If someone wants to know how the coding principe of serial number of the Harlekin 3.1, here it is: first U enter 8 digits (ASCII) and put them on some memory location and set A0 register to point at that, then enter following prog to calculate the rest 4 digits: move.l #$1021,d1 ;main EOR value l3 move.b (a0)+,d2 move.b #8,d2 eor.w d2,d1 moveq #7,d2 l2 tst.w d1 bmi.s l1 add.w d1,d1 dbf d2,l2 cmp.l a0,a1 bhi.s l3 move.w d1,d0 rts l1 add.w d1,d1 eor.w d0,d1 dbf d2,l2 cmp.l a0,a1 bhi l3 move.w d1,d0 rts And you'll get HEX value of the rest 4 digits. One of possible serial number for Harlekin 3.1 is 12345678-9015. This was cracked by Dusan Dimitrijevic from The Twilight Production! (TTP!) on 10th Februar 1994. Crackin' time 30 min