CALAMUSū GOLDEN DISK #1 WARNUNG: DIESER "CALAMUSū GOLDEN DISK"-INHALT IST DAS RESULTAT DER USER-TO-USER ZUSAMMENARBEIT. ALLE PROGRAMME, ANWENDUNGEN UND DOKUMENTATIONEN SIND KEINE DMC-PRODUKTE: SIE WURDEN GESAMMELT UND VON DMC ALS SEHR WERTVOLL FšR DIE CALAMUSū-UMGEBUNG ERACHTET. DMC KAN JEDOCH NICHT FšR DIE FUNKTIONSFŽHIGKEIT UND/ODER FšR DIE (ZUKšNFTIGE) KOMPATIBI- LITŽT DIESE PROGRAMME, ANWENDUNGEN ODER DOKUMENTATIONEN VERANTWORTLICH GEMACHT WERDEN. KEINE DIESER PROGRAMME, ANWENDUNGEN ODER DOKUMENTATIONEN SIND SHAREWARE ODER PUBLIC DOMAIN. DAS KOPIEREN DIESER DISKETTE ODER TEILE DIESER DISKETTE IST EIN VERSTOž GEGEN DAS GESETZ UND WIRD STRAFRECHTLICH VERFOLGT. WARRANTY: THIS "CALAMUSū GOLDEN DISK"-CONTENT IS ENTIRELY THE RESULT OF USER-TO-USER INTERACTIVITIES. ALL PROGRAMS, APPLICATIONS AND DOCUMENTATIONS ARE NOT DMC-PRODUCTS: THEY ARE COLLECTED AND BEING IDENTIFIED BY DMC AS VERY USEFULL AS UTILITIES FOR THE CALAMUSū-ENVIRONMENT. HOWEVER, DMC CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSABLE FOR THE FUNCTIONALITY AND/OR (FUTURE) COMPATIBILITY OF ANY OF THESE PROGRAMS, APPLICATIONS OR DOCUMENTATIONS. NONE OF THESE PROGRAMS, APPLICATIONS OR DOCUMENTATIONS ARE PUBLIC DOMAIN OR SHAREWARE. COPYING THIS DISK OR PARTS FROM THIS DISK IS A VIOLATION AGAINST THE LAW AND WILL RESULT IN LEGAL PROSECUTION. ******************************* ALLCURVE - Programmed by Jeroen Sonnemans/Holland AllCurve is a small universal program/accessory for making Calamusū-curves with the comfort of using B‚zier. Installation of AllCurve Make a folder on your harddisk and copy AllCurve and the resourcefile into it. When using it as an accessory you should rename the PRG-file to "ACC" (only the extension) and copy it onto the bootdrive of your computer. In this case AllCurve may be only accessed at the Pulldown-menu after a (warm) reset. Using AllCurve When starting the program AllCurve will show the message that it can also be used as an acessory. When your memory allows this, it is recommendable since it can be used directly from/within Calamusū. The use is very simple: click with the left mouse-button on a curve and a more detailed box will appear. Again clicking in this box results in the appearance of editing-points to handle it as a B‚zier-curve. Please note that points may be moved outside the editbox, but then it might be difficult to find them again, since GEM doesn't allow to draw outside the box. In these cases you can always get it under control again by selecting "Neu- tral". Confirm your curve by clicking the right mousebutton. Each curve may be copied directly to other levels with the "bernemen"-option. AllCurve fileformats AllCurve supports two different fileformats: QLx- and CKx- files. Since the Calamusū-format doesn't contain B‚zier- information (the CKx-format consists of 256 separate points, so internally it is not considered as a "line") this type of file can only be imported as a model (i.e. an existing curve can be enhanced more fluently). Calamusū itself has curves for different purposes: when 3 colourlevels or bitplanes are required the extension is *.CK3. For example importing a normal RGB-colourpicture gives the possibility to correct each level separately with a curve. For the linearity-module (also included on this first "Calamusū Golden Disk" one will need the CK4-curves, since it concerns CYMK printer-output; so four different planes can be modified. Please pay attention to the fact that in this module the zero/zero-point is at the upper- right corner. This means that the curves have to be mir- rored. Therefore you can select a curve while pressing the -key in Allcurve. Immediate raster- point/calibration-corrections are possible at the same time. Of course, AllCurve allows you to make 4 colourseparation- curves as well. In this case you should select this kind of curve (CK7). Saving files When saving a set of curves (either CK3, CK4 or CK7) it is highly recommandable to save the file also as a QL3/4/7-file since these curves can be loaded and edited afterwards by AllCurve. ATTENTION: QLx-FILES ARE NOT BEING ACCEPTED BY CALAMUSū, ONLY THE CKx-FORMATS ARE CALAMUSū-COMPATIBLE! AllCurve first asks which kind of curve you would like to save and then presents the standard itemselector. When saving a CKx-file AllCurve will scan each individual curve (all 256 points) from the left to the right before writing it to disk. An extremely beautiful trick for Calamusū SL In the folder ALLCURVE of your Calamusū Golden Disk you'll find an example-curve ("VERLAUF.CK3") and a small TIFF- Image. This image is a simple 8-bit halftone which can be imported directly into Calamusū. Calamusū SL however gives the possibility to change the halftone- to a colour-identity with one simple mouseklick (see manual). When opening the CLUT-formula (Colour Look Up Table) it will show full RGB- levels instead of one for greylevel. By importing the example-curve one will see how easy it is to make a beautiful colour-gradient with extremely good typesetting- results (rather than vectorized gradients). Experimenting with inverting certain curves gives the possibility to achieve remarkable effects. ******************************* GRAFICALC - Programmed by Paul Janssen/Holland OPTIMIZED RASTERS - Generated by Taco Scargo/Holland GRAFICALC is a small universal program/accessory for making comfortable graphical calculations. The optimized rasters are CRI-files for direct use in CalamusūSL between 5 l/cm and 80 l/cm. INSTALLATION GRAFICALC can be used as a stand-alone program but also as an accessory. When using it as an accessory you should rename the PRG-file to "ACC" (only the extension) and copy it onto the bootdrive of your computer. In this case Graficalc may be only accessed at the Pulldown-menu after a (warm) reset. USING GRAFICALC By pressing the -key you enter an overview of the available keyboard shortcuts. As one can see Graficalc contains everything that's needed for using graphical applications. The direct calculations between Pica to pica- point, foot, centimeter, cicero and cicero point. Besides this there are direct calculations possible between lines per centimeter and lines per inch. Grafical contains 10 independent memories and can work with an editable number of decimals. A special option in GrafiCalc is the calculation of the optimal screenangles for four colourseparations. In order to achieve this, one should enter a value into the display and then click on the -button (or simply the -key. GrafiCalc then shows the ideal rasterangles for the entered screenlinearity. These values can directly taken over into the rastergenerator-module from CalamusūSL. To make life even more easy, in the folder "Raster" on this Calamusū Golden Disk you'll find 245 predefined rasterfiles which have been generated by these calculations. Please copy these files (or the relevant parts) into the folder where your colourtables can be found by Calamusū. These CRI-files can be imported directly into the rastergenerator-module from CalamusūSL. ATTENTION! Some of the values in these predefined rasterfiles still must be adjusted a little bit by using the adjustment-arrows. ******************************* LIN.CXM Module zum Einstellen der Druckergradation Programmiert von Raimund Thiel Achtung! Nur fr CalamusūSL!! Die Farbausgabe kann beim Ausdrucken manchmal unlinear sein. Wrden Sie mit neutralen Kennlinien drucken, w„re das Resultat vielleicht eine mit Farbe zugesuppte Seite Papier oder Film. Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, haben wir ein Modul namens LIN.CXM geschrieben, welches die Gradation von beliebigen Druckern anpassen kann. Allerdings ist Vorsicht geboten, da dieses Modul die Gradation von JEDEM Drucker beeinflusst. Sie sollten bei der Installation so vorgehen, daž Sie zuerst die Dateien in ihre entsprechenden Ordner kopieren. Danach sollten Sie die erstellte CK4-Datei (von LIN.PRG oder All- Curve) in den Module-Ordner kopieren und nach DEFLIN.CK4 umbenennen. Beim Start des LIN-Moduls wird diese Datei dann automatisch geladen. Wenn Sie mehrere Drucker betreiben, sollten Sie das LIN-Modul nicht in Ihrem Setup abspeichern, sondern jeweils erst zum Druck nachladen. Achten Sie auch darauf, daū Sie das Modul wieder aus dem Speicher entfernen, bevor Sie auf einem anderen Drucker ausgeben. ******************************* DO_LIN - programmiert von Pierre Hansen DO_LIN enth„lt 2 Dateien: LIN.PRG LIN.DAT READ ME.TXT: Dieser Text Ziel dieses Programmes ist es eine CK4-Datei zum Kalibrieren von Belichtern anhand gemessener Werte zu erzeugen. Status: Auf Monochromen Bildschirmen getestet. ******************************* VERLAUF.CIV - Programmiert von Michael Bernards This is a very small importdriver for vectorframes for both CalamusūS and SL. It was ever made as an experiment but can be quiet usefull for printing on (colour)printers. The way of using it is very simple: just copy the file into your driver-folder and import it like any other driver. Then the driver displays two different shapes for the colourgradient: a circle or a rectangle. Enter the RGB-values via keyboard. ******************************* DMC Tracerū - programmed by Geert van Bastelaere/Belgium DMC Tracerū is a small, intelligent desk-accessory to trace all mouse- and keyboard-events on the Desktop and in DMC- applications (Calamus S/SL, Outline Art, Type Art). DMC Tracerū works on every Atariū-machine, on every monitor with a minimum resolution of 640x400 pixels except colourcards. A harddisk is strongly recommended as well as a minimum 1 Megabyte of RAM-memory. Simply copy the accessory on the bootdrive of your computer, restart your system, and the DMC Tracerū is ready for use. Choose the accessory from the Desktop-menu, and fill in your estimated number of events. One event can either be a mouse- movement, a mouse-klick or a keyboard-entry. The only limi- tation is the RAM-memory of your computer, but with 10.000 to 20.000 events you can record a considerable session. The recording-time is not relevant, just the number of events. Confirm your choice with , and simply click on the record-button. The dialog-box disappears and the recording has been started. Open windows, scroll et cetera. Please keep in mind that DMC Tracerū will refuse to work in other applications. Just start for example CalamusūSL and create a document and edit it while explaining in the text-editor, print it, or open an existing document and do whatever you like: DMC Tracerū follows you and remembers everything you do. In case of buffer-overflow, DMC Tracerū warns you by interrupting your recording-session. You can stop the recording or playback by simultaniously pressing the -keys. The dialog-box appears, so you can decide to start all over again, to continue or to stop. You can even ask DMC Tracerū to repeat your recorded session by selecting the appropriate button. Suggestions: - Teaching Calamusū by using for every topic individual RPL- files (replay), which can even be loaded by itself to make a sequense of lessons. - Dealers can make their own demo's. - Repeated jobs like printing self-adhesive labels with Calamusū. ******************************* CFN LIST - Programmed by Paul Janssen/Holland Simply copy this program into your font-folder and run it. Although the program is in Dutch, it's not difficult to be understood: "Bewaar CFN.LST": save CFN.LST. This is a plain ASCII-file with all fonts founded in the directory where CFN-LIST.PRG was started from. "Scherm Lijst": print the list to the screen. "Printer lijst": send the list to the printer. "Pagina oneindig": endless page (non-sheetfeeder). "Pagina = ...regels": the number of lines per page. For the screen default setting is 24 lines. For the printer (DIN A4) default setting is 66 lines. "Doen": Start, run the program. "Stop": exit the program without running it. ******************************* CFN-SHOW - Programmed by Paul Janssen/Holland CFN-SHOW is a small universal program/accessory for showing Calamusū-fonts without needing Calamusū to be started. INSTALLATION CFN-SHOW can be used as a stand-alone program but also as an accessory. When using it as an accessory you should rename the PRG-file to "ACC" (only the extension) and copy it onto the bootdrive of your computer. In this case CFN-SHOW may be only accessed at the Pulldown-menu after a (warm) reset. Using CFN-SHOW Starting the program immediately shows up the itemselector with *.CFN as a search-mask. Thereafter the program will read the following information from the font: - The bitmapped preview of the font-logo. - The serialnumber. - The filename. - The full name. The option "save path" will create a small (invisible) file called CFN_SHOW.INF in the same directory where the program was started from. In this file is the full pathname saved for future use. ******************************* SHADOW.ACC - programmed by Jeroen Sonnemans/Holland "Shadow" is a small utility which generates gradient CVG- files in order to achieve three-dimensional effects under a picture. These CVG-files are written in 1.1-format, i.e. not readable by Calamusū versions 1.09N and lower, nor by Outline Art 1.1 and lower. SHADOW.ACC can only be used as an accessory. You should copy it onto the bootdrive of your computer. SHADOW.ACC can be only accessed at the Pulldown-menu after a (warm) reset. Using SHADOW.ACC Starting the program shows up the menu with several options. At the very left side there is a box for previewing the CVG- illustration. At the right side there is a number of fields for entering certain values and other variable data. The number of steps for the gradient is always maximal, i.e. 256. The icons explain themselves according to their meanings. Please make sure that you don't enter zero into every field since it will try to divide by zero; the system will crash definitely! ******************************* S-TOOL - programmiert von Raimund Thiel Achtung! Nur fr CalamusūS!! S-Tool originally was a utility for internal DMC only. At the moment DMC defined CalamusūS somebody had to take care of the printerdrivers, since this Calamusū-version would not contain the modules for colourseparation and rastering. Therefore DMC had to expand the printerdriver-format in a way that it would be able to raster and separate colours by itself. This resulted into a so-called "PDI-block" (Printer Driver Info) which "hangs" behind the usual CalamusūSL printerdriver. That's why these printerdriver are always slightly bigger. However, an S-printerdriver cannot be made out of an SL-driver. Installation of S-Tool Simply copy the module into the folder MODULE and load it as usual. In case of any doubt you should consult your local dealer, or even more simple, read the manual. The module won't display an icon at the top line from Calamusū, so you have to execute it with the "Ausfhren"-button. Using S-Tool The structure of the module is devided into several parts: 1. Load/modify the PDI-block 2. Modify colourseparation, raster and linearity 3. Load/modify the printerdriver 1. Load/modify the Info-block It is recommendable to use an existing driver as a basis for modifications, rather than inventing a whole PDI-block yourself. This block contains all information concerning colourseparation, raster and linearity of a specific driver. Using this function can be helpfull when you would like to copy certain specifications to another driver. 2. Modify colourseparation, raster and linearity This part of the module consists of three parts each. First of all the colourseparation itself. This is a very, very complex matter which needs even more experience to handle it in a sophisticated way. Colourseparation is the result of the fact that with the combination of the printingcolours cyan, magenta, yellow and black one can print almost all colours. For those colours that cannot be reached with these four colours we need so-called "spot-colours" (Schmuckfar- ben"). It is obvious that one can never print gold or silver on a colourprinter, since the four colours never mix in such a way. Four colourseparation is a matter for lithographers, a very old and complex tradition. Unless you know exactly what you're doing, our advise is not to mess around with this function. Or, at least, make a copy of your original printerdriver. The second part enables you to modify the rasters. Also here: don't change the rasterangles, since this is also the domain of lithographers. When modifying a black and white printer using this function is quiet harmless: it might even be interesting. Using different screenangles gives very often special effects to an image or illustration. In combination with the "Punktverzerrung" it can give really very impressive results. Please note that a "Punktverzer- rung" (BIAS)-value from 0,5 at 45 degrees screen angle will rotate the entire screen 90 degrees to the left. So make sure that you always invert when you devide in such cases: not 1/2 but 2/1 instead! So the correct BIAS is 2 for an oval rasterpoint at 45 degrees. (In fact ANY degree). A very interesting book about this matter has been written by Peter and Anton Kammermeier "Scannen und Drucken", Addison Wesley Verlag ISBN 3-89319-217-4. This very interesting book can also be obtained at DMC GmbH. All rasters on this disk (optimized for CalamusūSL) can be loaded into this part of the module. For normal printers higher than circa 22 lines per centimeter is not usefull any more. The last part is in fact the same as the LIN-Module that has been commented above. This part accepts all CK4-data from DO-LIN and AllCurve and intercepts all outgoing data from Calamusū to the printer. Be carefull with it and make sure that you ALWAYS use a printerdriver-copy, before changing anything. 3. Load/modify the printerdriver This part speaks for itself: once a PDI-block has been changed it can be written back into the driver. A last remark Although this module enables the user to have direct influence on colourseparation, rastering and linearity there remains a big difference between CalamusūS and SL. In CalamusūSL all these data (except linearity) are character- istics of the *DOCUMENT*. This is even possible on one single page or frame. In CalamusūS nothing attaches the document: only the *DRIVER*-characteristics are modified. Therefore the entire document will have these characteris- tics AND CAN NEVER A PREVIEW ON SCREEN BEING ACHIEVED, like in CalamusūSL. ******************************* DMC wishes you much pleasant hours with this first Calamusū Golden Disk. Any contribution for the second edition is welcome! Walluf, February 1993 Your DMC team