ********************************************************************** NOTES: This program was developed for MSDOS V6.XX. I do not claim any compatibility with the version of DOS that ships with Windows '95. Some people say it works with no problems, and some say that it doesn't work at all. Do not attempt to use this release of PSXCOPY on any CD recorder other than the Yamaha CDR100 or CDR102. I guarantee you that it will not work on any other recorder. Support for the Philips, HP, and Sony recorders will be available in January '96. This program assumes that the first track on all PSX discs is in CDROM-XA format. If it's not, then the recorded disc will probably not work. I only own five or six PlayStation titles, which means that this program has only been tested on these discs. It's possible that you may have a title that this program does not handle properly. Contact me if you have a disc that is giving you trouble. I should be able to modify PSXCOPY to handle it. I recommend that you use the Yamaha recorder to both read the original disc and to record the backup. Please don't use low quality blanks for recording... Trying to save fifty cents on a disc is not a good idea. I recommend TDK, Ricoh, and MTC discs. I have had no problems with these in the Yamaha recorder. Keep your discs and caddies free from dust and other foreign material. ********************************************************************** Please send all suggestions, comments, and bug reports to... Jeff Arnold 125 Indian Rock Road Merrimack, NH 03054 Home: 603-424-0269 Work: 603-881-2119 EMAIL: ********************************************************************** Updated on DECEMBER 21, 1995