STOOP - Bug Hunt ---------------- The following is a list of bugs found in each version of Stoop and which have been corrected in the following version. STOOP 1.00 ---------- ** August '94 ** The file selector could only rename the first file in a directory. ** August '94 ** The file selector called from the 'Source Path' box of the 'Board Details' dialogue displayed 'Choose Destination Path' instead of 'Choose Source Path'. ** August '94 ** The AUTO folder reorder function successfully re-orders the files, but when this is done during boot-up the remaining files are not executed before the Desktop appears. (I renamed each AUTO folder file to a temporary folder, in the required order. This is much faster than physically moving the files (copy then delete), but only works between folders on the same partition. I then renamed the temporary folder and called it AUTO. However, the operating system does not appear to recognise this folder (until the next boot) as being the AUTO folder. It seems that TOS must recognise the folder by name only at the start of the boot-up sequence, but from then on uses it probably uses a direct method of accessing the harddrive to locate the AUTO programs.) ** August '94 ** After a folder containing sub-folders was moved via the file selector the deletion of the original folders failed when the move was between folders on the same partition. STOOP 1.01 ---------- ** 4th September '94 ** None reported