CUBASE III ========== Welcome to another great CRACK by the SCC. Cubase III was cracked in 35 minutes on 22nd FEB 1992. It's such a classy program that I felt guilty at cracking it as the programmers have obviously put in some hard work. Indeed, I wouldn't have cracked it, if I didn't need it for myself, and couldn't afford to buy it (Violins.....) Anyway, I must say that if your a musician and using this hacked copy of Cubase, I hope that you will have the goodwill to buy a copy of this program, even if its just to get the manual, because there are lots of keyboard shortcuts etc that can speed up your work. So, in short, the message is - 'If you can afford to buy this program then DO!! Greetings go to the only guys releasing serious software compilations - TRB - ADDENDUM ======== Ok so its not cracked 100%, but it lets the average guy who cant afford this program see what he's missing. Maybe its just as well its not proprely cracked. -SCC-