-- WHAT'S IN THE ZIP ARCHIVE? ----------------------------------- 42 A folder containing the source material and other assorted files belonging to the article on "The Real Answer". These files will make little sense without the article, I am afraid. And, oh yeah, the GfA Basic source file is in GfA Basic 2.0 (oops) :-) FROGGER The ST version of the old classic 8-bit game. Immensely playable, of course, like all those old games. It's 'donationware' by Dave Munsie, so go ahead and send him some money. GFA A folder containing all the source file bits that go with this issue's instalment of Han Kempen's "Your Second GfA Basic Manual". GFA_XTRA A folder containing some bonus extra material that came with Han Kempen's articles. NEWDEPAK An excellent depacker utility by Mike Watson of those lovable people at Sinister Developments (who have long since abandoned the Atari platform, but whattaheck). Separate Falcon and ST versions supplied, with full documentation. SCAPE1_2 Utterly useless program, which generates random planetscapes. Three versions present (one for regular, one for with FPU, one for legal VDI stuff), including documentation. -- WHAT IF YOU DON'T HAVE "ST ZIP"? ----------------------------- To extract the stuff mentioned above from the archive present on this disk, you need a program called "ST Zip". It is available from a variety of sources, but can also be found on the disk of "ST NEWS" Volume 9 Issue 1. Please get that issue, or try to get "ST Zip" through your local Public Domain library, BBS, friends or network. If there is no other way to get it, send me a disk with 3 IRCs (one extra if you live outside Europe) requesting "ST NEWS" Volume 9 Issue 1 (which has "ST Zip" on it).